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Chitchat thread #24


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  • Morning

    Another sunny day that I'll mostly be spending outdoors.

    Enjoy youe Sunday
    Location....East Midlands.


    • Good morrning all,just aquick drop in,feeling a lt better,still got the new voice and cough and no energy,had a slow waddle round the block yesterday with my new person,and off to church shortly,amazing how life can turn round,he from my choir and dance group,so know each other for a long time,well the sun is shinning here,do not know how long for,but embrace it while it last's,i hope life is starting to turn good for me again,right of to finish getting ready ,have a good day all
      sigpicAnother nutter ,wife,mother, nan and nanan,love my growing places,seed collection and sharing,also one of these


      • Morning all.

        Glad things are perking up for you Lottie

        It's lovely and sunny, but as my garden faces north and is in deep shade (the sun doesn't touch down on any part of the ground until the very end of March) I shall not be out there today. The front is sunny, but that's mostly grass and bulbs so no work needs doing there yet. I envy all you lucky people who have the sun in your back gardens on a sunny day like today.
        Location - Leicestershire - Chisit-land
        Endless wonder.


        • Good morning all. We have rain, wind, thunder and lightning this morning.
          It can't get any worse so on with the shoe.
          Have a good day all.

          And when your back stops aching,
          And your hands begin to harden.
          You will find yourself a partner,
          In the glory of the garden.

          Rudyard Kipling.sigpic


          • Mornin n’alln’all
            I’d try and send you some sunshine MH. Thing is, we don’t seem to have any today!

            I woke up to the scent of bread baking. OH had intended to do some today but got carried away…spending 6 hrs baking
            Looks like we’re sorted for the next few days at least!

            More gardening for me once we’ve had brunch of home smoked bacon and freshly home baked bread. Yummy yum.

            Lottie!…a new man?… how wonderful - he’s going to be the best medicine ever

            CG - great link there- I’ve always struggled with scissors…good ol’ Jamie. I’ll certainly be trying it that way. I’d given up previously as it was just too much faff.

            Talking of food- I best make my contribution to brunch- even if it’s only making a brew!
            Enjoy your day peeps. I wondered why the smiles were so chirpy this morning- clearly heading in Lotties direction!
            "Nicos, Queen of Gooooogle" and... GYO's own Miss Marple

            Location....Normandy France


            • Click image for larger version  Name:	9417cc3a-e6f0-4942-adcf-1d67e16aeab8.jpeg Views:	2 Size:	1.34 MB ID:	2593469

              Help yourselves
              Our neighbour had already taken one baguette before OH managed to take the photo!
              Last edited by Nicos; Today, 11:18 AM.
              "Nicos, Queen of Gooooogle" and... GYO's own Miss Marple

              Location....Normandy France


              • CG, thanks very much for that link. It makes it look so easy. I'm quite handy with both meat cleavers and knives. I once worked in a butchers for a few months but I've never spatchcocked a chicken.

                I just stopped myself ordering some poultry shears this morning from Dunelm as just before clicking "Buy" I realised that the handles looked suspiciously as if they were shaped for a right hander. I'm very left handed.
                Last edited by greenishfing; Today, 11:39 AM.


                • Nicos, that bread looks absolutely amazing.


                  • Tastes it too gf!
                    Who would have believed I am actually trying…yet kick start my low carb diet
                    "Nicos, Queen of Gooooogle" and... GYO's own Miss Marple

                    Location....Normandy France


                    • I’ve just been playing with sandstone paving slabs trying to create steps onto the lawn from the patio , and work out which pieces of cutoffs can be jigsawed together to go underneath my garden sink ( yet to be fitted) so any overflow flows away from the house.
                      Blinking heck they are heavy to lug around!
                      "Nicos, Queen of Gooooogle" and... GYO's own Miss Marple

                      Location....Normandy France


                      • I'm feeling quite pleased with myself. The vacuum cleaner has been earning its keep. Where does all the muck come from? Well, actually, most of it isn't muck. It's crumbs, tiny bits of pastry, etc, that fall off Mr. GF's clothes when he stands up.

                        I took the two full bags of raspberries out of the freezer earlier and I've made some more jam. We are on our last jar from the last batch, and also having looked at my online shopping list, that is being delivered on Tuesday, I realised I ought to free up some more freezer space before it arrives.

                        Nicos, I'll swap you a jar of jam for one of your loaves.


                        • Your jam sounds delish!….so, yes please!
                          "Nicos, Queen of Gooooogle" and... GYO's own Miss Marple

                          Location....Normandy France


                          • Good afternoon, its nice and sunny today, so after church I decided to go out to the greenhouse for a wee while,, where I took cuttings from some fuchsia, I hope to make three or four standards with some of them, I then sowed some lettuce,had a walk round the garden to see whats moving,still got my roses to prune but will wait till overnight temperatures are a bit higher and more settled, also noticed a coup!e of bumble bees moving about the flowers, fortunately with some daffodils and hyacinth in flower there was some nectar for them, will need to see about getting more early flowering plants around the garden.
                            Nice to see things are improving for you LD so wishing you well, and hope the weather improves for you bramble and as its a change of kitchen sink remember a change is as good as a rest well enjoy the remainder of the day Folks and go and find something to smile about then pass it on
                            it may be a struggle to reach the top, but once your over the hill your problems start.

                            Member of the Nutters Club but I think I am just there to make up the numbers


                            • What a lovely day. About to light the bbq
                              Northern England.


                              • Evening, just had a lovely couple of days in Ayrshire, sun was shining and the birds were singing. Hope this finds you all well.

                                Enjoy the rest of your evening!

                                Enjoy the BBQ CG!


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