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Gardeners Rest #19 (2024)


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  • Santa was quite obviously still ..... how can one politely describe it..... pissed!

    But who was in the Santa suit?


    • The Christmas lunch was coming to it's highpoint, the tasting .... and eating of the Christmas puddings.

      Everyone was full, but had saved a tiny space for a spoonful or two of Christmas pudding.

      Michelle, who was supposed to be the celebrity judge, had disappeared....

      Mrs Go-4it poured brandy over each of the puddings and lit a taper. They would obviously be flambéed. ....

      When the first of the diners regained consciousness nothing made sense and the local plod were called..... yet again.


      • Miz spelling came running into the dinning room,what on earth was that bang,as she took a sniff of the salts,what a mess again,is someone trying to get us both sack,she gathers here senses together and seen as to what the injuries are,those with any burns could be taken outside under the hose pipe,once again the apropriate paper work were got ready for inspection,that will mean,the dinning room will be out of action for a while,so dinners are either snackes in the lounge,
        sigpicAnother nutter ,wife,mother, nan and nanan,love my growing places,seed collection and sharing,also one of these


        • Mrs Go-4it was quite upset that yet again Miz Spelling was distancing herself from actual events and seemed only to be interested in Health & Safety concerns.

          She did wonder what had happened. ...... in the end she decided that she really didn't care. It would all come out in the end and even the seemingly incompetent local police would call in experts.


          • Snoop and Nicos were flat on their backs on the floor. Sent there by the force of the explosion and held there by the weight of Christmas pudding they had eaten. They looked upwards from their prone position and were both instantly sure that neither Miz Spelling nor Mrs Go-4it had as yet noticed the hole that had been blown right through the dining room ceiling and roof.


            • Both, at the same moment, cried out “Look…it’s snowing!”
              Everybody instantly stopped what they were either doing, or thinking about doing, and stared at the sky.

              “YESSS!” they cried in unison and dashed outside…I mean, let’s face it, who doesn’t want to frolic in the snow on Xmas Day?

              Suddenly snowballs were flying all over the place,and a group of people were doing a grand job of making a snowman.

              What a wonderful way to spend the evening, and Xmas Day at that!
              "Nicos, Queen of Gooooogle" and... GYO's own Miss Marple

              Location....Normandy France


              • Miz Spelling gained her composure,MRS Go-4it,i know we are good friends but you have to understand ,that after the last episode,i am merely getting prepared,as is my duty,they will be wanting to interview you as it was in your domain it happened,and therefore we need to work together on this seriouse event,iam still of the opinion we have an enemy here,why i do not know,have you any ideas,as we cannot allow this to continue,at this rate we will be loosing trade to that scruffy out fit of a suposedly outfit of a hotel over the other side of the forest,but will find out,i have a wonder all talking,all seeing sneek,as the both had a sniff and looked up,they the gaping hole in the ceiling,on hearing their scream of shock horror,the Fireman came running in and took charge, Would all please remain calm,assistance is on the way,
                sigpicAnother nutter ,wife,mother, nan and nanan,love my growing places,seed collection and sharing,also one of these


                • And with those very wise words of advice they were bombarded with snowballs…
                  "Nicos, Queen of Gooooogle" and... GYO's own Miss Marple

                  Location....Normandy France


                  • Mrs Go-4it thought about it. Could some of their "accidents" really be " on purposes". Was someone deliberately trying to sabotage them?

                    The concrete in the mince pies had been serious. Maybe the mushroom poisoning had not been straightforward. What about Rary's fall? Had he been given a hallucinogenic drug? It was fortunate that latest attempt on their lives had not had worse consequences. At least there were no broken bones.


                    • But then there was also the mystery of the impostor Rary, cuffed to a hospital bed. He had been hurt. And perhaps he wasn't an impostor but the real Rary...

                      Mrs Go-4it looked up at the hole in the ceiling and wondered whether the fireman could be prevailed to use their extending ladders to go up and fix it...


                      • …..just as another snowball hit her squarely on the back of the head
                        "Nicos, Queen of Gooooogle" and... GYO's own Miss Marple

                        Location....Normandy France


                        • Well, said Bramble, it might be called The Gardeners Rest, but it was anything but restful.
                          Maybe in the coming week the whole sorry mess would br sorted.

                          And when your back stops aching,
                          And your hands begin to harden.
                          You will find yourself a partner,
                          In the glory of the garden.

                          Rudyard Kipling.sigpic


                          • OHH said MizSpelling,that is another thought,wonder if they still up there,hiding,after all,Rarys magic ladders have not been found,could they be the ones that extend to enable them to hide away,and the reasone they were wobberly is they were worn out"time to replace them she thought",as she turned and looked,she again took comfort in the tree,she hoped this day,still a holiday ,would pan out better for all,later on she had a visit from the man off the telly and his team,to come and do the emergancy repairs
                            sigpicAnother nutter ,wife,mother, nan and nanan,love my growing places,seed collection and sharing,also one of these


                            • Mrs Go-4it's patience was sorely tried. That snowball had really hurt. She picked herself up and made her way to the kitchens in high dudgeon. She was minded to tell people they could whistle for lunch. But the liquid snowball sitting on the counter top went a long way to improving her mood.

                              She picked up her spoon, rapped it down to call her staff to attention and...


                              • NOTICE BOARD

                                Due to things beyond our control,whilst the repairs are carried out,it would be nice to have and out door day,build the best snowman,try your hand at an igloo,join a nature trail,see what footprints can be found,

                                Miz Spelling joined the guests outside for a while,when WAM,a snow ball hit her,so decided it was not for her and went back inside,the others were really having a good time ,especialy NIcos
                                sigpicAnother nutter ,wife,mother, nan and nanan,love my growing places,seed collection and sharing,also one of these


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