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Chitchat thread #24


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  • Good Morning All Raining again here. Glad you got out of the mud Snoop. Didn't get around to the Park in yesterday, I had visitors, so looking out a recipe today. Have a lovely Sunday
    Granny on the Game in Sheffield


    • Morning

      I didn't get as far as Christmas cards Nicos the sun came out so we went walking instead, glad we did because its heavy rain and gusty winds here today. Poor little windsocks is having a rough time hanging on.

      Good news about getting the car out Snoop It sounds like MrSnoop's transport was similar to mine as a child, with Mum, Dad and us 4 kids travelling in Dads motorbike and sidecar.

      Stay safe and enjoy your day
      Location....East Midlands.


      • Good morning all,a releife to the car out snoop,what a nice mess to clean up,them were the days Bren,people did not need fancy holidays,love hearing about the old adventures,much more interesting back then,how life has changed,we had no car when i was a young un,parents had camping gear,stored all winter,then taken to a local canpsiste near the woods,we would ride i bikes there and back,i remember climbing about the rocky bits and investigating the yellow gors,sis and loved it,it was kept at the site all season,nice to have a few good memories ,it is raining here AGAIN,so will find something inside to do,have a lovely day all
        sigpicAnother nutter ,wife,mother, nan and nanan,love my growing places,seed collection and sharing,also one of these


        • Good morning all.

          Late up again due to an awful night's sleep. I feel pretty grotty and have my suspicions that Mr GF has probably been generous with his germs.

          It's windy and raining here. There's no incentive at the moment to stick my nose outside.

          I bet you're happy to have dug the car out, Snoop. Were you and Mr Snoop as filthy as the car by the time you'd done?

          We didn't have a car either when I was very small. My dad was a coalman and I remember going all over with him in the cab. My mother used to take my little sister and I on the train to town in the big pram. We were in the guards van and there were always lots of wicker baskets full of pigeons which used to fascinate me.

          Time to make more coffee now.


          • Morning all.

            We towed rather than pushed it out, GF, so no mud came flying all over us. Apart from getting more than a bit hot and bothered digging round the wheels and putting down material so the wheels didn't bed in further, and my wellies getting absolutely coated in mud, it wasn't too mucky a job.

            On the subject of time zones, Spaniards have been campaigning to move to the same time zone as the UK. But unlikely to happen because of keeping time with EU partners. Anyway, the subject raises its head every now and then, usually around the time of the clocks changing.

            Very bright here. Mr Snoop has gone out for a grory shop. Should have left a good couple of hours or so ago. The pair of us are turning into proper ditherers. But no time for that today for me, as I've got quite a bit to get through in readiness for tomorrow. Busyish week ahead, so need to get a head start on it.

            Not sure about the smiles, Nicos. They've been here as usual overnight, but no idea what they've been up to during the daytime. Possibly playing with Missy rather than doing the usual rounds? I'll have a word with them.

            Have a great day, everyone.
            Last edited by Snoop Puss; Yesterday, 10:30 AM.


            • another 1 of them nights,was ready for bed,till i got in it,the heard the wind,got a drink and a hottie for comfort,then realized a wet patch,NO,not me,the bottle had a pin hole in it,i only used a few times,grrrrr,feel realy tired,please tell my active brain,going to try again shortly,even my recliner chair will not settle me,and usually i have some good sleep in it,grrrr
              sigpicAnother nutter ,wife,mother, nan and nanan,love my growing places,seed collection and sharing,also one of these


              • Morning LD, morning all.

                Maybe it's all the excitement of the seeds keeping you awake, LD. I've woken up exhausted today, as Missy kept waking me up, wanting to snuzzle.

                Clear skies out there at the moment, but quite cold. I'm hoping my usual weather forecaster has made a mistake again with the decimal points in its rainfall predictions. If not, we're going to get very wet over the next week (drizzle tomorrow but building up towards the end of this week and a lot early next week - 200 mm/litres per square metre). Mr Snoop had better watch out and not get stuck again, otherwise the car might sink in so far we'll never see it again!

                Not sure quite what's on the cards for today. Work is a definite, but I might also have to go into the village.

                I was right about people talking about Spain's time zone about this time of year. Read an article in a sports newspaper, of all things, saying that 2025 will be the last year Spain changes its clocks. Is it the same in France, Nicos? In 2026, the decision will be made as to whether to stay as we are or follow the sun and go with Portugal and the UK. Just not changing the clock would be a big improvement for me. I don't mind the spring change, but it takes me a while to adjust to the autumn change.

                Have a great day, everyone.


                • Morning,had about 3.5 hours before the alarm went off,it is choir day,this sleep deprevation seems to be affecting lots of people,Snoop hope the weather forecast has is wrong and it is only gentle,you had it badly dry when you really needed it,have a good day everyone
                  sigpicAnother nutter ,wife,mother, nan and nanan,love my growing places,seed collection and sharing,also one of these


                  • Mornin n’alln’all
                    Rubbish night’s sleep for me too. Yikes Lottie- hope it wasn’t sopping wet?….that would take some drying.
                    I’m going to hunt out my brown noise YouTube video to play again if I have the same difficulty tonight.
                    . I thought being in the camper had sorted my routine

                    The French government have been talking about not changing the clocks for a few years now, but I’ve not heard any updates. Maybe I should check it out!
                    I seem to recall that up until the mid ‘90’s different European countries changed their clocks on different dates. Must have been very confusing for businesses before then?

                    Its the very dark mornings which get me…just can’t seem to want to get motivated

                    Yeh Snoop…hope you don’t actually get that amount of rain - that’s how sudden flooding occurs ( or are you in a safe, no flood zone?)
                    In theory,we’re actually safe from drains overflowing, but we have springs and underground streams under our hamlet houses and fields which have taken some diverting over the years.I guess it only takes one failure though….. We’re half way down quite a steep hill which has to be a bonus!

                    How is everyone after yesterday’s storm? I’ve heard there were quite a few electricity failures….

                    Tis raining here at the moment so today will deffo be an indoor day. I’ve Xmas decorations to make, so maybe that’s a distraction taken care of

                    Have a great day peeps whatever you get up to!

                    "Nicos, Queen of Gooooogle" and... GYO's own Miss Marple

                    Location....Normandy France


                    • Good morning all.

                      I feel awful! Mr GF definitely spread his germs in my direction🤒🤧. I've just cancelled our hair appointment for Wednesday.

                      I fully intend doing as little as possible today. I'm thinking a steaming hot shower next in the hope that it might help clear my sinuses. If I've got some olbas oil or similar lurking in the bathroom cabinet, I'll put some in the diffuser and turn it on.


                      • Morning

                        Do damage here Nicos will see more of the area when we go out for a stroll.
                        We have friends who haven't been able to move back home since last Octobers storm Babet, the whole side of their street was under between 3 to 5 ft of water.

                        Hope you soon feel better GF.
                        Last edited by Bren In Pots; Today, 08:29 AM.
                        Location....East Midlands.


                        • Re storm damage.
                          I am still on holidays but my daughter had a neighbours tree fall into her garden yesterday afternoon.
                          My sons area had a power failure due to a fallen tree,
                          I am hoping my greenhouse is still standing,

                          Weather here east of Malaga 23 degs and 24 yesterday so the weather has settled down here.

                          And when your back stops aching,
                          And your hands begin to harden.
                          You will find yourself a partner,
                          In the glory of the garden.

                          Rudyard Kipling.sigpic


                          • Good Morning All Dull here and quite breezy. Have a good day
                            Granny on the Game in Sheffield


                            • Get well soon GF
                              Granny on the Game in Sheffield


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