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Chitchat thread #24


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  • afternoon all,fire works,heard that many this year,last night i jumped several times,sounded like just outside my window,am having a really lazy day today,it was nice last night,after dinner we simply relaxed,so peacefull exept for fireworks,i am thinking about having a digital piano instead of an conventianol upright,as it will never need tunning,and will be less intrusive in the space it will go,list's are very good idea,maybe i need to start using them again ho hum,my bother is,my mind can have more than my brain can cope with,iknow am my own enemy,at least the marbles get a workout,have a day and stay safe,
    sigpicAnother nutter ,wife,mother, nan and nanan,love my growing places,seed collection and sharing,also one of these


    • Originally posted by Bren In Pots View Post

      Snoop here's a link to the first frost thread.

      First Frosts 2022 - The Grapevine (

      The vine search has its problems I use :-

      site:www. growfruitandveg.

      copy the link remove the spaces then type what you're searching for at the beginning.
      Thanks twice over, Bren.


      • Evening

        I’m a Crocs wearer especially my furry ones this time of year. I do have a pair of furry booties though that I usually wear in the evening.

        Location....East Midlands.


        • Good evening, started off with some rain this morning but cleared up in the afternoon, a lazy morning before going to church, then once back home, a quick plate of soup before heading out to the garden, I spent a bit of time putting up a shelf in the greenhouse, then intended starting to clear out the flower beds, but my son and family turned up, by the time they were ready to head home, darkness had started to fall, so I missed a dry day, however I don't mind that much as while outside I noticed both a bumblebee and a wasp, so the flowers will be providing feeding for them, I don't really recall seeing them as late as this in the past, also I haven't seen many wasps this year, usually August, September brings a good number about the garden, things definitely changing, well enjoy the coming week and remember passing on smiles helps both you and the recipients. Goodnight
          it may be a struggle to reach the top, but once your over the hill your problems start.

          Member of the Nutters Club but I think I am just there to make up the numbers


          • Morning all.

            We've had loads of wasps this year and dozens of the whopper European hornets. Big fall-off in spider numbers as a result. Fewer moths and butterflies too. The only butterflies that have done well are the cabbage whites in recent weeks. No idea where they've come from but my brassicas are evidently the only game for miles around judging by the numbers that have been flitting around.

            Brightish at the moment. Cloud due later. At the moment, they're forecasting a bit of rain later in the week. Not much (about 1.5 cm over four days), but anything is better than nothing. One of the jobs for today is to see if we can lower the pump in the well, as it stopped pumping yesterday. The ground down in the fields is bone dry and the weeds snap, crackle and pop when you walk over them. Fingers crossed...

            Quite a long list of jobs for today on the famous whiteboard. I've been carrying a few over from one day to the next... Better get at least one of those done today. Also on the list is a meeting in the village. I've been randomly selected to join the fiestas committee. I have no idea what that means. Just the summer fiestas or all the fiestas all year round? If the latter, it could be quite onerous as there are plenty of fiestas here, starting with the Christmas fair in six weeks or so. A lovely event. Anyway, all will be revealed tonight.

            Have a great day, everyone.
            Last edited by Snoop Puss; 07-11-2022, 07:54 AM.


            • Mornin n’alln’all

              Rained all night and now very windy.
              OH has suggested we go mushrooming later this morning so I’ll need to wrap up. Gite cleaning first though…..

              Snoop - not sure if this applies to Spain, but they do say that ‘if a job needs doing efficiently then ask a busy person’ (Maybe that’s why I was always roped into ‘jobs’) Maybe you can limit your input to a select few events?- they must know how hard you work?

              Anyone fancy a brew?
              "Nicos, Queen of Gooooogle" and... GYO's own Miss Marple

              Location....Normandy France


              • Good morning all. A grey and dismal 12°C with drizzle here, but it looks as if the next couple of days should be better if I believe the forecasters. I've been trying to convince Mr GF and/or his brother that they ought to visit their sister in the care home but I'm struggling. At least one of them is going this way or another. I hate guilt tripping them but also feel so sorry for her.

                I think I might make a quick trip to the big Sainsbury's later. I don't go there often but they have things I can't get elsewhere and some decent own brand items and I got some offer coupons the other day.

                I'm another crocs wearer. I must say I hardly ever wear shoes outdoors. It's either knee high boots or open sandals for me. I'm still in sandals at the minute. I must look for and polish my favourite boots soon though.


                • Good morning all,
                  Dull and grey but its dry so far.
                  My grandaughter is coming for lunch as she is at college nearby,

                  Crocs, never wear then, I wear trainers.
                  I wear slip on trainers in the house.

