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Chitchat thread #24


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  • Morning all.

    Pink cast to the sky here last night, but we didn't take the camera out. Some impressive photos of the aurora borealis further south even than us. Must have been spectacular up north, so to speak. Hope you all enjoyed the show.

    Chilly start to the day but no frost. Still not getting anywhere fast with the garden, which is a shame.

    Plenty to do workwise today, so better get a move on. I suspect the smiles will get to you early today judging by Mr Snoop's repeated 'ows' upstairs. Sounds like Missy is in fighting, biting mode and I'm not sure the smiles will want to be the target of that.

    Have a great day, everyone.


    • Mornin n’alln’all

      Cloudy here yesterday evening!…but our son sent us his piccies…wow…absolutely wow!…did anyone else see the Northern Lights?
      Check out this link for this evening…according to this last night my son had less that 5% chance of seeing them…so either he was really lucky or it’s not completely accurate.

      Grory Hop for me today…I really need to find a little something too as a surprise pressie for OH to unwrap on Sunday…yup…it’ll be his burpday.
      Apart from that, more windfall apples needing cooking down for the freezer , a bit of gardening and a bit of sewing…

      Bren - I do keep thinking about getting a juicer- ( maybe I could get one for OH for Xmas?) Anything in particular you think is an important feature?
      I spotted this American recipe for apple molasses using freshly squozen juice ( can’t use my pasturised juice)…
      (Funny how they call apple juice ‘cider’ and cider ‘hard cider’ isn’t it?)
      Anyone already made this?- bet it’s yummy on porridge or included in bread recipes.

      Whatever you get up to,enjoy your day

      "Nicos, Queen of Gooooogle" and... GYO's own Miss Marple

      Location....Normandy France


      • Morning

        Snoop I'd forgotten all about yesterdays aurora borealis there's some stunning photos on-line even as far down as London.

        Dehydrating apples and a hair cut this morning for me.

        enjoy your day

        Location....East Midlands.


        • Nicos my juicer fits on my Kenwood chef so I can't really help with other machines but I do think that ease of cleaning would be a bonus because that's the boring messy part.
          Location....East Midlands.


          • Originally posted by Bren In Pots View Post
            Snoop I'd forgotten all about yesterdays aurora borealis there's some stunning photos on-line even as far down as London.
            I've seen photos from as far south as Alicante (purportedly). We're about 200 km south of Barcelona.


            • Good morning all.

              The sun is shining. I had a much better night's sleep, I'm happy to say.

              I never saw any Borealis last night. I did look out a few times. I would really love to see them. I guess it's fated not to happen for me. I never even saw them in Alaska.

              Nicos, I'd also recommend only buying a juicer that's easy to clean. Mine, can't remember the brand, only got used a few times as it was a total pain. I did have a friend who made his own apple press for cider. I know it involved a car jack.

              I'll call round to see Mr GF's brother later, get him some bits and make sure he's okay.


              • Good Morning All Sunny again here, but really cold. Have a good day
                Granny on the Game in Sheffield


                • Good morning.

                  Where is everybody?? Is there something happening that I don't know about?


                  • Mornin n’alln’all

                    I’m here gf!…yeh….didn't you know?…they were handing out £20 notes to everyone….
                    Joking aside, I overslept!

                    Today will mostly spent clearing up the house and packing the camper van. It’s my OHs burpday tomorrow so we’re heading to the coast for a few days . But I will be around on here.
                    I managed to cook down a whole pile of apples yesterday so I think I’ll just manage to find space to freeze them.

                    Also we’ll be hunting for the sit on mower’s keys
                    They fell out whilst OH was using it. Removing them is the only way to stop the motor…but it didn’t stop. Thank goodness we had a spare set!
                    So it’ll be a bit like an Easter egg hunt all over the gardens and field. Fortunately they are attached to a (small) bright yellow chicken so hopefully will stand out…unless they’ve been mulched over.
                    Wish us luck!

                    Hope you all have a great day. Anyone up to anything exciting?
                    "Nicos, Queen of Gooooogle" and... GYO's own Miss Marple

                    Location....Normandy France


                    • Good Morning All Raining here. Good Luck with your search Nicos. Your hair looks nice Bren Have a good day
                      Granny on the Game in Sheffield


                      • Morning all.

                        Late on parade for assorted reasons. Mr Snoop has gone on a grory shop on his own, necessitating a shopping list, which he then decided to write out again, meaning I had to read it again to add all the things he hadn't copied over. What a palaver! Plus, walked the dog in a lull in the drizzle! Fantastic. Not forecast as it was supposed to pass west of us, but for some reason it's shifted our way a bit. Nice walk. Everything smells wonderful and some plants are already re-greening after the recent rain. Some of the rosemary plants are just starting to flower. A bit early, but they've obviously decided to make the most of the conditions while the going's good. The dead trees really stand out amongst the new green. Hope Mr Snoop is up for some chainsawing this winter...

                        On the cards for today, as much work as I can manage with Missy clinging to me like a limpet and my arms fully outstretched to reach the keyboard. Not comfy, but she is cute.

                        Good luck with the treasure hunt, Nicos.

                        Have a great day, everyone.

                        Last edited by Snoop Puss; Today, 09:18 AM.


                        • Nicos, how on earth did you stop the mower in the end? Maybe you should fit some kind of kill switch with a curly lanyard to attach to the driver, like on an outboard motor. I hope you find the keys. Good hunting. Maybe take a strong magnet with you. Or maybe you'd just end up with a load of rusty nails and screws.

                          We've already been out in the murk for necessaries as the forecast for later is wind and rain. Croissants are now in the oven.


                          • I’ve had a good look around, and no keys to be found
                            gf…We have a second one thank goodness- so OH used that to stop it.
                            We’re putting in an order for another one …OH had great confidence in me finding it so waited for me to hunt it down.
                            Not helped by so many yellow leaves on the grass too.
                            My guess is that it was ripped out at an angle by the brambles hanging over the grass, so it could have flicked anywhere!
                            I just hope it doesn’t rust so at least if/ when we find it in years to come it’ll still be useable!
                            We do have a metal detector, so will use that another time as it’s raining at the moment.

                            "Nicos, Queen of Gooooogle" and... GYO's own Miss Marple

                            Location....Normandy France


                            • Nicos, I had a vision of your lawn mower galloping around your land, cutting down everything in it's path, with you and Mr N chasing after it until it eventually ran out of petrol.


                              • Te he gf….that’s a really funny thought
                                Nah….he put it in neutral!

                                8.50€ for a replacement key…phew…ordered….

                                Maybe we’ll find it once we’ve cut back the bramble hedge… but best to be on the safe side.
                                Thing is - as the shop said too- it should have cut out!…maybe we need to have it looked at?

                                There’s always something eh?
                                "Nicos, Queen of Gooooogle" and... GYO's own Miss Marple

                                Location....Normandy France


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