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Chitchat thread #24


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  • Good Morning All Sunny and cold again. I'm waiting on a deliver my middle GG has ordered to here as she and her partner are at work. I wasn't expecting to get up early today I wanted to finish my book in bed. We have a gas engineer booked but I arranged it for after 12. Talk about best laid plans! Have a good day
    Granny on the Game in Sheffield


    • Good morning.

      No snow or sunshine here, but definitely on the chilly side with wind and thick cloud.

      The hairdresser is coming this morning. No doubt she'll catch me up on any local news that I've missed. When I was young my mother used to go to our local hairdresser every Saturday. It was where all the women swapped information, and local scandal. They'd come out with their (permed) hair so backcombed and solid with hairspray that they could have used it as a crash helmet. This was in the era before blow drying became popular.

      Time for another coffee now.


      • Morning

        No snow here either, just the usual cold weather we've got rain this afternoon. Off to take a couple of jigsaws to the charity shop and call in at the corn merchants but thats it for the shops today.

        enjoy your day

        Location....East Midlands.


        • The delivery arrived at half nine - two suitcases for the honeymoon. They're going to the USA for a few days and then to the Caribbean. Nice
          My arm is a bruised mess this morning which came as a surprise because I didn't feel a thing when the blood was taken.
          Granny on the Game in Sheffield


          • Afternoon all,am slow off the mark today again,still want lots more sleep,SNOW,them that want it can keep it,it has gone very cold again,bet the energy companies are rubbing their hands,and thinking about the bonus's,had another note from mine this morning to say how it going up again,had a quick calculation and is about £49 per week ,and only me,FF ref blood test,i find the same,and with a sadist it hardly bruies,hehehee GF they are gossip shops,stiff blue rinses,wonder if thats where Marg simsons hair style came from,heaven forbid,at the the time they felt beautiful,so thats all that mattered really to them,even thoug they did look rediculous,but these days anything goes under the rainbow,good luck with your rain falls Snoop
            sigpicAnother nutter ,wife,mother, nan and nanan,love my growing places,seed collection and sharing,also one of these


            • Good afternoon,cloudy with short sunny periods, was at the hospital this morning so that they could check my hand, which is healing well, I can now start doing some gardening without over doing, which of course I won't especially with OH watching me😕 I will also have to start putting my wallet back in my pocket as I no longer can use the excuse of elevating my hand, which was a good way of holding on to it😥 LD there are a number of wind generators in my area, and when they are generating to much electricity some of them get shut down, the power companies still get paid for the potential power that they could have generated, pay them rather than let the customers get cheap electricity, I'm changing the subject as these actions realy disappoint me.
              I thought I would buy some strawberry plants a couple of weeks ago, so got them delivered today, I dont know whither to try them in manger style baskets or clear one of the smaller raised beds that I usually use for flower plants, decisions, decisions, I will ask OH what she thinks is the best way, then do the opposite😁 right for heading to the greenhouse so enjoy the rest of the day and keep smiling 🙂
              it may be a struggle to reach the top, but once your over the hill your problems start.

              Member of the Nutters Club but I think I am just there to make up the numbers


              • The best laid plans....... I was just going to wash my hair ready for the arrival of the hairdresser when my 'phone tinged. A text. The hairdresser's car had broken down. We've re-scheduled for next week. I'm so glad I hadn't already got my hair wet. Then one of my late sister in law's friends rang. She's had some really bad luck and problems with her health this last year or so. She was on the phone for over an hour, but at least I think I cheered her up a bit.

                I've just popped in to a small local supermarket to get a couple of things that were unavailable on my online shop, including hot cross buns. Having now tried them they're not quite as nice as my normal ones. Something is missing. I think they just might need a bit more cinnamon. I'll try a sprinkle on top next time we have one.

                Thinking more about old fashioned hairdresser's I think a lot of the "Ladies" went to socialise more than for their hair styled. When I was about 14, I had a Saturday job in one for a few months. I learned so much and I think most men at the time would not have believed some of the conversations.


                • rary, I grew strawberries in manger style creations, constructed by Mr GF, one year. I really liked the fact that they were easier to pick and I got less slug damage, but in the height of Summer I struggled to keep up to the watering.


                  • Afternoon n’alln’all

                    I’m back from our short trip away.
                    Had a really lovely time and come back feeling very refreshed both mentally and physically

                    ( oh…and sorry….but we had sunshine all the time until we were about 30 mins from home….I’ll send it all on to you now…)

                    My mom too went to the hairdressers every Friday for a wash and set. Hair like concrete…young children thought she was the queen as she had exactly the same style
                    I’d go with her when I was preschool and sit in the footwell under the mirror and absolutely hated the smell of hairspray.

