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Little bit blue in the South


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  • Little bit blue in the South

    Well its summer time here in the Falklands and when our children get to 10 they go on a four day camping trip with their class to Goose Green.

    They all love it, and i have three children so a bit of a dab hand at getting them ready etc.

    Today my youngest child went, hes my only boy, and we all adore him (i.e. he is a little spoilt!)

    My eldest daughter doesn't live at home any more, but my second daughter does and shes only 12 months older than her brother, shes desperately unhappy that her brother isn't at home

    Were all mighty sad and missing our little mans company, its so quiet in the house because hes the one who makes all the noise!

    Sad Mummy

  • #2
    awwwww bless ....... i was always the same when mine went away, only have the one ...... loved it when he came home again, now i see him for about half an hour on a friday, i would gladly swap, to only have 4 days without him ....... all you have to remember is he'll be having a fab time ........ can you do something special with daughter to make up for it??


    • #3
      I am sure he will love it, i put a little note in his bag, telling him we all love him and to have a fun time. Bit wet but never mind!

      He will be back in town on Friday afternoon, probably smelly, little bit sun tanned and probably STARVING!

      So sonny boy gets home on Friday, eldest daughter is coming home for the weekend (she lives on the west) and on Sat we also have three very close relatives coming back on the airlink so its going to be one very busy weekend.

      On the plus side i think i will take Friday afternoon off from work, and big bonus, Monday is a bank holiday.

      I think i need a holiday.....but not sure we would get far.....just washed hubbys passport and its still got 8 years on it!


      • #4
        Goose green. That's a place familiar to many of us.

        Battle of Goose Green - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

        Vegetable Kingdom blog


        • #5
          I am sure he will come home with loads to tell us, things that he thinks we should know such as.
          "Wowww Mum you should have seen the landrover out there, it had big wheels...coool" or "My tent was great, i managed to make it fall down just by touching a little bit of string which i though i would use for a kite".... that sort of thing

          They normally go and see Bodie Creek Bridge, which is the most southerly suspension bridge, little bit more history for them.


          • #6
            I though you might like to see a pic of a bit of the FI, this was taken in Aug, so it was cold. We took a run out to the North Camp. All roads out of Stanley are like this and there's no much to see apart for a couple of sheep
            Attached Files


            • #7
              WOW what a fab sight to see



              • #8
                Just thought i would show you what a little bit of Stanley looks like. You see how bored i am with out my little tirent in the house
                Attached Files


                • #9
                  wow, it does look a pretty cool place to live


                  • #10
                    Can be cool as in BRRRR cool!!! I have a fully centrally heated house, its only a year old and in the winter i can spend about �100 every ten days on fuel and still go to bed fully dressed!!!


                    • #11
                      do you get penguins??


                      • #12
                        Nice to see your photos w2s. Quite a number of people who live here in Shetland have lived in Falkland but judging by the photos it looks alot different!
                        Aerodynamically the bumblebee shouldn't be able to fly, but the bumblebee doesn't know that so it goes on flying anyway.
                        ~ Mary Kay Ash


                        • #13
                          Yes we get penguins, they stink (only because of their diet) but they are sweet. With the penguins though come the seals. My house is right on the front road and there are often seals which i can see from my living room.

                          Shetland and Falklands are apparently very close many people had commented on it, its funny isn't it over 8,000 miles between us but many similarities


                          • #14
                            What veg can you grow there? The countryside looks quite bleak with very few trees. Were there any trees before man arrived? I understand there is still a problem with mines too.

                            The king penguins must be great to see at 3 foot tall!

                            I've been looking at this website tonight as your posts got me intrigued hence my questions.

                            Falklands home

                            Vegetable Kingdom blog


                            • #15
                              ooooooooooo i'm moving to the falklands then ...... i like penguins ........ nearly as much as puffins lol .......... that must be so cool to have them on your doorstep ...... i'm jealous ..... i like seals too but not the ones that eat penguins..... norty seals.


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