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Chitchat thread #24


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  • Good morning all, or should I more accurately say middle of the night.

    Sleep escapes me yet again . I have had 2 hours, but then I was awake.

    LD, I agree with you about the price of branded soup. Even with just a pan and a stick blender it is so simple to make.

    I know all food is now more expensive but I can't believe the amount of takeaway deliveries I see. Some people must never use their kitchens any more. I suppose I'm lucky because I actually enjoy cooking meals these days......20 year old me would never have believed that I would ever say that.

    I'm going to try and sleep again now. Maybe the sound of the pouring rain will lull me to sleep😴.


    • Mornin n’alln’all

      Hope you managed to get back to sleep gf…..2 hrs is deffo not enough

      Early start for me as we have our Pneumonia vaccinations in 40 mins.
      Feels like it’s the middle of the night as it’s only just starting to get light and only one or two birds have started chirping/ singing.
      I often wonder what they are saying.
      This morning its most likely “ flippin ‘eck - it’s raining again,

      I best get a wiggle on… enjoy your day
      "Nicos, Queen of Gooooogle" and... GYO's own Miss Marple

      Location....Normandy France


      • Morning GF and Nicos, morning all.

        Sorry to say I had a decent night's sleep. Missy woke me up once, nuzzling in my hair and trying to turn it into felt. She's doing a pretty good job of it too, unfortunately.

        Drizzled in the night. Anything is better than nothing. Especially when you're a weed seed.

        Another busyish day on the cards. Getting a lot of support from assorted people, which is extremely helpful. One client has completely taken on an admin task that I would have found difficult to resolve.

        Anyway, better get on with a few admin jobs of my own. Book the cars in for their MOTs and try and sort out different medication from the doctor, as the pharmacist says they can't be supplied any more. A bit worrying that: if they're so bad they have to be stopped without advance warning, what might have gone wrong while we've been taking them?

        Have a great day, everyone.


        • Morning

          Hope you managed to get more sleep GF its frustrating not getting enough sleep.

          I do like making soup it only takes a few ingredients and you've got a tasty meal, much nicer than any tin. I find my stick blender handier than the jug on my Kenwood less to wash up as well.

          enjoy your day
          Location....East Midlands.


          • Good Morning All Heavy rain here. I'm afraid 57 soup is my guilty pleasure Have a good day
            Granny on the Game in Sheffield


            • For a guilty pleasure, Flo, it's very innocent!


              • Originally posted by Snoop Puss View Post
                For a guilty pleasure, Flo, it's very innocent!
                It makes me feel guilty when you're all making soup! I used to make it for myself when I was working, but it's just another dish on Himself's long list of dislikes and I happen to like the taste and convenience of tinned. It's certainly more expensive than it used to be, but so is everything!

                I'm cleaning windows this morning. Not my favourite job, but needs must
                Granny on the Game in Sheffield


                • OH has just decided to make soup!
                  Must be your telepathic waves…

                  Guinea fowl stock, courgette, onion and carrot.

                  I guess near enough all the stock we make from chicken etc bones ends up as soup….occasionally in risotto.

                  "Nicos, Queen of Gooooogle" and... GYO's own Miss Marple

                  Location....Normandy France


                  • Oh, forgot to mention, the nurse said that the Prevnar20 is supposed to be a one off for older people but to check with our GP

                    Oh and Rary…she probably suggested that seeing as we are so young
                    Last edited by Nicos; 09-10-2024, 11:13 AM.
                    "Nicos, Queen of Gooooogle" and... GYO's own Miss Marple

                    Location....Normandy France


                    • Good afternoon.

                      Not a very good morning. Mr GF was really not well when he awoke. It would have been impossible to get him to the surgery so I rang and for maybe the third time ever asked for and got a home visit. He now, already, seems a lot better than he was.

                      I was going to do a grory hop today but I've put it off now until tomorrow.


                      • Originally posted by Snoop Puss View Post
                        For a guilty pleasure, Flo, it's very innocent!
                        Much healthier than mine. (Red wine and chocolate.)


                        • Originally posted by greenishfing View Post

                          Much healthier than mine. (Red wine and chocolate.)
                          Oh GF, it's not my only guilty pleasure, but maybe the only one I'm willing to confess
                          Granny on the Game in Sheffield


                          • Hope Mr GF feels better soon.
                            Granny on the Game in Sheffield


                            • Afternoon all. Just back
                              from a visit to Lindesfarne, Bamburgh Castle
                              and Alnwick. Thoroughly enjoyed it.
                              Hope mr GF is on the mend. My son got his Covid/flu vaccine on Monday and it’s absolutely floored him. At
                              least that’s what he blaming it on. Mine in a couple of weeks so I'm hoping I won’t be as bad!
                              Enjoy the rest of your day folks. x


                              • Afternoon all,i also was up in the silly hours,had a sandwich hot drink and a paro,to settle the flamin traped nerves attacing me,when back to bed at 3am,and had a good 6 hours,not done much today,wheather is so depressing,i did sort some paperwork out,you know how it builds up in a heap,so heap dismanteled into seperate piles,yet to be filed away,and KNOW where to find things,hope MR gets sorted out GF,they worry you don't they ,i think soup for tea sounds great,easy meal,thats what i like about the maker,it is quick to do,feel realy lazy,i must go but out the bin before it gets to dark,forgot last week,also have to nip out for milk,,,,,,,,,,must i realy,,,,,,,,yes,,,,,,,, you got none for tomorrow lazy thing,
                                sigpicAnother nutter ,wife,mother, nan and nanan,love my growing places,seed collection and sharing,also one of these


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