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Chitchat thread #24


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  • Originally posted by Nicos View Post
    We have a very old wallpaper stripper- at least 30 years old We’ve recently bought a Karcher for steam cleaning the gites post Covid so I’m guessing the wallpaper stripper has now been made redundant.

    Te he Rary!…
    Nicos, I have a wallpaper stripper, which I have had for an considerable undisclosed time, I have been told wallpaper strippers are handy for sterilizing soil, but she point blank refuses to do the this.
    and who are these Stepford wives, are they good strippers🤔
    it may be a struggle to reach the top, but once your over the hill your problems start.

    Member of the Nutters Club but I think I am just there to make up the numbers


    • Sorry for your loss Flo, I hope Himself's ok with it, not easy no matter what age
      it may be a struggle to reach the top, but once your over the hill your problems start.

      Member of the Nutters Club but I think I am just there to make up the numbers


      • Good to see you back Jay, sorry the news isn't so good, but please know there are folk thinking of you on here, if you want to moan feel free to do so, and yes being a married man I am used to moaning, and it will be a pleasant change to know I am not the cause of the moans
        it may be a struggle to reach the top, but once your over the hill your problems start.

        Member of the Nutters Club but I think I am just there to make up the numbers


        • Was going to update what I was doing today but have been told to move myself as death in paradise is coming on
          it may be a struggle to reach the top, but once your over the hill your problems start.

          Member of the Nutters Club but I think I am just there to make up the numbers


          • Thanks both, lovely to have our virtual friendship!

            Sorry to hear your news Flo, 2022 has been a stinker all round. x


            • Jay, it's really good to hear from you again. Come and have a chat or even a moan whenever you get the urge.

              Flo, arranging a funeral can't be a good start to the year.

              Here's hoping 2023 improves as it goes on for everyone.

              Rary, you keep making me laugh. I can't believe you've never seen The Stepford Wives. I just wonder what the "perfect" Stepford Husband would be like........apart from boring.


              • Hi there Jay.
                Really sorry to hear your news…let’s hope this new treatment does the trick. Not an easy time for you…You know that we’re here for you xx
                "Nicos, Queen of Gooooogle" and... GYO's own Miss Marple

                Location....Normandy France


                • Good to see you Jay all the best with your treatment xx
                  Location....East Midlands.


                  • Good morning.....a wet one yet again. It is 9°C however. The next week is forecast to be much colder......with ice and snow.

                    The enticing aroma from the kitchen from the breadmaker was what lured me out of bed I think. It's nearly finished. We are really going through bread at an amazing speed at the minute....definitely helped by the local bird population. It doesn't matter what kinds of bird food I put out for them ....given a choice they eat our bread first and then sit on the fence and seem to glare at me until they get more. There is actually a fat ball on top of the fence which I presume has been put there by a squirrel and a blackbird is now packing away at it. They can't have more bread until the breadmaker finishes and it cools.


                    • Morning

                      Another wet start to the day I've only been to gate for milk so not checked GH temp.

                      Your garden birds know what they like GF ours have now cleared the last of the apples from the trees they keep coming back hoping there's more.
                      Location....East Midlands.


                      • Mornin n’alln’all

                        I too woke up to the smell of fresh bread!
                        OH got up early and baked two sourdough loaves, an Irish Soda bread and sourdough cheese biscuits.
                        They are still cooling down…and my mouth is watering!

                        Its really windy and wet here. I think I’ll move the car from under the big tree in the front garden

                        More indoor pottering for me today. And reading…

                        Whats everyone else up to?

                        "Nicos, Queen of Gooooogle" and... GYO's own Miss Marple

                        Location....Normandy France


                        • Good morning all.
                          Another wet and windy one here too.

                          So sorry to hear about your MIL, Flo, what a shock it must have been for the whole family. The most difficult time of year too. Your OH must have been in pieces.

                          Jay, good to know you are getting treatment and hopefully on the mend again, ready for Spring
                          Location - Leicestershire - Chisit-land
                          Endless wonder.


                          • Morning all.

                            Really sorry to hear your news, Jay. I remember your post complaining about the pain in your ribs. Good to see you back.

                            Golly gosh, Nicos. I thought I was a keen baker but your OH takes the biscuit, so to speak.

                            Got absolutely masses to do today. But it's nice and sunny and that always helps. It was a perishing cold night and everywhere in the shade is still very cold. Even so, if I look out the window I can see a sunny patch, so I'm fooling myself that yes, I can leave all the windows and doors open and let a bit of fresh air in and not feel the cold. Snow forecast for next week, so need to get ready for that. Mr Snoop not best pleased. He hates snow.

                            Right, on with the show. First job, finish a bit of work. Then make bread rolls. Then clean the range out (been a while since I last did it). Also will get Mr Snoop to have a bash at the chimney when he's recovered from the excess wine he had last night. Then I don't know. More bread? Some seeded crackers? Your OH has a lot to answer for, Nicos. Definitely a bit of tidying outside. There are lots of things out that would be a hazard once covered in snow and hence out of sight.

                            The smiles were in a right good mood when they set off, with a detour to check out the woodpecker who's been going at it hammer and tongs for ages now. Must have found a productive spot to peck away at.

                            Have a great day, everyone.


                            • A short while ago Mr GF was saying he wanted a music CD that he'd seen advertised in yesterday's newspaper. I said okay but why and immediately found the particular ancient song he wanted to listen to on Utube on my phone and to surprise him I cast it to the TV. He has since been coming up with obscure tracks that he fancies listening to and I keep finding them and adding them to a playlist. He probably already has most, if not all, of this music on his hundreds of CDs which are spread around bookshelves and boxes everywhere but there is no rhyme or reason to their order and finding any particular one would be a complete nightmare. We haven't even got a CD player in the car any more. I do remember years ago when DVDs first became popular he wanted to copy them onto VHS videos and couldn't understand why nobody else wanted to. Eventually he built up a library of DVDs of course and I managed to even get him to get rid of his VHS videos. Eventually he will accept new technology but it takes a while..... He is now saying he will start using his smartphone. We will see. He got his first one years before me but when I eventually got one he had to get an identical one as mine did much more..... nothing to do with actually turning it on and using it of course. When I switched his phone on the other day to connect to our new wifi network his daughter, who lives abroad, immediately noticed "he" was on facebook when I was checking it was working okay and video called him getting a great view of his ear!

                              Off to the garage now for a newspaper.


                              • Good morning all.
                                Bright and sunny here with a clear blue sky but a very cold breeze, just 5 degs.
                                Off out for a walk shortly and a call into the library,
                                Not lot eleon the cards today
                                It will be reading and making my jigsaw,

                                Snoop, you have a really busy life, di you ever get time to chill out?

                                Jay, I'm delighted to see you back with us and hope your treatment goes well,

                                Have a good day all and stay dry.

                                And when your back stops aching,
                                And your hands begin to harden.
                                You will find yourself a partner,
                                In the glory of the garden.

                                Rudyard Kipling.sigpic


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