Morning all.
Glad your weather has improved, Bramble. Still raining here and looks like it will continue right through to the end of the month and beyond. Even the dog wouldn't go outside this morning it was raining so hard. Just looked at me as if to say 'You expect me to go out in this? You've got another think coming.'
This is when a greenhouse would be extremely useful as I haven't even started sowing my seeds yet. And the weeds are just loving the conditions, now knee high, but the ground is so boggy there's not much I can do about them. And just think, in three or four months time I'll be complaining about the lack of rain! Not surprising I haven't seen the smiles round here much. I bet they're all enjoying the sunny conditions up north. Are they stopping over at yours these days, LD?
Have a great day, everyone.
Glad your weather has improved, Bramble. Still raining here and looks like it will continue right through to the end of the month and beyond. Even the dog wouldn't go outside this morning it was raining so hard. Just looked at me as if to say 'You expect me to go out in this? You've got another think coming.'
This is when a greenhouse would be extremely useful as I haven't even started sowing my seeds yet. And the weeds are just loving the conditions, now knee high, but the ground is so boggy there's not much I can do about them. And just think, in three or four months time I'll be complaining about the lack of rain! Not surprising I haven't seen the smiles round here much. I bet they're all enjoying the sunny conditions up north. Are they stopping over at yours these days, LD?
Have a great day, everyone.