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Chitchat thread #24


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  • Mornin n’alln’all
    Sunny and breezy here - a great drying day!. Pity I’ve not got any washing to do

    Good luck with the dentist Snoop…gosh…I must put in a new order for more “I’ve been brave today” badges!
    I feel quite boring in comparison

    Missy sounds a delight…as all kittens do - enjoy the moment, they grow up so fast…much faster than children
    Cant believe Hibou is 14 already - this last year she’s slowly been getting many more white hairs in her black coat and struggling jumping as high. And her sight is starting to fail…. Got to make the most of every precious moment don’t we?

    Not sure what my plans are for today.
    I do need to check I have definitely reserved a 3 metres stall for the local Xmas Fair so I can crack on making things. They did specifically invite me as there is no one else offering the same sort of things, so in reality it’s just about the size of stall I need to fill! Fingers crossed please!
    I guess we all need to prepare for Xmas now Lottie!

    MH…have fun in the kitchen again today. Which piccalilli recipe do you use?
    I don’t recall reading the Autumn poem ..
    But only yesterday I noticed my hazelnuts starting to fall along with the apples.
    Lovely poem..thanks for mentioning it.

    Right…had a slow start today…need to shake a leg and collect the masses of English marigold seeds which we seem to have this year now the morning dew will have been evaporated by the sun and wind.

    Enjoy your day peeps..good luck with boilers etc…(there seems to be a jinx around at the moment…my SIL said their solar panels for their hot water stopped working yesterday too )
    Modern technology eh?

    Last edited by Nicos; 17-09-2024, 09:30 AM.
    "Nicos, Queen of Gooooogle" and... GYO's own Miss Marple

    Location....Normandy France


    • There must be a jinx about - I've just discovered we have no hot water! Better try the re-set button.
      Last edited by Florence Fennel; 17-09-2024, 09:45 AM.
      Granny on the Game in Sheffield


      • Boiler serviced....and yes I've checked, I still have heat and hot water. I hope you sort yours out, Flo.

        Croissant for Mr GF is now in the oven....and I can smell it. I try to only have them at the weekend.

        I think the Sainsburys trip is a definite for after lunch, hopefully it will be quiet and I'll be able to zap around quickly. Just added suet to the list for mincemeat, as I used the last in dumplings last week.


        • Re-set magic! I wish Himself would listen when I tell him how to do these things. I envy all of you with practical partners - mine is like a baby bird
          Granny on the Game in Sheffield


          • Originally posted by Florence Fennel View Post
            Re-set magic! I wish Himself would listen when I tell him how to do these things. I envy all of you with practical partners - mine is like a baby bird
            Mr GF used to be far more practical than I was (but more accident prone...a.k.a. reckless.) Fortunately he taught me most of his skills over the years. He failed with welding however. My miserable attempts became a "sculpture" in the garden.
            Last edited by greenishfing; 17-09-2024, 10:56 AM.


            • Good afternoon , I was running late this morning so had no time to check in.
              It's a beautiful sunny day here at 19 degs,
              Just back from my line dancing.
              Having an early lunch and then going for my winter flu vaccine.
              I got a txt message reminding g me my annual dental check up is due,l

              Not mentioning boilers as se just had a new one installed some weeks ago,
              Have a good day all,

              And when your back stops aching,
              And your hands begin to harden.
              You will find yourself a partner,
              In the glory of the garden.

              Rudyard Kipling.sigpic


              • Evening

                The sun shone all day we've made the most of it, at one point the GH temp hit 30c to think I've only just removed the shading.

                Enjoy your evening.
                Location....East Midlands.


                • Hi All,
                  I have to be honest the day was really pleasant but I was in bed until I couldn't stand the migraine no more, got up to take tablet and wished I had just gotten on with it instead, yet another lost opportunity for the garden sadly.
                  Ah well fingers crossed tomorrow will be the same splendid day without the migraine......

                  Last edited by Nicos; Yesterday, 09:33 AM.


                  • Good Morning All Very dull here. Hope the sun comes out, my washing is in. Have a good day
                    Granny on the Game in Sheffield


                    • Good morning.

                      It's a grey and murky 12°C here, but with a forecast of sun for later. There's not a breath of wind. Yesterday afternoon was glorious, proper late Summer weather. There was a really big, bright full moon last night too...and yes I was awake to see it.

                      I got a few unexpected "goodies" in Sainsburys yesterday. When I got my receipt I also got an offer for £18 off my first online shop of over £60 with them. It does seem a good deal. I might just have to give it a go before it expires in three weeks. If I do, I'll make sure all the heavy stuff goes on the list. I shop online for lots of things but never have for food before. I'll always remember " The Good Life" when Margo's Christmas wasn't delivered.

