I'm in two minds about this. When we first got our allotments, they were covered in mainly couch grass. The roots were nearly a solid mat that went down a few inches. The first large bed that we attacked, we set off with a fork and a weed bag. The going was very slow. It was heavy clay soil and it was wet.
A while later, I decided that I really needed to get some potatoes in the ground. The next plot, in a similar state, but a bit drier by now, I strimmed to ground level, rotovated with a powerful machine, and pulled out as many roots as I could see. I then marked out rows, made holes and dropped potatoes in them. As the weeks went on, I began to earth the potatoes up and kept removing the weeds continually as they appeared. Amazingly, we got a decent crop of potatoes, and by winter, both plots were in a more or less weed free state. (Luckily we didn't have bindweed).
A while later, I decided that I really needed to get some potatoes in the ground. The next plot, in a similar state, but a bit drier by now, I strimmed to ground level, rotovated with a powerful machine, and pulled out as many roots as I could see. I then marked out rows, made holes and dropped potatoes in them. As the weeks went on, I began to earth the potatoes up and kept removing the weeds continually as they appeared. Amazingly, we got a decent crop of potatoes, and by winter, both plots were in a more or less weed free state. (Luckily we didn't have bindweed).