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Chitchat thread #24


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  • lottie dolly
    good evening all,oh dear Snoop,not funny is it take care,the weather here has been miserable and murky all day,and not long ago did not stop to rain,it hammered it down,son hung the last curtain up by 7 pm,it all looks realy cosy now,done shopping for the snacks and cake get together,so tommorrow morning it will be knock some food up then vacume,and clean the bathroom,then get me tarted up,i am realy gratefull for the help i am having,had 2 lots of bread fail today,it is the yeast fail,we put some into warm water and sugar,and not one sing bit of fiz,never mind,i got some in the freezer for me,but had to buy some for my 81 get together,sweet dreams all

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  • bramble
    Good evening all.
    We had a lovely sunny day here and the temp went up to 22 degs.
    After I came back from the hairdressers I was asked to look after my grandson for the afternoon.
    We ended up going to the toy store...He has been asking for the junior monopoly game.
    So, spent the evening playing monopoly.
    Have a good night all.

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  • rary
    Had a cool start this morning, but sun came out about 11 and has just got warmer as the day progressed, strung up all my onions and cleared out some crocosmia, I intended to do some work on my replacement gate but decided to just enjoy the sunshine, though I have been planning changes in the greenhouse, instead of one large bed I am thinking of making 4 small beds 15in. wide by 30in. long that way I can play about with different feeds to see if there is any great difference in growth, taste and harvest, so working on that over the winter shoukd keep me busy and therfore might avoid housework🙄 OH is talking about getting all the cupboards and drawers cleaned out, this is to save the children any bother if/whenwe are not here, dont understand hat I recon I have another 40 years yet😏 see how lucky some of you will be😁 right off to make the tea. Keep smiling and pass them on🙂🙂🙂

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  • Florence Fennel
    It's been really gloomy here all day, I'm going to have to put the lights on to prepare tea!

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  • Bren In Pots

    Its rained here all afternoon not very nice out at all, we've got the same forecast as you GF all 3 weather sites say there's more come for the rest of the week.

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  • greenishfing
    Good morning all.

    The Autumnal weather is back again, really damp and murky, rain not too far away. The forecast seems to get worse as the week goes on. Boots and hot water bottles on the horizon.

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  • Florence Fennel
    Good Morning All Misty and raining here. Have a good day

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  • Snoop Puss
    Morning all.

    Woke up this morning, full of plans for the day ahead. But I think they're on hold for today at least. Mr Snoop doing a lot better, though.

    Nice and sunny. Another million flying ants this morning by the look of it. The swifts had a field day here yesterday. Another one for them if they haven't already started migrating.

    Good luck with the curtains, LD.

    Have a great day, everyone.

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  • lottie dolly
    Morning all,busy day for me,thanks girls,be glad when its all sorted,and i get my home back,hope Snoops ok,see you laters

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  • Bren In Pots

    A misty start here its going to hang around till lunch time then rain for the day, never mind we did enjoy yesterdays sunshine.

    Lottie I doubt the join will be noticeable if its were the header tape is stitched. Give it a go and see.

    Your hair looks nice Bramble.

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  • Containergardener
    A glorious day again and intend to make the most off it. Work.went on longer than intended yesterday so missed alot of the day

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  • bramble
    Late evening all.
    What a beautiful sunny day it turned out after a cloudy start.
    Most of the day spent outdoors.

    GF, Sounds like you had a successful jam making session, I love the recipe you posted.

    Lottie if you sew the extra bit on the top I am sure it wont be noticeable.

    love your hair style Bren, I am having mine done tomorrow...much needed.

    Snoop, hope all is wel, with you and Mister.

    Have a good night all.

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  • lottie dolly
    Evening all,had a day of today,been to Trentham village on a coach trip with my Thursday group,boy was it hot,our coach left at 3pm,it said 26 ,then it changed to 27 for the remainder of time,was glad to get home,enjoyed the change of scene and a brake,i was tolled it is going to be hotter tommorrow,heaven help me,i got a lot to do ,i got friends and family coming sunday afternoon for nibbes and cake,started on the curtains and made a &&&& up,on the first one,cut it to short,so either they will all be the same,or i hope i can add a bit back on the top,and be cleaver were i put the top row machine line,i could kick myself,Snoop i wish you the the best with the covid,and your weeds,goodnight all sweet dreams,

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  • Bren In Pots

    We have sunshine so we've been out and about making the most of it.

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  • greenishfing
    I am really impressed with the plum and mulled wine jam. In the end, for spices, I added cinnamon stick, a few cloves and a couple of bits of nutmeg that were too small to grate without grating my fingers too. I didn't have any orange peel, so substituted lemon peel.

    Here's the recipe if anyone is interested.

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