                  A trip to the post office and supermarket later in the day.

                  We are having car problems as the key wont lock/unlock the car for us.
                  Hubby is trying to chase a Ford dealer who can help
                  We changed the battery in the fob and it still wont work,
                  Fingers crossed we get it sorted as hubby is upset about it.
                  Have a good day all.

                  And when your back stops aching,
                  And your hands begin to harden.
                  You will find yourself a partner,
                  In the glory of the garden.

                  Rudyard Kipling.sigpic


                  • Originally posted by Nicos View Post
                    Anyone fancy a brew?
                    Yes I doo

                    Today Mrs G starts her new Job. She went for the interview ages ago but never heard anything then last week out of the blue she got a call asking if she was still interesed and sorry it took so long but they were having building work done so had suspended recruitment till now. so she's at the new place today then on a course for 2 days so I offered to take her and stay overnight in a premier inn to save driving (rail strike I believe) and aprt from that , its drizzling here and I have the house to my self

                    Never be afraid to try something new.
                    Remember that a lone amateur built the Ark.
                    A large group of professionals built the Titanic


                    • Back again. Bramble our last car, a Volkswagon, had the same problem. A main dealer quoted us a ridiculous price for a new fob. I can't remember now how much but well over £100. Our local friendly mechanic sent us to a local auto electrician. He supplied 2 brand new fobs and programmed them for us for a fraction of the price.

                      I've been to the "big" supermarket and got my necessities such as bread flour, bovril (not squeezable though) and fenugreek (to make berbere spice mix). A few other things sneaked into the trolley such as blue cheeses, haggis, chicken livers (to make my favourite paté) and some proper "sticky" sellotape.

                      It has now stopped drizzling and I'm hopeful the sun might appear soon.


                      • Evening n’alln’all
                        Just bobbing in. Have had a very looong day but the mushroom hunting was fantastic. I’ll post some piccies tomorrow.
                        Early night for me….sleep well peeps
                        "Nicos, Queen of Gooooogle" and... GYO's own Miss Marple

                        Location....Normandy France


                        • Greenishfing, We are lucky, my husband got it sorted.
                          He went to a Ford dealership nearby and after trying a few different approaches said he couldn't help today as he was too busy.
                          He decided to make the long trip back to where he bought the car,
                          A trusty mechanic took time to work on the fob and we are now back up and running.
                          Relief as the car was unlocked since Friday.

                          Not a lot else to report.
                          Household chores and some ironing.
                          It was a rainy afternoon so got nothing done in the garden.

                          And when your back stops aching,
                          And your hands begin to harden.
                          You will find yourself a partner,
                          In the glory of the garden.

                          Rudyard Kipling.sigpic


                          • Mornin n’alln’all
                            Cor - tis very windy here. The leaves falling look like it’s snowing leaves! Very pretty to watch.
                            Back to sorting out our spare bedroom which is being used as a dump room at the moment.
                            I found a box of books yesterday I’d put to one side. Glad I had a closer look rather than assuming they were already sorted for charity - it’s full of books I’d particularly wanted to keep!
                            Looks like I’ve got a nice bit of reading to look forward to!

                            Keyfobs - that reminds me,I need a new battery for one of the camper van fobs.

                            Anyone fancy a brew?
                            "Nicos, Queen of Gooooogle" and... GYO's own Miss Marple

                            Location....Normandy France


                            • Morning

                              Our gardens full of leaves from yesterdays blustery weather we've already filled a few bags as well as the wire cage. We get leaves gathering on the front of the house that can only have arrived for a couple of streets away happens every year.

                              enjoy your day

                              Location....East Midlands.


                              • Morning all.

                                Yesterday saw quite a few pesky problems solved by Mr Snoop. Pump back pumping up water and the door of the woodburning stove in the bedroom is now fixed, so good to go for this winter. And I got a few minor bits and pieces out the way. More of those on the list, along with a couple of large items that I've been avoiding... Two new bits of work have come in too, one quite big, so that's good.

                                The meeting at the town hall was interesting... I'd only be helping out with the summer fiestas, which is good. But I'm on the list as a substitute in case someone else can't make it. So I might not be involved. Anyway, wait and see.

                                Bright here at the moment, though cloud is due. The potential rain has fizzled out by the look of the forecast for the next few days. Just as well the pump is going again. The smiles were a bit more determined this morning and set off promptly even though it was again a bit chilly. Think they'll be doing a special visit to you, Bramble. What a relief about the car.

                                And that's it for the news from the southern branch of the Vine.

                                Have a great day, everyone.


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