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Chitchat thread #24


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  • Afternoon, a bit windy overnight and this morning, storm Babet on her way? We are flying to Bristol tomorrow, not looking forward to it at all…assuming it does fly.
    Today is domestics time, like to leave the house clean and tidy.
    Hope you had a good time in the UK Nicos, enjoy Madrid bramble. Hope you get the boar problem sorted soon Snoop!!
    Have a great day and hope Babet is not as bad as they think!


    • Ah gf…so many things I can’t bring over anymore
      but…porridge oats, tinned fish, Baked beans,Persil are the main things. Plus freezer bags seem thicker in the uk.
      I have to check all over the internet to see if something is allowed. I’ve not found a list of what is ok….probably impossible to crease product by product.
      I just presume things aren’t and am careful. Hence me binge eating on my favourites when I’m over in the uk
      This holidays favourites were Chinese takeaway, pork pies, sausage rolls, loads of different Uk cheeses, mince pies, cream cakes, bacon, sausages, my daughter’s organic beef, pork scratchings…to name a few. Hence needing to start my diet…again!
      And yes, it’s worth it!

      I picked a load of acorns whilst with my daughter and thought I’d given them all to her to plant in one of their fields but I found one hiding in the bottom of my handbag. There’s a disease called ‘sudden oak death syndrome’ and it’ll illegal to import …needless to say, It’s already been thrown in the fire and burnt and I’ve washed out my handbag carefully. Just not worth the risk.
      Last edited by Nicos; 18-10-2023, 02:32 PM.
      "Nicos, Queen of Gooooogle" and... GYO's own Miss Marple

      Location....Normandy France


      • Jay, the channel was rough yesterday evening, ( well, it was for me but I’m rubbish on a boat, ) so I hope you have a calm flight.
        "Nicos, Queen of Gooooogle" and... GYO's own Miss Marple

        Location....Normandy France


        • Good afternoon, was working in the garden when I got a request for help from my daughter, someone was going to hang some paper for her, but unfortunately they couldn't manage but someone else is coming this afternoon to do some painting, so she needed the papering done ASAP, so have spent the past four hours papering, as she is decorating we have our granddaughter staying with us, she struggles with the breathing when exposed to paint fumes, so staying here for four days, as she gets up early for work and even though she is more than able to fend for herself, I still waken and get up to check she is up OK, OH says I should just stay in bed, unfortunately once I am awake that's me for the day, so I might as well get up, but now I am going to inspect the inside of the eye lids, so everyone have a good day, bramble, enjoy your visit to Madrid and Snoop look out some sharp knives in preparation for a feast to which I hope we are all invited​​​​​​​
          it may be a struggle to reach the top, but once your over the hill your problems start.

          Member of the Nutters Club but I think I am just there to make up the numbers


          • Jay, have a good flight to Bristol tomorrow.
            As far as I am aware, the south of Irelsnd got the worst of it.

            Nicos, are they very strict on what you can take into the country with you?

            Snoop, I hope you find a solution to your problem with the boar. Life is tough enough. 😣

            Rary, we are the same here, always there for our grandkids no matter the hour or the day.

            Have a good night all.

            And when your back stops aching,
            And your hands begin to harden.
            You will find yourself a partner,
            In the glory of the garden.

            Rudyard Kipling.sigpic


            • While I was getting Mr GF and his brother some sweets, pear drops and pontefract cakes and sherbet lemons in the pound shop earlier I realised they'd already got Chriamas decorations in. I picked up a little string of 20 red micro LEDs that run off 2 AA batteries. I just stuffed them inside the lamp without removing any of the old innards, but I am quite impressed.
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              • Good Morning All That's pretty GF Fine here at the moment. Have a good day
                Granny on the Game in Sheffield


                • Morning all.

                  Mission accomplished by the sounds of it, GF. Pontefract cakes... I shouldn't be left alone with a bag of those. I'm a liquorice fan and Pontefract cakes are my favourite.

                  Cloudy here at the moment. Rain forecast for later on but looks like it might arrive early.

                  Plenty to keep me busy as per, but I'm quite jolly. About to make coffee for Mr Snoop and me, so will make extras. Help yourselves. No biscuits or cake, I'm afraid. We'll just have to keep ourselves fortified with the idea of GF's sweets.

                  Have a great day, everyone.


                  • Morning, Flo, Snoop and all.

                    Had a lot of rain in the night, and from the looks of the sky there is a lot more to come. Probably an indoor day then there's plenty I could be doing indoors, but I don't have much mojo ATM. I'll take you up on the coffee, Snoop, it might give me some get-up-and-go.

                    Location - Leicestershire - Chisit-land
                    Endless wonder.


                    • Morning

                      That's an easier solution to your lighting GF

                      A quick look around the vine then of on a Grory hop, looking at the heavy rain we'll be going in the car.

                      Location....East Midlands.


                      • Good morning.

                        Unfortunately a terrible night's sleep. I could hear the rain bashing against the windows all night. It has eased off a bit now. Every time I look outside there seems to be less leaves on the trees and the view appears bleaker.

                        I just got interrupted by the postman who had a little unexpected parcel for me from my sister. Two miniature bottles of pear liqueur that she has made. I shall be trying that this evening. I texted to say thank you and tell her that mincemeat cake and brandy cream is a marriage made in heaven. Her reply was that a bit of alcohol improves the taste of anything.

                        This afternoon Mr GF, his brother and myself have all got appointments for our covid booster at a local chemist. I shall be driving us all there and will no doubt have an achey arm tomorrow..... far better than getting covid however.


                        • Mornin n’alln’all

                          Loads of sploshy overnight following on from the strong winds and rain of yesterday. I think that was part of the storm heading up towards scotland?

                          Bramble - yes, loads of restrictions since Brexit. So much so that I’ve been checking to see if there is an Irish exporter selling similar things to what I used to buy in England. One in particular is Haggis. Do you know of any Irish producers of haggis?

                          Gf…looks like a great solution - well done!

                          I had a bit of a wander in the garden yesterday and noticed we were hit by frost last weekend. Not badly but enough to start pulling up a few veg plants. Needless to say , I have a pile of apples needing cooking down!
                          OH has been making apple cider vinegar with the peelings and we’ve quite a lot on the go, the first batch has stopped fermenting so we now need to leave it to go sour.

                          Good work there Rary!…you are a really talented guy.
                          How is the storm up there in the north east? Burnie, are you cut off again?

                          We’re off for our Covid jabs this afternoon so will pop in for a quick grory hop whilst we’re out.
                          Bit more unpacking to do too today.
                          Hibou is chuffed to bits we’re home. It does make me feel guilty at leaving her…even though she’s well looked after when we’re away. Last night she brought up 3 toys for our midnight snacks. Such a sweetie

                          You feeling more motivated now MH? I hear Snoop makes amazing coffees.

                          Enjoy your day peeps…..remember to vote please in the competition - even if you didn’t enter- every vote counts!
                          "Nicos, Queen of Gooooogle" and... GYO's own Miss Marple

                          Location....Normandy France


                          • Afternoon

                            Grory hop went of fine even the rain stopped so we could walk over.
                            Nicos not sure why but I’ve never eaten Haggis, might have to try it sometime.
                            Location....East Midlands.


                            • If you've eaten Faggots you've eaten the same ingredients as Haggis, except for the 'erbs and such like, but of course the wild Haggis freshly shot from the Cairngorms mountains taste different to the other breeds


                              • Thanks for that Burnie, I’ll give Haggis a try.
                                Location....East Midlands.


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