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Chitchat thread #24


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  • Morning

    Doing fine here thanks Jay, glad to hear you got your week visiting family and fingers crossed treatment keep going well. xx

    CG not making anything apart from granny squares and test pieces, still working my way through a book I bought 'Crochet Step by Step by Sally Harding' I'm finding it difficult compared to knitting but I'm not giving up this time.

    Our snow's got from the roads and paths its hanging around on the garden though.

    Location....East Midlands.


    • Morning, wet and windy here this morning, no snow though! Laundry on the cards for today and maybe a bit of grocery shopping too.
      Had a nice break, visited Lichfield for the first time, lovely town (city). Not really explored that side of the country before but was quite impressed.
      Enjoy your day folks whatever you are doing x


      • Good morning,dull and cold here, I think we will get rain shortly, don't know what on the cas for today,wil need to think on where I will let OH talk me in to taking her. Glad you had a safe journey Jay, no matter the weather, it's always worth the bother of a long trip to see the family, and speaking of, at the moment I don't need to go up to see the boys out to school, as our son has packed in his job, OH is worried about it but personally I think he is right, if you are not happy in a job, yo are better packing it in, after all, you work to live, not, live to work and I feel quite sure he will get another job that he prefers, though it does make you wonder if we are correct in encouraging the children to university, question I suppose we can't give a definite answer to, any way enough of the philosophising, enjoy your day and those who, like me who are getting impatient to get out to the garden, remember there are other ways, of dodging the housework
        it may be a struggle to reach the top, but once your over the hill your problems start.

        Member of the Nutters Club but I think I am just there to make up the numbers


        • Morning all.

          Special hello to Jay. Glad you had a nice trip. Fingers crossed for the treatment.

          All good here. No snow, bramble, just rain. And quite a bit more than they forecast. Very good news. Frankie is proving to be an all-terrain, all-weather cat. Not in the least bit bothered by rain. Comes in absolutely soaking wet and then wants to be dried off. So he does think that we have our uses, that we aren't all evil and planning to do something horrible to him. A wet spring might do wonders for our relationship, not just for the land and the well.

          Lots to do today, as per. But fortified by a piece of buttered toast and a lovely coffee, I'm ready to do battle with the computer.

          Hope you have a good day, everyone, whatever the weather.


          • Good Morning All Snow just about all washed away. Have a good day
            Granny on the Game in Sheffield


            • Good morning all.
              No rain or snow and its brightening up nicely.
              I am going into town this morning g to get a birthday gift for my GG girls 21st birthday.

              Jay, lovely to hear you managed to have a ho,today with family.
              Best wishes for a successful outcome from your new treatment,

              Nicos, granny hugs, theres nothing like it, worth the journey.

              GF...well done on getting your new phone up and running.
              I must bite the bullet.

              Glad you got your rain Snoop.

              Have a good day all,

              And when your back stops aching,
              And your hands begin to harden.
              You will find yourself a partner,
              In the glory of the garden.

              Rudyard Kipling.sigpic


              • While walking.tonight , OH picked up a stone which was random in a barely stoney path, we brought it home.
                Anyone see the face we see?
                Last edited by Containergardener; 09-02-2024, 07:52 PM.
                Northern England.


                • Evening all.

                  All our snow has now been washed away. Today has just been cold, miserable, grey and wet without a glimpse of the sun.

                  Jay, I'm glad you had a nice trip visiting family and hope your new treatment helps.

                  Nicos, did you get the chance to build any snowmen?

                  CG I can definitely see the face in your rock.


                  • Morning
                    Another grey day forecasted. Some sunshine is required for one's spirits I must admit, little tired of the grey blanket.
                    I need to nip to the vet and I also need to have some food cupboard tidying time in the kitchen, there is stuff in there years old , one of those carousel cupboards which you seem to just get more and more into.
                    Northern England.


                    • Morning

                      The earlier fog is slowly turning into damp mist so not a very nice day at all. Nipping out for a paper soon and a look in the bakery window if there's anything I fancy for afternoon tea.

                      CG I like your rock monster
                      Location....East Midlands.


                      • Morning all.

                        Interesting rock, CG. Where will you put it?

                        Very dull out, but the main weather feature this morning is the wind. Frankie has even come in the kitchen with us. I reckon he'd get blown away if he were to go out.

                        Yesterday was not a very productive day. Much as I thought I would do battle with the computer, it was the other way around. Hope I don't need another one. I might start the day by running a Malwarebytes scan, even though they run automatically, just to make sure. All this talk of phones yesterday might have jinxed it. I once had a phone so long I couldn't update Android and eventually Gmail told me it was so old I couldn't open my email on it anymore. I loved that phone. It had a pull-out keyboard and was absolutely tiny, smaller than a cigarette packet. Now there's an outdated unit of measurement!

                        Have a great day, everyone.


                        • Good Morning All Cloudy but dry here. That rock face looks to me as though it's winking CG! Have a good day
                          Granny on the Game in Sheffield


                          • Good morning all,
                            A lovely dunny morning which wasnt expected.
                            I am off to the park while it stays fine.

                            Very interesting rock there CG .

                            That sounded like a great phone Snoop, now they're making them bigger.
                            I went into the phone shop yesterday and all the staff in the store tried to sell me one...overpowering.
                            I will go again during the week.
                            Have a good day all,

                            And when your back stops aching,
                            And your hands begin to harden.
                            You will find yourself a partner,
                            In the glory of the garden.

                            Rudyard Kipling.sigpic


                            • I did think phones would have gone smaller but instead they went the other way. I had a flip phone for years I really loved that little phone.
                              Location....East Midlands.


                              • Good afternoon all.

                                Still very damp here with more rain forecast and no sign of the sun. I slept like a log last night, only woke up once. It was great.😴

                                CG, how big is your rock?

                                Bramble, I bought my phone in Currys, simply because I wanted it there and then, sim free and I bought my other (first) smartphone there simply by telling the assistant my budget and asking for her recommendation. I didn't particularly want a smartphone the first time but I liked the idea of a decent camera and I do occasionally make giant leaps in technology. I still remember the first time I turned on mobile data and went on Google maps when I was trying to find a place that mended satnavs as the one we had in the car died. I then decided that I could live without the satnav. Another amazing moment was when I slid it into a tiny gap to take a photo of the manufacturers label on a heavy piece of equipment without having to drag the equipment out. I always mean to do my research when buying new items but in the end I'm often just not organised/want it now.

                                Lunchtime now. Leftover soup from yesterday to warm up.


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