Good evening, another busy day today, down to Kilmarnock with one of the grandsons, when I got back home as it was dry I decided to get some wood sawn so that I could stack it and allow it to dry as it will be used in the fire, had some lunch and then started to write a post, but got a call from grandson to let me know he would be finished quite soon, so got ready to go and get him and before I got into the car I got another message telling me he was finished for the day, so I needed to move, between roadworks, diversions and traffic, it took me a bit of time to get down for him, once back home was having a coffee when I got a message from another grandson asking if I could pick him up, he had been away canoeing as part of his DoE and as there is no bus service he tried to catch a train but was going to be over an hour before he got one, I had travelled about two miles on the way to pick him up when he phoned to tell me I wasn't needed as his father was going to collect him, some day I will get time to myself
once back home I have spent recreate of the day in the garden so now feel knackered I think it will be an early bed for me tonight, I wish you all a good evening and I'm passing on some smiles to you
