"Well", said Mary, "that's that sponge ruined. Just as well I was still at the stirring stage and hadn't put it in the oven, otherwise I might have burnt the house down. This is the third time this has happened to me this month already."
"Ooer", said Nicos. This was becoming her watchword of the season so far.
Rary was just goggle-eyed at the sight of the mince pies. Perhaps he should ditch some of the pasties from inside his tied-up nightie. Mind you, then everyone would see...
"Ooer", said Nicos. This was becoming her watchword of the season so far.
Rary was just goggle-eyed at the sight of the mince pies. Perhaps he should ditch some of the pasties from inside his tied-up nightie. Mind you, then everyone would see...