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Chitchat thread #24


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  • ^^^. That made me chuckle too MH
    "Nicos, Queen of Gooooogle" and... GYO's own Miss Marple

    Location....Normandy France


    • far all the excitement seems to be here!
      Washing hung out on line, then 10 minutes later the heavens opened…that was most certainly not forecast

      OH just putting wood on fire and was stung under his ring by a queen wasp… managed to get said ring off before it swelled at least!
      Cant blame the wasp…woken from a deep winter sleep and about to be chucked onto a fire!

      * wonders what the third thing will be!…plenty of time, the day is only young
      "Nicos, Queen of Gooooogle" and... GYO's own Miss Marple

      Location....Normandy France


      • Good Morning All Cloudy here for the first time this week, but it means I can re-do my streaked window. Lord Ginger had been and gone already. Have a good day
        Granny on the Game in Sheffield


        • Morning

          It was raining at 7-sh when I got up now at nearly 10 its lovely and sunny out.

          Hope the days fine for your drive Rary, let us know were you go.

          Enjoy your day
          Location....East Midlands.


          • I eventually did drop back to sleep. I then had the weirdest dream that I had lost my little brothers, about 8 and 6, aboard a ship and was searching high and low for them. I don't think that I found them, but that was their ages about half a century ago, and I've never been aboard a ship with them.

            Nicos, I never heard a dawn chorus today. All I could hear was rain banging against the bedroom window. I hope all the birds were hiding somewhere dry.

            I never knew that about flowers and florists in France. Here every filling station and supermarket has bunches of flowers. When meandering through France in the car I was always amazed at the amount of stalls at the side of the road piled up with home grown veg and fruit, complete with a honesty box. I know that was how I tasted my first perfect Charentais melon..... and then spent years trying to grow them successfully.

            The sun has just put in an appearance. The forecast on my phone is "fog".

            I need to go and get a few things for my brother in law later and check that he's okay.


            • Good morning all,the sun is shining here as well,nice to see and feel the warmth,got a wholemeal and seed loaf on the go,and a choc cake in the oven,a bit since i done the latter,i am now having a sit down to recover with a coffee,help yourselves,the cake will come come later on,oh dear Nicos that scupperd the day,hope MR will be ok after that sting owcha,FF would you like my address ref window cleaning ,have a good day Rary,Mothhawk i do such things all the while,if am having to do a serious letter ext,i would take forever to write as would be hung up on the dictioary,i never was any good at school,not just bottom of the class,but was kept in the lower year until i left at 15,we all different,and that is good,or we would be programed robots,have a good afternoon all,better check that cake,
              sigpicAnother nutter ,wife,mother, nan and nanan,love my growing places,seed collection and sharing,also one of these


              • I sometimes wonder how we learn how to read and write and speak English when the same group of letters can have so many different pronunciations. Eg: dough, bough and cough. I think it was why my "logical" brain loved learning French, even though I never had the confidence to speak it for years.


                • Good afternoon, dull and damp here at the moment hopefully the sun will come out shortly, just back in after getting out a bit earlier than usual as we were heading to a GC for breakfast, while there I bought some calibrachioa for my hanging baskets, I also bought a pelargonium grandiflora, interesting to read Nicos saying she doesn't like the smell of geraniums and lavender, two scents which I like, but then as LD has said just as well we are all different. LD like you if I was writing a letter I need a dictionary close by, and I put the ability to do things, higher than the ability to spell things, FF I am married to someone like you, its "look at that window, I need to clean those streaks off it when the sun moves off it" look through the window, not at the window that way you might not see the streaks, well that works for me 😏 and Snoop no I didnt head over to get some seaweed, OH is going out with her old workmates on Tuesday, I am hopping that I will be over and back before she knows what I have done, after all she doesn't need to know everything I do🙄 and before any of you start thinking "He must be feart fa his wife" dont be thinking that, know that I am😕 right need to go and see if there is anything I can do for OH😇 so enjoy the rest of the day and keep smiling
                  it may be a struggle to reach the top, but once your over the hill your problems start.

                  Member of the Nutters Club but I think I am just there to make up the numbers


                  • Evening all.

                    Damp day again, though we did have a very brief unexpected sunny spell. Probably when you had your unexpected downpour, Nicos.

                    Sounds like you're starting to feel a bit better, LD. Is that right? Hope so. And the garden centre for breakfast, rary. Bet that was nice. I won't ask who paid...

                    Not much to report here. Too wet for outdoor activity, sadly. The weeds are going to be loving these conditions. Frankie isn't that bothered by rain and even Missie, who hates it, can't bear to be indoors any longer and has gone out. She's been driving us all potty, being naughty all the time and fighting Frankie constantly, poor boy. Never thought I'd say that. There's little black cat, maybe three or four months old, suddenly appeared in the valley. Mr Snoop, who about three days ago said no more cats, feels sorry for it and keeps asking me if I've seen it, have I been able to coax it with biscuits. Poor thing. I reckon it's another dumpee, absolutely no idea what to do in these conditions but too terrified to do more than meow at me plaintively from a great distance. I've thought about leaving food out, but I reckon the mice and rats would get it first.

                    Have a great evening, everyone.


                    • Oh gosh Snoop…you’ve absolutely got to find that poor kitten
                      One more cat….
                      As you say, Frankie needs an alternative distraction

                      Can you get hold of that liquid in a long thin sachet? I’m yet to see a cat which can’t resist it.

                      As for me, my day took a bit of a turn. I managed to clear one bed next to the patio and then started hacking off clumps of concrete hanging off the edge. Not quite finished as the last bit needs a drill , then chisel and lump hammer. Slowly but surely …
                      "Nicos, Queen of Gooooogle" and... GYO's own Miss Marple

                      Location....Normandy France


                      • Evening I've managed to sow some tomatoes, but very old ones. Always worth a try. That sounds like hard work Nicos so mind your back! Hope the kitten recognises you as a friend Snoop
                        Granny on the Game in Sheffield


                        • Originally posted by Nicos View Post
                          Can you get hold of that liquid in a long thin sachet? I’m yet to see a cat which can’t resist it.
                          I've never seen it in the shops here. Do you have a brand name? Maybe I could find it online.

                          Edited to add: I've found some in the Big River online shop. I'm not surprised cats find it irresistible. By weight it's twice the price of fillet steak here. Perhaps there's just no demand here. I'll look in some pet supplies shops, see if I can find it cheaper. But I think it might just have to make do with our cats' fancy dry food. It'll be hungry enough, I imagine.
                          Last edited by Snoop Puss; 07-03-2025, 07:24 PM.


                          • Lord Ginger would love Lick-e-Lix cat yoghurt Snoop, but I've told him he'd have to start paying half board if he wants me to buy it for him
                            Granny on the Game in Sheffield


                            • Hibou has heart tablets twice a day and a treat of some of that goo after each one. One sachet lasts about 4 days, so you don’t need to use much just to tempt a cat.
                              A couple of licks should reel him/her in
                              "Nicos, Queen of Gooooogle" and... GYO's own Miss Marple

                              Location....Normandy France


                              • ^Ah, that makes sense. I thought they had the whole sachet... I 'caught' one cat with mascarpone. That might do it. But in a bowl. There's no way he's going to get close to me. Far too terrified.


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