But Nicos was in luck. Snoop was at the front of the queue and, in true Spanish style at the fishmongers, brazenly said very loudly, 'Oh there you are, I've saved your place for you'. The people at the back of the queue were so taken aback at this barefaced cheek that their jaws dropped but their mouths said nothing as Nicos sauntered past, flashing her fluorescent lippy left and right as she grinned. It really wasn't like her to behave this badly, but for a French pompier she would.
Snoop had missed the board games and snacks as her nap had gone on rather longer than she'd meant it to - those beds really are extremely comfy - and had leapt out of bed at the crack of dawn. She'd had tea instead of coffee and had refused to look in the fairy's direction and was ready for anything the day might throw at her, including the French pompier...
Snoop had missed the board games and snacks as her nap had gone on rather longer than she'd meant it to - those beds really are extremely comfy - and had leapt out of bed at the crack of dawn. She'd had tea instead of coffee and had refused to look in the fairy's direction and was ready for anything the day might throw at her, including the French pompier...