Originally posted by mothhawk
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Chitchat thread #24
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Afternoon all,am later up today,had a bad night again,Nicos,if you have some other fabric,sheet or quilt cover,you have options,if it long enough to withstand being cut then great,if not,you could replace it with a matching fabric,or cut and sew anyway,then add a strip of fabric further down the cover,remembering to add seam allowence,the benefit of further down is,you not get seams where they will iritate the user,and will look better nearer the bottom,and hey presto,your own designer linnen,sigpicAnother nutter ,wife,mother, nan and nanan,love my growing places,seed collection and sharing,also one of these
Thanks for that recipe, GF, I've copied it to my recipe file to try sometime. I like the idea of carrots in it, I love carrot cake so I bet it makes xmas pud extra good too. The one I'm going to try first is from my mum's 1948 Good Housekeeping book and is less heavy and rich than traditional puds.Location - Leicestershire - Chisit-land
Endless wonder.
Morning all.
Nine o'clock here and the sun still isn't fully up over the trees on the other side of the valley. No clouds at the moment, but we are due cloudy spells.
All this festive food talk reminds me I must make my mincemeat this weekend. Happy pud making, guys. We're currently making our way through the leftovers of a packet of spiced festive season biscuits bought from L**l. Terrible. All fat, flour and no spice or crunch. Like stale custard creams without the custard. And I never liked those either!
Absolutely masses to do today, so better get a move on. Not sure what the smiles are up to. They're still milling around. Maybe they're waiting to wave to the sun before heading off. Doubtless they'll be whizzing along to see you soon.
Have a great day, everyone.
Good morning. Miserable and grey here ...and that's just me. It was raining when I got up and I can see no end in sight.
All this talk of mincemeat and puddings. I am, yet again, going to have to round up some of the pudding basins that have not been returned or buy more of them......or......💡💡💡 stop making puddings for family this year.
I have noticed that my much neglected Christmas cactus is waking up early.....
Mornin n’alln’all….well tis actually afternoon here now!
Thanks for your advice re the duvet covers. I’ll try just shortening them first and see how that goes…but I hadn’t thought about inserting a contrasting piece of fabric! Ideas are very much appreciated. I hate to see waste. Tis a strange thing for Hibou to have done- first time ever she’s ‘gutted’ anything apart from rugs.
We decided to take the camper out again yesterday and overnighted where we were last week. It’s really pretty, calm and absolutely no one around. On the way here we came across a burial mound and a burial chamber next to it. Absolutely incredible. The cap stone us about 3mx 4m and almost 1 metre thick.
Quick grory hop today and then domestics and a bit more drive weeding.
Thanks for the reminder about the Xmas pud - and the recipe gf. Forgetting the calories, I could eat Xmas pud until it comes out of my ears!
Right - best crack on ‘Time waits for no one’ as they say…..
"Nicos, Queen of Gooooogle" and... GYO's own Miss Marple
Location....Normandy France
Afternoon all.
Rain stopped play all morning so it was a good job I had nothing planned except a grory hop. Made the puds, but cheated and cooked them in the microwave as I used veg suet. They've turned out well. They are not keepers but I'll freeze a couple and have one for pudding tonight. Much lighter than a trad pud, probably due to only using breadcrumbs and no extra flour, and whipping yolks and whites of the eggs separately and folding in.Location - Leicestershire - Chisit-land
Endless wonder.
Evening all! Hope you are all well. All this talk of Christmas pudding…it’s coming round quicker every year!
it has been raining here most of the day…wet rain too. You know drizzle that seems to soak you through.
Had a lazy day and have eaten so much rubbish. Was going to have a good day tomorrow then remembered we are going out with friends. Oh well what’s a girl to do?!!
Have a great evening everyone, catch you later! xsigpic
The rain stopped after lunch so we've been out walking it was warm and sunny no coat needed. Plus I got the last of my lettuce planted should be plenty to last till spring.
enjoy your evening
Last edited by Bren In Pots; 27-10-2022, 05:57 PM.Location....East Midlands.
Morning all.
Cloudy at the moment. Forecast high of 25 ºC. Yesterday we hit 32 ºC in the shade. Night time temps are much cooler - low of 7 ºC last night in the veg patch. Even so, we should be having frosts by now. Bonkers. Still leaving the doors open for the animals to come and go at night, which means the kitchen is a bit cold for sourdough fermenting overnight. Might have to bob the doughs in the car for a bit to warm them up when temps start to rise.
A million and one things to do today. So better get the day underway. I somewhat unceremoniously shooed the smiles out today, so doubtless they'll be glad of a bit of decent company when they get to you.
Have a great day, everyone.
Mornin Snoopn’alln’all
The smiles arrived early here snoop. We too had our doors opened until we went to bed yesterday. Not reaching your temperatures of course.
My English marigolds and nasturtium have gone bonkers in this warmth. The frosts a few weeks ago saw off the nasturtium but a new lot have germinated and are now flowering . They were a really poor show this summer but are certainly making up for it now!
Busy day for me too, but I guess that’s to be expected having been galavanting around in the camper!
At least the change has sparked my enthusiasm again.
Anyone fancy a brew?"Nicos, Queen of Gooooogle" and... GYO's own Miss Marple
Location....Normandy France
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