Good morning.
When I got up I noticed the red light of doom was glowing on the router! No Internet! 🥴There had been planned updates on the system last night but they were supposedly between 2am and 6am. I went to make coffee and was deciding what to do....ring/email the company with mobile data? Unplug the modem and see if it would reset? Give it another hour? When I'd made my coffee amazingly the red light of doom had disappeared and all was working.😀
The one app I still have to put on the new phone is the one that controls my wi-fi network. I must admit that I've been putting it off as I'm scared of upsetting something. I never change anything on it, but just use it occasionally to check the speed, or monitor what is connected.
It's grey and wet yet again here today but we did actually get a couple of hours of watery sunshine yesterday afternoon.
Hopefully I'm going to become a great aunt again this week.
When I got up I noticed the red light of doom was glowing on the router! No Internet! 🥴There had been planned updates on the system last night but they were supposedly between 2am and 6am. I went to make coffee and was deciding what to do....ring/email the company with mobile data? Unplug the modem and see if it would reset? Give it another hour? When I'd made my coffee amazingly the red light of doom had disappeared and all was working.😀
The one app I still have to put on the new phone is the one that controls my wi-fi network. I must admit that I've been putting it off as I'm scared of upsetting something. I never change anything on it, but just use it occasionally to check the speed, or monitor what is connected.
It's grey and wet yet again here today but we did actually get a couple of hours of watery sunshine yesterday afternoon.
Hopefully I'm going to become a great aunt again this week.
