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Chitchat thread #24


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  • Morning all
    Been a bit busy here, not exactly had to the weather to get outside if I'd wanted either. Today however is promised to be sunny . I have the washer on and will make the most of the day outside as next week is going cold again *groan*. OH is going putting some flags down for a mate, he dismantled his shed and has a box store thing to put there instead. Mate has been a bit unwell so needs a hand. That gives me free reign to muck about . Think I shall sow some seeds too

    Kettle has boiled.

    Don't know about anyone else but forum is constantly asking for my password to login today.
    Last edited by Containergardener; Yesterday, 08:00 AM.
    Northern England.


    • Originally posted by Containergardener View Post
      Don't know about anyone else but forum is constantly asking for my password to login today.
      Rary and Andraste had a similar problem a few days back. Andraste solved it by suggesting click the 'remember me' box. Try that and see if it works.


      • Morning all.

        Another damp, grey day here. The rain forecast is dropping by the day. Phew.

        Lots of fiddly jobs on the cards for today. Easily enough to fill the day. And if I'm not sharpish about it, tomorrow too.

        In case anyone is wondering: no sight of the cat yesterday. Our neighbours down the valley are away for a few days. They leave food out for a much bigger semi-feral cat. So maybe little blackie has found his way down there. Hope so. They're nice folk and have two cats of their own, now elderly. They'd take in a youngster too, and they have no dog, so it might be easier for the new arrival to get established there.

        Have a great day, everyone.
        Last edited by Snoop Puss; Yesterday, 08:57 AM.


        • Good morning, a nice sunny morning today, though won't be doing very much as my hand still feels a bit tender, just watched a young gray squirrel searching all over my neighbours house for a way in, evidently never heard of ringing the bell or chapping the door, though on a more serious note if squirrels do get into a house, they are so destructive and cause quite a mess, anyway couldent get in so moved away with its tail twitching, I think I wil go out to the greenhouse as OH just mentioned cleaning a cupboard, unfortunately all the stuff that gets chucked out seems to be mine and of course as soon as something is thrown out you need it or someone wants it for something😕 so I will be diplomatic about this, I will slip out while she is doing something in the kitchen enjoy your day and remember to pass on the smiles
          it may be a struggle to reach the top, but once your over the hill your problems start.

          Member of the Nutters Club but I think I am just there to make up the numbers


          • Good Morning All Sunny here. Hope your hand improves rary. Have a good day
            Granny on the Game in Sheffield


            • Mornin n’alln’all
              Grey morning but it’s been 11C all night!
              Supposed to be 17C and cloudy later so I’m happy to crack on with more gardening.
              We never got a chance to do an autumn clear up hence the massive amount to do.

              Good news about the kitten Snoop. Fingers crossed they take him/ her in.

              Rary….we used to have a cat flap in our uk back door and one year one particular squirrel used to stand outside and peer through it. Never tried to get in fortunately, but yes, I’ve heard they can make a heck of a mess - especially if left unnoticed in an attic.

              Best crack on again outside whilst this weather lasts.
              Enjoy your weekends peeps- anyone got anything exciting going on?
              "Nicos, Queen of Gooooogle" and... GYO's own Miss Marple

              Location....Normandy France


              • Good morning all.

                A sunny start to the day here. I think we had a bit of everything, except sleet/snow, yesterday. Sleet/snow is forecast for Thursday however.

                For the first time this year I got in the car yesterday and immediately opened a window and turned the heater off. The car's thermometer said it was 17°C outside and the car, which had been parked in a sunny spot was like a mini oven. I suppose that I ought to check that the air-con is working next! The sunshine must be transforming me into an optimist!


                • Morning

                  A sunny weekend here for us so I'll be in the garden.

                  Enjoy your day.
                  Location....East Midlands.


                  • Morning all.

                    Sunny here too.
                    Location - Leicestershire - Chisit-land
                    Endless wonder.


                    • Good day all. Wet and windy day here just as it was forecast.
                      Books and crossword puzzles at the ready and thrn two rugby matches to look forward to in the afternoon.
                      Have a goodday all.

                      And when your back stops aching,
                      And your hands begin to harden.
                      You will find yourself a partner,
                      In the glory of the garden.

                      Rudyard Kipling.sigpic


                      • A lovely sunny day spent outdoors, it’s dropping cool now so time to come indoors and sort out dinner

                        enjoy your evening
                        Location....East Midlands.


                        • Good morning.

                          It's a chilly 3°C here and still dark. The latest weather forecast is showing sleet and snow for Tuesday night and Wednesday. This should make me want to get into hibernation mode, but no, I'm wide awake and have been for hours.

                          I've just watched a couple of videos on Utube on how to spatchcock a chicken. It looks as if I'll need some stronger scissors/shears. If anyone has any tips, please tell me.

                          The first birds have just started the dawn chorus. They must have insomnia too.


                          • FF it's not has hard as you think.
                            We've done quite a few as bbq them (or whole)
                            See if this works. Get it to 2mins in.
                            Last edited by Containergardener; Today, 08:08 AM.
                            Northern England.


                            • Morning
                              Glorious out there again. Yesterday I spent in the garden, some areas are still very wet (and weedy).
                              Nice to be out there though.
                              Going to mum's to have a go at cutting her grass today. Ours still need done too. Hope to do a bit more here later.
                              Will be having another bbq
                              Enjoy your day.
                              Northern England.


                              • Good Morning All Lovely day here too. Have a lovely Sunday
                                Granny on the Game in Sheffield


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