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Chitchat thread #24


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  • Mornin n’alln’all
    Just heading off to the local park so I thought I’d bob in to say hi.
    Looks like we’re in for a frost tonight -2C forecast Glad we cut and stored around 60 various pumpkins from the field the other day!? Glad I don’t have to try and eat them all…we’ve 6 big ones to go back to.

    have a great day peeps…
    "Nicos, Queen of Gooooogle" and... GYO's own Miss Marple

    Location....Normandy France


    • Good morning and shiver me' timbers. It's a sunny 5°C here. 11 degrees cooler than this time yesterday.

      I'm definitely going to make some mincemeat today. Not because I'm getting super organised for the "festive" season, just keep fancying that mincemeat cake that I bookmarked a few weeks ago.

      I can hear the binmen emptying our bins at the moment which will I imagine awaken Mr GF and bring my peaceful coffee drinking to an end. (Auto correct kept insisting binmen was "gunmen"!!) Thankfully not.

      I was right, Mr GF is now up and about and happy that the central heating has warmed everything up. We supposedly might get frosts at the weekend!
      Last edited by greenishfing; 12-10-2023, 09:25 AM.


      • It.' been a glorious morning, 12 degrees now and sunny, but quite a lot of white clouds too, Sainsburys due soon with our delivery, then my covid booster jab later, so a quiet sort of day today.


        • Click image for larger version

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          I did half of a doctored Delia recipe in the end. It seems to taste okay😋


          • Afternoon!
            it’s been gloriously sunny here too in the Northern Lakes. Turned out there was a first frost here last night after all!

            I made a trip into Booths ( it’s a bit like a locally based Waitrose), bought Parkin ( treacle type ginger cake) treacle toffee and a Xmas Pud. Feeling very happy with that!
            Those jars look smashing gf! Yummy yum!…how long ‘should’ ( ha ha…as if…..) you leave them for before eating?

            "Nicos, Queen of Gooooogle" and... GYO's own Miss Marple

            Location....Normandy France


            • Originally posted by Nicos View Post
              Those jars look smashing gf! Yummy yum!…how long ‘should’ ( ha ha…as if…..) you leave them for before eating?
              I'm going to leave them "about" a week before I have a go at the mincemeat cake I've seen on here. Mr GF asked why I didn't make more. My reply was this is just the latest prototype and I might be able to improve on it next time. It does actually taste good already though!!!😋


              • Morning all.

                Bright but cool again today.

                Those jars look very appealing, gf. In fact, Sure as eggs are eggs, the smiles will be heading your way for a first-hand inspection. I was thinking of making the Mary Berry recipe with butter, but will have a look at Delia and see what I can find. I've got a lot of glacé cherries that need using up. Whatever I make, I'll bung a load of those in.

                Didn't get anything like as much done yesterday as I should have. So really must get my skates on today. Mr Snoop doing the noble thing and getting us weather-proofed. Rain due early next week, so it's the tedious jobs of getting firewood under cover close to the house and the like.

                Have a great day, everyone.
                Last edited by Snoop Puss; 13-10-2023, 09:40 AM.


                • Good morning all. A grey and drizzly Friday the thirteenth!😱 The rain was lashing down in the night. I awoke to the glorious aroma of bread however, always a promising start to the day.

                  Snoop, although I sort of used Delia's recipe instead of putting all the ingredients in a bowl in the oven on low for 3 hours I put it all in the slow cooker on low instead which worked well.


                  • Good Morning All Drizzly and cool. Eldest GG is coming this morning to collect her mini Victorias for her soiree this evening. Have a good day
                    Granny on the Game in Sheffield


                    • Mornin n’all n’all

                      Quick pop in as we’re looking after our granddaughter , and it’s Mr Nicos’s birthday today. She’s already blown out the candles many times and keeps singing Hoppy birday - so sweet!😋

                      The smiles whizzed overhead earlier having got scent of the freshly baked cake… but already looked stuffed having inspected the other goodies en route here! I wonder what the secret is to being stuffed and whizzing!…. I just want to sleep in that state!

                      Enjoy your day peeps- see y’a later!
                      "Nicos, Queen of Gooooogle" and... GYO's own Miss Marple

                      Location....Normandy France


                      • Happy birthday to Mr Nicos.

                        I suspect it's the smiles' superpower. That said, I always used to think they didn't actually eat anything, just admired and flew on. But now I'm not so sure, as they do look like they could be putting on a bit of weight for winter.


                        • Afternoon, started off wet this morning but it’s turned into a nice sunny afternoon. Not a lot on the cards today.
                          GF, love the look of your mincemeat, I’ve made my chutney and it’s winking at me every time I pass.
                          Enjoy the time with your granddaughter Nicos, we are off to baby sit overnight at the end of next week as funnily enough our daughter and son in law are off to the lakes for the night…keep your fingers crossed for us!!
                          Anyhoo, enjoy the rest of your day and will catch you all later. x


                          • Oh an Happy Birthday Mr. Nicos!!


                            • Afternoon all, and Happy Birthday to Mr Nicos

                              I use Mary Berry's mincemeat recipe. In fact when that mincemeat cake recipe was posted, I opened my last jar, made in 2019, and it was as perfect as the year I made it. I must remember to get the ingredients to make more, next grory hop.

                              It's been raining here since the wee small hours, with just a brief pause around breakfast time, watering in the peony I moved the other day.
                              Location - Leicestershire - Chisit-land
                              Endless wonder.


                              • Afternoon

                                Sending birthday wishes to MrNicos.

                                Nice looking mincemeat GF I made some once from an old recipe but ever since I’ve used bought only because it’s easier.

                                It’s raining heavy here.
                                Location....East Midlands.


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