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Chitchat thread #24


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  • If I wasn't worried I'd make somebody splutter and choke over Sunday brunch, I'd tell you what I reckon they're like, Flo. I think they're one of those love them/hate them kind of foods. I personally do not see the appeal. But not true of Nicos and Mr Nicos, evidently.


    • I've only tried an oyster once, many years ago, and was not impressed. I think it was the texture. Having said that I didn't think I liked mussels for years, or basil and I love both now.


      • Morning all,not long got up after another bad night,i looked in here in the small hours,the box for posting was not there,thought it was odd,many happy returnes of the day MR N,ref oisters,i never had any,but each to their own,i asume its a biger version of the things in vinegar at the sea side,no further comment,the sun is doing its best,better and shake a leg and start the day,have a good day all
        sigpicAnother nutter ,wife,mother, nan and nanan,love my growing places,seed collection and sharing,also one of these


        • Just seeing them on a display at fish stall put me off wanting to try them but they didn't look very appealing.

          like they say each to their own.
          Location....East Midlands.


          • Evening, it’s been a rather chilly day but at least it was dry.
            Happy Birthday to Mr. Nicos!
            As for oysters…no thank you.
            Enjoy the rest of your evening folks. x


            • Just thinking, anyone seen rary recently or indeed CG?


              • Originally posted by Jay22 View Post
                Just thinking, anyone seen rary recently or indeed CG?
                rary, Containergardener, you guys doing OK?


                • Morning all.

                  Another cloudy start to the day, but surprisingly warm. Even so, everything is looking very autumnal and brown.

                  Busy day today as I'm off to the UK for a brief trip and have got quite a lot to finish before I head off.

                  Have a great day, everyone.


                  • Mornin n’allnall

                    Brill night here on the beach- oyster tractors crossing the bay was an unexpected delight at 2am
                    yeh… it was low tide!

                    Isn’t it great waking up to the sound of seagulls when you don’t normally hear them? Brings back other holiday feelgood vibes!

                    OH found 9 edible oysters yesterday- no doubt he’ll be hunting for more at the next low tide.

                    We had cloud last night so no joy with seeing the comet- apparently there are a few more evenings of opportunity.

                    Hope everyone had a good weekend?
                    There’s tea in the pot if anyone fancies helping themselves….
                    "Nicos, Queen of Gooooogle" and... GYO's own Miss Marple

                    Location....Normandy France


                    • Morning it’s a chilly 3° but the sun is shining. Loads of laundry to be done and a bit of ironing but first off for blood tests!
                      I hate seagulls Nicos, especially in summer when they wake us at 3 in the morning with their squealing!!

                      Enjoy your day folks. x


                      • Morning

                        Congrats on finding those oysters Nicos and good look in todays search. We're inland and have a lot of gulls around here they're rather annoying. Nothing like bird songs I love hearing those.

                        Jay hope your blood tests come out fine xx

                        Covid and flu jabs for us both today.

                        enjoy your day

                        Location....East Midlands.


                        • Good morning.

                          It's a chilly 6°C here at the moment, but there's sunshine and no wind. I'm not sure if we had a frost last night. We've no rain forecast for today, which makes a change. Snoop, if you're coming over, maybe take some back with you. You can have it for free.

                          Yesterday, while having a bit of online retail therapy I ordered myself a digital food thermometer. I'm thinking of cooking a joint in the slow cooker and decided that one would be a good idea. Does anybody use one at all. The only type of kitchen thermometer I've got an old fashioned brass jam thermometer that I often use. When I go out I can pick my new thermometer up just up the road.

                          I made more banana loaves yesterday. The kitchen smelled wonderful. I'm just trying to decide how many Christmas cakes I need to make. I need to get dried fruit, glacé cherries and ground almonds next time I visit the appropriate shops.

                          I hope Rary and CG are okay.


                          • Good Morning All Sunny here. Have a good day
                            Granny on the Game in Sheffield


                            • One of our more intrepid grey squirrels has just climbed on my lounge windowsill and has been glaring at me. Unfortunately I have no nuts!


                              • Forgot to tell you I had a new scam yesterday on my mobile from NCP telling me I had illegally parked and unless I clicked the link to pay £70 it would double the next day. Deleted and reported, I don't even drive!
                                Granny on the Game in Sheffield


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