Did a nightshift on Saturday, only get to do about one one a month, a: because I work part time and b: because about half the carers on my ward only do nights and I don't get much opportunity for them.
I don't sleep well before a night, and as I only do one, don't sleep - if I do, not well - afterwards.
Sat here, not even feeling tired now, but must get up in the morning to take pickle to school.
Any tips to help me get off to re-regulate my internal clock? my usual tried and tested methods not working.

Did a nightshift on Saturday, only get to do about one one a month, a: because I work part time and b: because about half the carers on my ward only do nights and I don't get much opportunity for them.
I don't sleep well before a night, and as I only do one, don't sleep - if I do, not well - afterwards.
Sat here, not even feeling tired now, but must get up in the morning to take pickle to school.
Any tips to help me get off to re-regulate my internal clock? my usual tried and tested methods not working.