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Toof capping


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  • #31
    teeth capping

    No-one likes going to the dentist, opticians, doctors, etc., but the long term problems as a result of not going are likely to be much worse
    I've always had regular dental checkups and treatment, and my teeth are still in generally good condition, at age 58
    I've worn glasses since I was 12 and apart from the short sightedness there are no problems, despite having diabetes for over 10 years
    I have never begrudged spending money on such things, even when I was unemployed; it's really up to you to look after yourself

    Since the general collapse of NHS dental treatment we pay for a family dental scheme; must be 15 or 16 years ago now. It's about 28GBP a month (sorry, this is an American keyboard!)

    I've had one molar capped. The work was done under a local anasthetic and was uncomfortable rather than painful, but it did take a lot longer than your average filling To date it's lasted about 10 years without any problems

    The actual work was covered by the scheme, so the only money I had to pay out was the actual cost of the cap/crown, about 60GBP


    • #32
      Originally posted by piskieinboots View Post
      anyone had it done?
      is it horrid?
      does it last?
      is it expensive on private?
      Yes - four front ones (were a bit wonky, nothing too serious but wanted perfect teeth!)
      No - but whatever you do, don't need the loo half way through and look in the mirror like I did
      Yes - ish, I had mine done nearly 20 years ago, but two have had to be replaced, both in the past two years, so not too bad (see below)
      Ah, I wish I could say no on this one, but alas, answer is yes. �350 for one done on private, �177 for latest NHS one - yep, I managed to find an NHS dentist a year ago
      Life is brief and very fragile, do that which makes you happy.


      • #33
        Hmm, I'm in a hurry as I shouldn't be on here but undercoating in the DD's pink room, so I haven't read all the prev replies to this, so sorry if I'm repeating wot others have said
        Life is brief and very fragile, do that which makes you happy.


        • #34
          Not got any caps or dentures, all my own teeth but with fillings cos when I was little I didnt clean them properly. I gave up going to an NHS dentist cos he was rubbish decided to go private and had to have lots of work done as the NHS one hadnt done his job properly. At the moment I pay �9.75 a month and that includes two visits for check ups not sure if it covers anything else. In January it will go up to �11.25 to include two visits to dentist and two visits to hygeneist per year.
          Gardening ..... begins with daybreak
          and ends with backache


          • #35
            The only bit I don't look forward to at the dentist is the chair - I can never lay comfortably in it, i's built for people smaller than me. Anyway, I digress.

            Shortly before LadyWayne and I met I got into a minor altercation outside a nightclub, got smacked in the mouth, dropped to the floor and kicked about like a rag doll.

            Net result - my tooth to the left of the front/left top one (make sense?) was broken down it's length and below the gum line.

            �300 later I had a "pegged" tooth fitted (having previously had what seemed like a Wrigleys Extra chewing gum plug the hole). The procedure was fascinating, I remember seeing smoke coming out of my mouth as he burnt the nerves I think - then I could hear/feel the drilling in my skull, which was an odd experience, and then a new tooth which matched the ones I had already. Nobody would know - clever stuff that dentistry.

            Get it done lass I say.
            A simple dude trying to grow veg.

            BLOG UPDATED! 30/01/2012

            Practise makes us a little better, it doesn't make us perfect.

            What would Vedder do?


            • #36
              Smoke.....burnt nerves.....drilling in the skull

              runs screaming from the room


              • #37
                Originally posted by rogesse View Post
                Smoke.....burnt nerves.....drilling in the skull

                runs screaming from the room
                *runs with Rogesse


                • #38
                  Maybe not the best example to put dental-phobes at their ease, lol



                  • #39
                    I broke a tooth eating a piece of fruitcake (!) a few years ago & had to have a crown/cap fitted. I'm terrified of dentists but have been going regularly for years now as we get Denplan from O.H.'s company. I had it done & it can't have been all that bad cos I can't remember anything about it (no they didn't knock me out!). The only problem was a few months later I had to go back & have root canal work done on it, he had to drill right through my lovely new tooth, he hadn't got the nerve out & it had died & was being attacked by my immune system causing an abscess. I was petrified as I'd heard root canal was awful & the receptionist was very sympathetic when I made the appointments, it has to be done in stages because it takes so long. Didn't really bother me though, the worse thing is having to lie there with your mouth open for ages trying to breathe & not drown in saliva!
                    Into every life a little rain must fall.


                    • #40
                      well, he has patched me up again, third time now since Feb - but he says it is the last attempt, it will need capping if the filling breaks again.

                      Sadly, I'm confident that the filling will break again and we have both decided that I am not going to be able to have it capped without sedation blinking liteweight aren't I - but there we are, I am and I can't do anything about it.

                      I don't even mind going to the dentist and I love my dentist to bits but I have this overriding gagging reflex that I just really cannot control.

                      Any ideas most welcome.


                      • #41
                        Have valium and get the cap done. When we lived in Derby I had a fabulous dentist and (even) I went every 6 months, he left and we moved and I've never been to a dentist since....if only I could find one I could trust.
                        To see a world in a grain of sand
                        And a heaven in a wild flower


                        • #42
                          Originally posted by piskieinboots View Post
                          well, he has patched me up again, third time now since Feb - but he says it is the last attempt, it will need capping if the filling breaks again.

                          Sadly, I'm confident that the filling will break again and we have both decided that I am not going to be able to have it capped without sedation blinking liteweight aren't I - but there we are, I am and I can't do anything about it.

                          I don't even mind going to the dentist and I love my dentist to bits but I have this overriding gagging reflex that I just really cannot control.

                          Any ideas most welcome.
                          well i cant help you cos i suffer from exactly the same thing, its a nightmare having moulds done, but my dentist is really good and does it as quick as possible before i choke, all i can say really isn't as bad as you think, if it was, i wouldn't have any caps.
                          so if it needs doing, screw up the courage, and get it done.
                          Vive Le Revolution!!!
                          'Lets just stick it in, and see what happens?'
                          Cigarette FREE since 07-01-09


                          • #43
                            Originally posted by piskieinboots View Post
                            I am not going to be able to have it capped without sedation
                            But what's so bad about sedation? I had two wisdom teeth out under sedation 7 years ago, and it were great, knew nothing about it, no nasty side effects. Or does that option increase the cost - or some other problem that I've missed (speed read the replies).

                            I go with HW on this one, just go for it, you'll be glad you did. As they say, You're worth it
                            Life is brief and very fragile, do that which makes you happy.


                            • #44
                              Sorry Piskie...I'm lost as to whether you are paying private or NHS??
                              I have most of my work done under sedation on the NHS(no benefits)& it costs no more to have the work done under sedation as not....also no shame in admitting needing sedation...tis obviously a widely needed procedure or it wouldn't be offered.Hopefully the filling will last a while....then get yerself down there & let'm make you a nice new shiny toof!
                              (oddly,the one thing I can handle without sedation is an extraction!The injection doesn't bother me unduly...yep it hurts,but only for a few seconds.But drilling & even clean/descale & polish....uh~uh!)
                              the fates lead him who will;him who won't they drag.

                              Happiness is not having what you want,but wanting what you have.xx


                              • #45
                                I'm private - not a sight of NHS dentists to be seen hereabouts

                                I have accepted that when the filling breaks again (fingers crossed it'll hold til after Christmas and NY closures) I will need it capped and I will need sedating. Although I'm reckoning on private it will cost more with sedation than without - but as you rightly say....I'm worth it
                                *tosses hair


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