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Help! Damsel in distress!


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  • #16
    I have the answer to your problem Seahorse....I've just seen 'our' weasel again! It came onto the patio and was looking round the area where I put down some sultanas for the blackies & robby. It was a lovely 'ginger' () colour, I thought it was a long mouse at first! Don't know if it was looking for a bit of fruit or maybe following the smell of meese, cos they sometimes sneak up and pinch some sultanas!
    To see a world in a grain of sand
    And a heaven in a wild flower


    • #17
      Thomas !!!!!!!!!!!!


      • #18
        We had a mouse in the front room last night - probably wandered in when I moved a load of wood in the garage and spent a few hours with a circular saw chopping for firewood.

        We had one of those humane traps from when we moved here, so I set it. Got home to find the cheese gone. Did it again overnight - cheese gone again. So this morning it got a good clean, pulled some bits of metal that were stopping the gates from closing, and reset it and bingo.

        We are off in a bit to release it somewhere across the water from us. Do mice swim???

        Just off to google that little conundrum.

        ETa: yes they do. So, we'll take it to the other side of the village...
        Last edited by zazen999; 16-12-2008, 06:09 PM.


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