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Chitchat thread #24


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  • Morning

    A bit of shopping, a few items for the charity shop then I'll be in the garden later it looks like being a dry but cold day here.

    Originally posted by Snoop Puss View Post
    Another option is to see if this link works:
    That link worked Snoop, thanks I was surprised it only contained half teaspoon of cinnamon though.

    Location....East Midlands.


    • Click image for larger version

Name:	20230225_094243.jpg
Views:	164
Size:	430.7 KB
ID:	2558453
      This is the ancient recipe, Nicos. I made double which made 2 big loaves (2lb loaf tins) and added about 10 minutes to the time. The only important thing is to make sure that the bananas are ripe. It freezes well too.....not that it ever normally would get the chance.


      • Aww…thanks gf.
        I really love that it’s a time tested recipe…and used by your mom! I bet she’d be delighted you are sharing her recipe ❤️
        "Nicos, Queen of Gooooogle" and... GYO's own Miss Marple

        Location....Normandy France


        • Originally posted by Bren In Pots View Post
          That link worked Snoop, thanks I was surprised it only contained half teaspoon of cinnamon though.
          Me too. I'll add a bit more next time. But not much. I find cinnamon quite a powerful flavour and tend to fight shy of things like cinnamon buns. Just too much cinnamon for my tastes. I upped the hydration to 67% and soaked the fruit in water just briefly, but it was still quite damp, so that will have added a bit. I now find his recipes in this book a bit dry. Anyway, still very nice. I put some in the freezer but Mr Snoop's wheedling has made me think I need to get it back out again already.


          • Originally posted by greenishfing View Post
            Click image for larger version

Name:	20230225_094243.jpg
Views:	164
Size:	430.7 KB
ID:	2558453
            This is the ancient recipe, Nicos. I made double which made 2 big loaves (2lb loaf tins) and added about 10 minutes to the time. The only important thing is to make sure that the bananas are ripe. It freezes well too.....not that it ever normally would get the chance.
            Thanks, GF. I shall give that a try. I suspect Mr GF and Mr Snoop have similar tastes in cake...


            • Mr GF is now muttering that it's elevenses time....which means tea or coffee and banana bread. Here is the actual loaf.
              Click image for larger version

Name:	20230225_105850.jpg
Views:	159
Size:	580.4 KB
ID:	2558459
              ..or what is left of it!


              • Good Morning All Lovely bread and cakes. Colder than yesterday and rain forecast. I've been ages doing phrazle - I've got it, but I've never heard of it! Have a good day All
                Granny on the Game in Sheffield


                • Good afternoon dry sunny but a bit cold today, more work done on the flower beds, also covered part of one of the beds with black polythene to heat up the soil for the tatties, nice to be able to get out in the garden again, I need to do some work on the front, as I note that my Chilean lantern bush looks in a bad way from frost damage, it definitely needs cut back but will leave lt till see some green shoots on it so that I don't cut live wood off it, will be going for fish suppers shortly, for the tea, a fish supper with a thick slice of bread is what I enjoy, it would be nice to finish off with home made bread or cake instead off just looking at photos of them😢, need to go enjoy your evening and keep smiling
                  it may be a struggle to reach the top, but once your over the hill your problems start.

                  Member of the Nutters Club but I think I am just there to make up the numbers


                  • Good morning all. It's 3°C here and very cloudy. Not a good night's sleep. I awoke from a nightmare at 2.30am and it took me ages to reassure myself enough to go back to sleep. I'm glad that this is an extremely rare event for me.

                    Last night was really pleasant as an old friend called round and we had lots of laughs.

                    I'm thinking about getting up soon as I've done a quick run to the thermostat and turned the heat up. I'm just waiting for it to take effect now. At least it is warm and cosy in bed in the meantime, but the call of coffee is getting stronger.


                    • Mornin n’alln’all
                      Another cold night with a light frost, but it’s now lovely and sunny.
                      We decided to keep both wood fires burning last night and it was actually a pleasure to wander downstairs this morning- didn’t take much to get the fires blasting away again.
                      Sorry to hear about your nightmare gf…..they are quite scary to come down from aren’t they?

                      No particular plans for today…OH will be watching the rugby so I might do some more knitting after a bit of weeding.
                      Yesterday he popped out to buy some second hand scaffolding boards …we only needed 8 @4 metres….but he ended coming back with all 18….most almost brand new, each costing roughly £7 . Nothing like a bargain eh? But I’m now thinking of uses for them all…looks like my Victorian hot bed will be on the cards!…maybe two!

                      So…who fancies a brew?..have you had your coffee yet gf?

                      And hey up…what are those smiles up to Snoop…having a lie-in ?
                      Last edited by Nicos; 26-02-2023, 08:50 AM.
                      "Nicos, Queen of Gooooogle" and... GYO's own Miss Marple

                      Location....Normandy France


                      • Morning all.

                        Not sure where the smiles are, Nicos, but hiding in among your boards strikes me as a likely possibility. Sounds like they'll be giving you plenty of smiles!

                        Not that cold today, but grey and spitting outside. Fire going in the kitchen. Coffee nearly ready here. Buttered fruit loaf on offer if anyone wants it.

                        Busy day ahead and I still haven't done the asparagus beds...

                        Have a great day, everyone.


                        • Good Morning All Sunny here but freezing cold. Have a lovely Sunday
                          Granny on the Game in Sheffield


                          • The temperature has now risen to 4°C, and is not forecast to rise a lot higher all day with maybe some rain. .... it feels cold enough to snow.

                            When I sneaked back to bed after turning the thermostat up earlier I dropped back to sleep and am only now eventually drinking my first cup of coffee. I had another dream just before I awoke and the only bit I remember was a "bad man" got arrested by three policemen. I am presuming this was my subconscious's way of sorting out my nightmare from earlier........... Mr GF thinks my dreams are weird, but then again he never remembers his at all, apart from when he is fighting or running in them and I wake him up so that I don't get kicked or thumped. Fortunately a rare event.

                            It is my niece's birthday today. She is very happy with my choice of the hanging basket blackberries even though all she has got so far is a by the end of March. I did suggest that she might prefer to plant them in tubs but she says hanging baskets are definitely the way to go as her Great Dane is a "fruit thief". That reminds me of a neighbour's little dog at the allotment who would occasionally sneak into my greenhouse and steal cherry tomatoes off the plant.

                            Second mug of coffee is overdue now......


                            • Morning

                              Nice ans sunny here as well Flo it looks like the GH is the best place to enjoy the sunshine though.

                              I love fruit loaf Snoop I've just finished my bacon, eggs and mushrooms so will save my piece for afternoon tea.

                              Those scaffolding boards were a good price Nicos a hot bed does sound like a good idea
                              Location....East Midlands.


                              • Morning all.

                                Sunny here too, but with a few clouds which are definitely moving east to west, so I guess it's dry and chilly for the rest of today.

                                I'm planning on making a bread and butter pudding for lunch dessert. There's a small loaf been loitering in the freezer for long enough, time it was used
                                Location - Leicestershire - Chisit-land
                                Endless wonder.


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