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Chitchat thread #24


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  • Good morning all..its bright and breezy here at 12 degs.
    Laundry is out flying in the breeze,
    Lots of errands this morning and some domestics.
    Some tidying in the garden and the greenhouse this afternoon.

    Flo, I was surprised to see you had cut your dahlias down so early.
    Mine are still flowering really well and looking healthy.

    Nicos is the pneumonia vaccine a one off, I have heard conflicting reports.

    Have a good day all.

    And when your back stops aching,
    And your hands begin to harden.
    You will find yourself a partner,
    In the glory of the garden.

    Rudyard Kipling.sigpic


    • Morning all.

      Were you not happy about the pneumococcal vaccine, GF?

      Very dull and a very chilly wind out there. I've got gardening I need to do as well. Supposedly going to brighten up later on. If not, I'll have to dress up very warm. We had rain yesterday. 8 mm and very welcome they were too.

      So far today, I've done a few admin jobs I've been putting off. Goodness knows why - they weren't that awful in the end. I shouldn't procrastinate so much... Got a bit of paid work I need to finish and then, weather permitting, out in the garden.

      Oh, I should say that if you haven't seen the smiles yet, they were very late setting off. Missy had us all awake till 2.00 am, fighting (mostly) with Mr Snoop's newspaper. Very funny, but we're all tired this morning. It has to be said that the smiles were more sensible than us. They enjoyed the show at a distance and didn't join in... My hands are rather sore this morning.

      Have a great rest of the day, everyone.


      • Snoop, I was very happy about having the pneumococcal jab at the same time as the flu jab. No extra trip to the doctor's and, as someone who hates needles, it was done before I got to do any extra worrying about it. No ill effects either.


        • The dahlias were in tubs too small for them Bramble. I've never grown them before and misjudged how big they would be. I'm going to put them in bigger containers next year if I can get them to overwinter. Do you lift yours?
          I too was awake at half four this morning. Neck ache was plaguing me until half six, so I read what is proving to be a dreary book. I dropped off holding a cup of tea, which spilt on to the bed and woke me up with a shock!
          Granny on the Game in Sheffield


          • Morning , a rather misty start and only 5° but it’s brightening up a bit now.
            Treatment went well yesterday and got good scan results too so very happy! Thanks for the kind words folks!
            Have a great day everyone!! x


            • That's good news Jay x
              Granny on the Game in Sheffield


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