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Chitchat thread #24


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  • Morning all,had a good 3 hours sleep wow,the other side of my back is hurting now and voice gone on an enhanced croack again,see how i go today,i hope i am not on the calling list for up stairs hahha,
    Thank you girls for the kind words,means a lot,take it easy with the new gadget Nicos,or it will get your back,Snoop what a relief about the rain,Rary take care,we both need putting in a sack and shaking up,so another new life start for me from today,i sound like a cat,wonders how many i have used,
    sigpicAnother nutter ,wife,mother, nan and nanan,love my growing places,seed collection and sharing,also one of these


    • You're certainly being put through the mill Lottie. Take care x
      I'll not be getting my weekly flowers as the youngest GG is in holiday abroad with her poppa (maybe for the last time), so I'm going in the garden to pick some daffs. I'm sure there are plenty to fill a vase and I can't see them from the window so I may as well have the pleasure of them indoors.
      ​​​​Middle GG came yesterday and she lifted a bag of compost nearer my back door, so I might get to play with that today
      Granny on the Game in Sheffield


      • Hey Lottie - I was just thinking maybe you need a quick check up at the GP to check you are on target with your recovery?
        …maybe you might just need a bit more medication? Maybe not, but, No harm in getting a check up - even if it’s just for peace of mind?

        Scarifying is indeed hard work I’d forgotten how much so I think next time I’ll leave the collecting bag off- constantly emptying it was the worst bit!

        Hope everyone is enjoying the sunshine? Take a minute to let the sun warm your face whilst you can

        "Nicos, Queen of Gooooogle" and... GYO's own Miss Marple

        Location....Normandy France


        • Morning all, lovely morning her, nice to see the sun.
          Having a lazy day today after treatment yesterday, all went well.
          Sorry you’re still not well lottie, this thing seems to be taking a long time to shift. As Nicos says we are all here for you!!
          Enjoy your day folks, certainly feels as though spring has arrived! x


          • I've been hanging around today waiting for a delivery. A pair of shorts each. Obviously my thoughts are turning to Spring/Summer. Maybe I should treat my legs to a deforestation treatment next.

            I've zapped some pastry for another Paradise Slice. I'll make it this afternoon. This means I'll be opening my last jar of raspberry jam. I really ought to make some more this week, and I have got two and a half bags of raspberries in the freezer.


            • HI the surgery rang rang reg my meds,she heard how i was,and suggested i ring to make an appointment,but all booked up today,up shot is she decided that i did need help now,so has put me on the list for an emergency call hopefully this afternoon,you are very brave Jay,a friend is going through what you are,but his is lungs,so it makes me like moaning about nothing,so have to be glued to the phone
              sigpicAnother nutter ,wife,mother, nan and nanan,love my growing places,seed collection and sharing,also one of these


              • Good to hear you have been queue jumped Lottie- let’s hope it’s just something simple to rectify xxx

                Me?…well , just the usual aches and pains having eased back into a few hours in the garden each day after a few months of doing nothing much physically.
                Please tell he I’m not the only one who overdoes things out there at the first opportunity??

                I think/ know I’ll be having a very restful evening in preparation of overdoing things again tomorrow
                "Nicos, Queen of Gooooogle" and... GYO's own Miss Marple

                Location....Normandy France


                • results are,nothing more can be done,as they have tried all the usual things,but if i get breathing problems blar blar blar,so it sounds like i'ts a combination off pleurosy,laringytis,and being anemic doing me no good, mentioned the anemia,he explained,the test i did last week and came back negetive thank the lord,s also to see if any blood could indicate why i am anemic,thats why they want to redo it,and can be like this for a few weeks yet,brilliant anint it,so if they decide i need iron pills,i got to wait even longer before i am my old self again,so it is just carry on coughing and use the blue puffer thing,Nicos we all guilty of that one when we fit enough to partake,well i never,just heard a funny noise,it's the ice cream man on the front,he is living in hope ,well i feel better than i did earlier,parasetamol eased the pain,plus some company at the dance group,i only sit watch and listen to the music,
                  sigpicAnother nutter ,wife,mother, nan and nanan,love my growing places,seed collection and sharing,also one of these


                  • Well, at least you now know lottie - so just take steadily ( says she ) .
                    Glad to hear you are keeping up with your dance friends too x

                    I’ve just nipped out to bring some wood in for the fire and there is a definite chill again in the air . Not forecast a frost tonight but it’s amazingly clear skies at the moment - so who knows!
                    Last edited by Nicos; 06-03-2025, 05:11 PM.
                    "Nicos, Queen of Gooooogle" and... GYO's own Miss Marple

                    Location....Normandy France


                    • Good evening all. Not the best weather in Spain at the moment.
                      Yesterday morning...our first morning...was wet but dry in the afternoon.
                      It didn't rain at all today so we went for a long walk on the beach.
                      Must make the best of it while the weather is unsettled.