                    Enjoy your evening peeps!
                    "Nicos, Queen of Gooooogle" and... GYO's own Miss Marple

                    Location....Normandy France


                    • Thanks for the info GF, I think I will go for the manger type of basket as you pointed out better for cutting down snail damage,, as for the watering I will tell ask, plead, OH to attend to that, and your comment about men not believing the conversation of older women, yes I would my first full-time job was in the local mill and the comments that I got and conversations I heard from women when some of them were mothers of people whom I went to school with or friends I run about with, shocked me 😏🙂🙂
                      it may be a struggle to reach the top, but once your over the hill your problems start.

                      Member of the Nutters Club but I think I am just there to make up the numbers


                      • Good morning all.

                        The weather seems to be cycling through its repertoire today. I awoke around 3am, and it was trying to snow. By 7am, the sun was shining brightly, and now we have thick grey clouds. What is next?

                        The birds appear to be collecting sticks and bits for their nests, and I saw a massive bumble bee yesterday. Even I was ordering shorts and considering getting my sandals out of hibernation last week. I think I may need thermals this week. I also seem to have a fridge full of mainly salad type foods and not enough winter stodge.

                        I'm taking Mr GF, and his corns, for a podiatry appointment this morning in a nearby town. Afterwards I'll go and see if the mobile fishmonger has turned up at his usual Thursday pitch. He is expensive but his fish and seafood is excellent.

                        rary, when I had the manger type creations for strawberries I also used to put a about 2 inch wide, thick stripe of vaseline around each of the legs about 9 inches off the ground to further deter slugs from climbing up and munching my fruit. I only had to share them with the blackbirds then. Just remember that you are still supposed to be taking it easy though, Rary!

                        Time for another coffee now.
                        Last edited by greenishfing; Today, 09:21 AM.


                        • Good Morning All Cloudy here. Grory Hop on the way. Have a good day
                          Granny on the Game in Sheffield


                          • Morning

                            Lots of sleet and hail yesterday looks like just rain for today. Grory hop at some point today just need to sort out the list.

                            Enjoy your day
                            Location....East Midlands.


                            • Mornin n’alln’all
                              Tis brrr again here too gf.
                              I think the overnight drizzle stopped any chance of frost though.
                              Fish is very expensive these days isn’t it? I don’t begrudge it though cos I certainly couldn’t work on a trawler - could you?
                              I go green and wobbly just at the thought of it

                              No idea what OH has planned for me today . I fancy making a ‘trifle’( diet) and some live yogurt, but apart from that I’ve nothing specific that I want to crack on with.
                              The camper could do with a bit of a Spring clean, so if it continues raining then I might well do that.
                              One thing crossed my mind yesterday was that I was wondering if I could use somehow the cab part as a potential greenhouse!
                              It gets lovely and warm and sunny in there during the day but not so sure about overnight….
                              There's a thought!

                              We have shared our strawberries with hares over the past three summers. Delightful to see, but it means we lose out. I don’t bother weeding both patches anymore.
                              Nice idea though about having a cradle…that might be our only chance against hares, slugs, birds and mice. Watering could well be a problem here …but maybe I could set up a watering system and heavily mulch….?

                              Have a great day everyone.
                              Those smiles certainly kept me company yesterday!
                              My granddaughter and daughter video called me whilst in the sunny Fougeres castle grounds to sing Happy Birthday. And as they did so, a random lady walking by stopped and joined in! Wasn’t that sweet? On both accounts. That really made my day .
                              "Nicos, Queen of Gooooogle" and... GYO's own Miss Marple

                              Location....Normandy France


                              • Morning all.

                                Clouds brewing, but it is supposed to be dry this morning.

                                Mr Snoop is making breakfast (toast and coffee) and after that we're off out to try the strimmer. And then an afternoon of baking, I hope. A little bit of dancing this morning too, to Groove Armada. New to me. The first track was OK, but now it's gone all suave rap. Not awful but definitely not good for dancing to. So that's put paid to that.

                                As you can tell, no work. The decks are completely cleared. I've got plenty of smiles of my own, so I've sent the usual smiles on their way. Hope you get to enjoy them too.

                                All those shocking conversations, rary. No wonder you seem older than your years!

                                Have a great day, everyone.


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