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Chitchat thread #24


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  • Evenin n’alln’all

    Hope Mr GF is feeling better this evening?
    Hope you have a better night tonight lottie xx

    I was thinking about being grateful for what we have so gave my OH a special cuddle as he’s not feeling very well after his vaccination this morning
    Yeh…I’m fine thanks incase anyone was wondering!!!!
    Quiet day planned for tomorrow for sure.

    That horrendous rain and wind we were expecting didn’t really arrive.
    Yep - we had high winds last night, and heavy rain on and off all day but nothing worrying. Quite relieved tbh when we see the pictures of the hurricane hitting Florida…

    "Nicos, Queen of Gooooogle" and... GYO's own Miss Marple

    Location....Normandy France


    • Lovely part of the country, Jay. One of my favourite walks, done countless times, is from Craster to Dunstanburgh Castle and back. Then kippers for tea!

      Do you want to come and sort out my paperwork, LD? I've got quite a few heaps of assorted stuff. Even getting them separated into piles of stuff that's all the same would be a major advance. Interestingly, though, if I really need something, I know which pile to look in, which Mr Snoop finds very annoying.


      • Originally posted by Snoop Puss View Post
        I've got quite a few heaps of assorted stuff. Even getting them separated into piles of stuff that's all the same would be a major advance. Interestingly, though, if I really need something, I know which pile to look in, which Mr Snoop finds very annoying.
        ORGANISED CHAOS........Obviously! I'm an expert!


        • Hahaha girls,i did not think i was the only one,in my younger days it did not happen,i was on top of everything,but these days are so different,and thats why i HAD to sort it,as i was looking for something important and thought,oh get on with it only to find it somewhere else later on,just it eh,when it's all put in it's place away,i will have my work room back in the zone for when i sew next,mmmmm i can smell my soup nice,have a good evening all lets hope for a better night ladies
          sigpicAnother nutter ,wife,mother, nan and nanan,love my growing places,seed collection and sharing,also one of these


          • Evening, its still raining here I don't think its stopped all day.

            There's nothing wrong with buying tin soup we have a couple in the cupboard that we didn't get eaten on our last camping trip. They're handy to have on standby.

            Location....East Midlands.


            • Mornin n’alln’all

              Good grief!…it’s not raining!

              Not quite sure what today will bring but I’ve no doubt I’ll find lots to do
              I do seem to have a lot of windfall apples needing freezing down at some point though.

              Ready made soup?…well, I always buy a few cuppa soups for the camper as emergency stock as they take up less space than a tin and require no pans for heating up. Very handy in certain situations.

              Jay…that’s one outing I’d love to do…how fantastic!
              GF….how is Mr GF this morning?…that must have been worrying x

              Time for a brew methinks…plenty to share….
              Help yourselves, and enjoy your day as best you can. I’ve not seen the smiles yet- have they set off?
              "Nicos, Queen of Gooooogle" and... GYO's own Miss Marple

              Location....Normandy France


              • Morning all.

                Quite breezy here and we're a long way from the path of the storm. Hope you're all doing OK. Surprisingly warm last night. No frost risk according to the forecasts for the next two weeks. Mind you, I'm not sure how reliable that information is. They're also forecasting rain next week, and they've not been very trustworthy in that respect in recent weeks.

                We've got some packet soups in stock. Dreadful, though. So salty. But handy to have for emergencies. Another thing I really like is a small amount of miso in hot water. So savoury it feels like a proper soup.

                I think the smiles set off late today, Nicos, because they got a bit entranced by Missy. I was up early and she was in and out like a mad thing. The first time she's grasped the cat habit of the dawn hunt. No chance of her catching anything, especially as she's very visible and was only chasing leaves and twigs, but very funny to observe. She's currently upstairs, making a right racket, chasing a cork around the wooden floor.

                Right, better shake both legs, not just one, as today is going to be very busy.

                Have a great day, everyone.
                Last edited by Snoop Puss; 10-10-2024, 09:02 AM.


                • Morning

                  Dry just now with rain later, BBC weather site's having problems its shows us having wind speeds of 15290 mph but they're going fix it.

                  Snoop I've never tried miso any recommendation on which one to buy there seems to be a fair few conflicting reviews.