                      Time for more coffee I think.


                      • Good morning all.
                        A sunny morning here and its 15 degs.
                        laundry is out and the greenhouse plants are watered.
                        GF, that £ 18 off sounds like a good deal and it will save you carrying the heavy goods.

                        Grory shop and a trip to the post office this morning,
                        Collecting my grandson from school this afternoon.
                        A bit of time in the garden in between,
                        Have a good day all.

                        And when your back stops aching,
                        And your hands begin to harden.
                        You will find yourself a partner,
                        In the glory of the garden.

                        Rudyard Kipling.sigpic


                        • Morning all.

                          Those naughty goodies, GF. It's amazing how attention-seeking they are!

                          Meanwhile, very cloudy here. Supposedly 100% probability of rain today. Fingers crossed. The forecast keeps changing and now we're due for 30 litres on Friday. Got my fingers, toes, legs and arms crossed for that.

                          Missie is such a winner. She's got us all charmed, except Frankie. But they had a couple of nose-to-noses this morning before he had a small growl and went off in a huff. Yesterday wasn't so good... The dog is behaving impeccably and even tried to intervene when Frankie decided to have a go at Missie yesterday. Give them a week and they'll all be best chums.

                          In other news, I picked our peaches yesterday. It's only the trees' second year and I was amazed to see any fruit on them a couple of weeks back. Now fully ripe, but mined by birds and ants that have followed up on the peck marks. But so sweet. They're the yellow peaches and I'm used to a bit of bitterness in the shop-bought ones. But these have got a lovely flavour. Farmers here put their peaches in paper bags on the trees and I will do the same next year. Well worth it. The peach, pear and apple trees have withstood the drought. Not so the other trees. Not bad going though, given that we now have pine trees toppling over, having been finished off by the lack of water, and farmers are ripping up their dead and dying almonds.

                          Right, not going to be a Mrs Misery today. The dentist went well - what a lovely person she is - but it's not my last visit. Though it feels like it, as the next one isn't till mid-November. The peaches were a success. The animals are doing well. And I had a very good night's sleep. Got woken up by Missie wanting a play at 3 am, which is not ideal but a lot of fun. I've only just woken up (11 am Spanish time), so that's made up for it, though I won't hit the deadline for work today...

                          Have a great day, everyone.


                          • Glad you're sorted at the Dentist Snoop. My next visit is December.
                            The ginger Tom nipped my hand yesterday. It bled a bit, and has left a tiny couple of marks, so I'll be keeping an eye on that. I've had worse cuts while gardening that haven't got infected, so I hope I can avoid a tetanus jab.

                            Granny on the Game in Sheffield


                            • Good afternoon all,where did yesterday go,glad Missy is settling in,dentist ,that sounds a good deal at Sains bugs,hope they not just got stock to get rid off before the december stuff,hope you get the migraine sorted out FB,DL is helping with the garden,all completly new to her,i am so gratefull,some areas now covered up,roma VF toms now up,the greenhouse ones are still trooping along as is the cues,picked some more stuff today for the freezer,kings seed catalogue has arrived,so that will be the next thing to do,sort out what i need to buy for next season,i have some onions that never got planted,only in moduals,so are going to experient,and see if they will survive for onion sets next year,or has a person already done it,if so,am i waisting my time,i will be sad when the dahlias have done flowering,as for the canna lillies,they are not going to flower this year now,i am so far looking forwards to next season now things are slowly getting in place,all thanks to my son and DL,they are my crutches at this moment in time,i refuse to give up and play old ladies,just do things at a slower pace,sun doing a bit of a shine just now,better go and see what else to do,that i feel like,have a nice afternoon all
                              sigpicAnother nutter ,wife,mother, nan and nanan,love my growing places,seed collection and sharing,also one of these


                              • Afternoon n’alln’all

                                Urmm…I thought I’d posted earlier!…how strange.
                                Well, quick recap…
                                We saw the mahooosive moon during the night and purely by chance spotted the partial eclipse. Only a tiny eclipse but still exciting

                                Late start this morning…I’ve been attacking everything with the secateurs ready for shredding and the rest ( those with thorns, ivy, budhlia) ready to join one of the trips to the tip with the ivy OH has cut back on the front of the house.
                                Its turned out to be a smashing day…sunny and a lovely breeze. Perfect for a bbq.
                                Arms also shredded …need to keep an eye on a few tears. Fortunately we had our tetanus booster earlier in the year but I know there are other bugs equally nasty.

                                Anyone fancy a brew? I’ve just defrosted some Jamaica ginger cake too….
                                Last edited by Nicos; Yesterday, 01:25 PM.
                                "Nicos, Queen of Gooooogle" and... GYO's own Miss Marple

                                Location....Normandy France


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