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I'm gonna miss the I'm A Celeb final.. gutted


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  • I'm gonna miss the I'm A Celeb final.. gutted

    Don't know if I wanna stay home and miss my meal out and loadsalaughs with some girlfriends that's been planned since September, or stay home in the warm and watch it.... Dilemma!


  • #2
    lol! Don't worry, I think it's a dead cert that Joe will win. Although I wouldn't be disappointed if Gorgeous George won it, too! Ollie Ollie Ollie!


    • #3
      Have your meal and laughs!! I'm sure the final will be repeated at some point over the weekend, thats if you can avoid being told who won!!!
      Kirsty b xx


      • #4
        yup will definitely be repeated at least 5 times, just don't go anywhere near newspapers, or telly screens or people till you can get home and watch it in it's entirety lol


        • #5
          i have to admit that i have got quite into it over the last week and a bit, didn't watch the earlier stuff except watching them eating all those queer things that just shouldn't be eaten. enjoyed watching david and nicola at each others throats. joe does seem like a genuine likable sort of lad.


          • #6
            thing is now i want all of them to win ...... i'm glad DVD got booted


            • #7
              Originally posted by janeyo View Post
              .... Dilemma!
              nope, can't see any dilemma in your posting at all - what was the programme again


              • #8
                'Real' life should always come first!
                ..enjoy your evening out!!
                "Nicos, Queen of Gooooogle" and... GYO's own Miss Marple

                Location....Normandy France


                • #9
                  Janeyo...get yer gladrags on & get out with them girlies!Tape celebrity.
                  I know what you mean though about staying in the warm versus going out in the cold/dark/wintry night!!But you know it'll be worth it & have a great time...once you've got a couple of drinks down ya,you'll forget it's even winter!(I lost count of how many jackets I lost that the days before I became responsible mum obviously)
                  Have a great night!
                  the fates lead him who will;him who won't they drag.

                  Happiness is not having what you want,but wanting what you have.xx


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by andi&di View Post
                    in the days before I became responsible mum obviously)
                    you mean when you become a mum you're supposed to be responsible???


                    • #11
                      ...think soI'm very responsible with my drinking now...I've ditched all the glass glasses for plastic ones so's the kiddies don't break them!(except for my red wine ones,that,sorry....they're staying!..just wait til the kiddies are asleep til I start on the red!)
                      the fates lead him who will;him who won't they drag.

                      Happiness is not having what you want,but wanting what you have.xx


                      • #12
                        it was weird the other week, cos i went to meet rob in the pub after work so he could carry the shopping home ....... was sooooooo weird sitting there with half a lager and black (had to get a taxi home couldn't stand up straight) ........ watching him drink pints first time we'd ever been in a pub together other than for a meal when he was younger and not old enough to drink.


                        • #13
                          I will be at work but OH will tape it and I am going to be deaf tonight for one night only !!!
                          Gardening ..... begins with daybreak
                          and ends with backache


                          • #14
                            I am going out on the town!

                            Just my luck it will be on in the pubs and I will have to do that childish thing of putitng my hands over my ears and going 'lalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalala' really loudly, lol.

                            Is 4pm too early to be getitng ready? Not out til 7, v excited.



                            • #15
                              Oh no not too early have a drink while you get ready I probably would have started ages ago but then it takes me for ever to get ready. Last couple of years for my oh's christmas do I have packed everthing I need to get ready, into his car he drove off to work and I caught the train and got ready either at his office or last year we decided to stay overnight in a hotel. So I got there even earlier. shame this year he has moved jobs so no do, as smaller firm and partners can turn up after lunch for a drink. yeah as if i am going to pick him up just so he can have a drink. lol
                              Gardening ..... begins with daybreak
                              and ends with backache


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