                  Garden tidying this morning then doing a bit of sewing I'm shortening a pair of trousers.

                  Enjoy your day
                  Location....East Midlands.


                  • Good Morning All Sunny at the moment, but very chilly. Have a good day
                    Granny on the Game in Sheffield


                    • Originally posted by Bren In Pots View Post

                      Dry just now with rain later, BBC weather site's having problems its shows us having wind speeds of 15290 mph but they're going fix it.

                      Snoop I've never tried miso any recommendation on which one to buy there seems to be a fair few conflicting reviews.
                      That's very windy! A friend of mine who lives in the balmy south of Spain told me the BBC is reporting hurricane winds where he is. But your supposed local speeds would take some beating!

                      As for the miso, I've had dark, yellow and white miso. Apparently the darker ones taste stronger and they're the ones I prefer. But each to our own. One thing I haven't enjoyed so much is a lumpy white one I bought containing barley. The taste is good but I don't like the texture.

                      If you can buy miso in jars, that will be better than in a plastic bag, as you don't need very much and it lasts for ever. To make a cup of miso, use very hot but not boiling water (as that kills the probiotics in it) and, if you have one, place the miso in a small sieve and force it through with a spoon (or chopsticks to be authentic, I'm a spoon kind of gal) so that it dissolves more readily. If you just drop it into the water, you'll end up with a lump at the bottom. Really good for you and next to no calories. Just watch out for the salt if that's an issue for you.


                      • Morning all,a lot better day so far,the sun trying,had a much better sleep last night,hope others have too,it does make a differance to the day,it very cold though,how is MR GFtoday,i realy enjoyed the soup,got some more for today,must get something usefull done this morning,i have plenty to choose from,have a good day everyone
                        sigpicAnother nutter ,wife,mother, nan and nanan,love my growing places,seed collection and sharing,also one of these


                        • Good morning all.

                          Sunny and cold here this morning. I turned the heating up and got back in bed earlier. Brrrr!!!!🥶

                          Mr GF is nigh on back to "his normal", thank goodness. Time now to try and let the worry and stress go and maybe give him an extra cuddle.

                          I absolutely MUST do a grory hop today. Even the milk is in short supply.

                          Bren, that sounds like a scary wind speed! The mind boggles.

                          I've never tried miso either. What's it like? I used to like a mug of bovril, with about as much milk in as I'd put in a cup of tea, when I was young. When bovril changed it's recipe, during the "mad cow disease" scare I thought it was disgusting. When it supposedly changed back it was just not the same as before. Maybe just me......


                          • ^If you like Bovril, Marmite or Vegemite, you'll probably like miso. The flavour is a bit hard to describe. It's made of plants (fermented soya beans, rice or barley), but if I had to say what it tastes like, it's bit like a salty chicken soup. I've not met anyone who didn't like it. I add it to water, but I believe traditionally it's used with dashi stock (made using mainly seaweed and dried bonito flakes) and bits of vegetables to make miso soup. I'm too lazy for that, as I just have a cup most days in winter when I start to feel like I can't manage another cup of tea or an infusion but still want a hot drink.

                            Mr Snoop likes it too.


                            • Afternoon ! ( well, it is here! )

                              We’ve had no electricity for over 3 hrs. We were forewarned several times in advance .
                              Supposedly ending at midday. About 5 minutes before we got another text saying they were running late ( cutting branches locally to protect the electricity cables) .
                              Only in France where the midday meal is the main one of the day would they do that?…I guess they would have had loads of phone calls complaining as it came on 10 minutes later.
                              People drive home from work to eat with their partners/ family so I guess they are on a time limit….Hot food at lunchtime is the priority!

                              So now at least I can see to sew

                              We really didn’t have any unusual weather…it was windier with stronger guests and rain a few weeks ago…must have veered off slightly? Unless it’s still to hit us.
                              I wonder if the next one will head our way?
                              Last edited by Nicos; 10-10-2024, 10:27 AM.
                              "Nicos, Queen of Gooooogle" and... GYO's own Miss Marple

                              Location....Normandy France


                              • BBC haven't fixed their forecast error its made the news.


                                Thanks Snoop I'll look out for Miso in jars, it sounds like my sort of drink.

                                Location....East Midlands.


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