It's bl00dy freezing where the ponies are, now and I have to change footwear to go into the fields, so put wellies on. I also have to stand guarding my shetland whilst he eats, or fatso will come and steal his food and my shettie needs the calories. So, I'm stood still for ages and getting colder as time goes on. When I got home, my feet were still like blocks of ice, even sat under a duvet with the heating on, so about 7:30 I went for a shower and stood on one leg to wash the soles of my feet in hot water. They were a deathly yellow and when I put them back down, it really hurt and felt like I had huge blisters!
I'm normally a bit more clued up, due to the Raynauds, but I guess I was caught out. I couldn't get out of the shower for ages as it hurt to walk, but they're fine now. Needless to say, I pulled out the MoonBoots this morning and will be guarding the little old one with woolly feet, later!
Look after your feets, people!
I'm normally a bit more clued up, due to the Raynauds, but I guess I was caught out. I couldn't get out of the shower for ages as it hurt to walk, but they're fine now. Needless to say, I pulled out the MoonBoots this morning and will be guarding the little old one with woolly feet, later!
Look after your feets, people!