                      Lottie, I am sorry to hear your health problems are going on for do long...treat yourself gently.

                      Nicos, I always overdo it, especially at the beginning 9f the season....full of enthusiasm until the next day
                      Have a good evening all.

                      And when your back stops aching,
                      And your hands begin to harden.
                      You will find yourself a partner,
                      In the glory of the garden.

                      Rudyard Kipling.sigpic


                      • Good evening, we actually had some sunshine today and temperature up at 9c, unfortunately I didn't manage to get out to enjoy it, granddaughter came down to take us to the church coffee morning, then when it was closing she then took us up to her mums for our lunch, once we were ready for home daughter was going to take us home but as her car is even smaller than granddaughters I decided to walk home once home and after having a cup of coffee I decided to take a pain killer, though I am not too keen on taking painkillers, however after some nag....otiating fro with OH I decided to take them, then ofcourse I needed to give them time to kick in so sat down to read for a wee while unfortunately the urge to inspect the inside of my eyelids got too great so had to give in, by the time I had finished inspeccting them them it was too late, and cold, to do anything else, so have just finished our tea and I will now try reading again,so this time I have match sticks ready to keep the eyes open have a good evening abd keep smiling 🙂🙂🙂
                        it may be a struggle to reach the top, but once your over the hill your problems start.

                        Member of the Nutters Club but I think I am just there to make up the numbers


                        • Evening

                          A lovely sunny day but it soon drops cold around 5-ish, so we made the most of the nice weather.

                          Take care Lottie xx

                          Location....East Midlands.


                          • Good morning.

                            A very wet, miserable morning. I've been awake for a couple of hours already. Obviously as soon as it gets to a civilised hour I'll feel sleepy, but not yet.

                            I feel so guilty. I bought a little bunch of tightly closed daffs in my online shop on Tuesday. I cut off the bottoms off the stems and put them in a vase. They began to open. It was only yesterday when I realised that somehow I had forgotten to put any water in the vase with them. How on earth were they still alive ... and looking good?

                            The sky is just starting to lighten slightly. Maybe my badly programmed body clock will consider it sleep time now if it thinks I'll be thinking about getting up. I should stop moaning. At least I am warm and dry with someone to annoy laid next to me.

                            Enjoy your drive today, Rary.


                            • Mornin n’alln’all

                              Te he GF….love the description of your OH
                              I’ve been awake for a while too- but not a couple of hours! Tis nice though being awake to hear the first of the Dawn chorus though isn’t it?

                              One think I’ve never seen here are bunches of flowers for sale in supermarkets. Early daffs are something I always used to treat myself to. Sounds like yours were super fresh to last without water GF!
                              So here, flowers and simple medication ( eg paracetamol) you have to go to a flower shop …or pharmacy … and pay thorough the nose.Nothing like having a monopoly eh? I guess it’s also considered ‘ protecting the specialists’

                              OH cut all the lawns yesterday and when I opened the bedroom window we caught the most wonderful scent of damp, newly cut grass. What a wonderful way to start the day!
                              It was 11C here overnight and the first time this year I didn’t bother with a hot water bottle!. Pity it’s all about to change mind.

                              Most deffo lots more gardening for me today. I spent several hours working on the lavender plants yesterday.( very productive but not physically demanding!)They are getting a bit big so had lots of dead leaves on their stems. So all rubbed off, dead flower stems chopped off neatly with stems clipped back to their first fresh leaves and now they look great! I’ve just got about another 3 plants to
                              Boy do I absolutely hate the smell of lavender!…not quite as much as geranium , but a very close second. Funny that.
                              Am I the only one?… Anything else others don’t like the smell of?

                              Rary !…an exciting day for you matey…Enjoy your drive.

                              Anyone fancy a smoked salmon and cream cheese bagel for breakfast? A bit early I know , but I can leave it in the fridge for you.

                              Enjoy your day whatever you get up to. Remember to share your lovely smiles x
                              "Nicos, Queen of Gooooogle" and... GYO's own Miss Marple

                              Location....Normandy France


                              • Morning all.

                                Overcast today, but still mild. I'll pass on the bagel, thanks Nicos, I had oats and blueberries for breakfast. On the subject of bagels, I watched an episode of the pioneer woman the other day, she was making a recipe using what she called mini bagels. They were what we have as regular size bagels, 9-10cm across. So goodness knows how huge American regular size bagels are! I'm amazed how much sugar she shovels into deserts, too.

                                Edit: Oops! that's desserts, not deserts. made me giggle when I saw what I'd put.
                                Last edited by mothhawk; 07-03-2025, 08:53 AM.
                                Location - Leicestershire - Chisit-land
                                Endless wonder.


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