Perhaps the dashing Pompier could be persuaded to wear the costume?
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Gardeners Rest #19 (2024)
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With Snoop in hot pursuit, handbag in hand. And in case anyone should be wondering, it was for dancing around, not for making off with lots of the sausage rolls.
Edited to add: Having seen the dashing Pompier in his lycra gear, Snoop thought the Santa outfit with all its padding might be better suited to him, and to a festive family venue, and so Flo's idea was a good one. She gave Flo the thumbs up, sticking her thumb through the hole in the middle of sausage roll and popping the sausage straight in her mouth. Very vulgar behaviour. Not something she had ever done before and she hoped she would never do it again. Whatever had come over her?Last edited by Snoop Puss; Today, 04:45 PM.
Originally posted by Florence Fennel View PostWe'll take that as a Bah Humbug then. I expect you needed the knees to bear plenty of weight Raryit may be a struggle to reach the top, but once your over the hill your problems start.
Member of the Nutters Club but I think I am just there to make up the numbers
good afternoon all said miz Spelling in a sprightly voice,i also wondered about them NIcos,can only smell them,thank you for your reply Rary,i do understand your position,and wish you you all the best,BUT you can still join us in the longe for sit and natter session,
Notice board
Friday 20th
Make festive decoration with Nicos,for those that missed yesterday,please note there was a change ,start 10 am,
afternoon will be the bake off,see notice later on for what will take place,
evening will be a comedy event,with the a suprise famaus comedian,8pm start......PS,please feel free to get them a free drink,and not thow it over them.
ON Sunday Mrs Go-4it has indicated that the kitchen staff will prepare us a wonderfull lunch,with the usually veg and trimmings,i did catch a glimps of her shopping order,and could be a tiramisue is 1 of the desertsso have a good evening all,Snoop i will see you around the handbags group,if anyone wishes for some formal ball room dances,the musice will be played via the getto blaster,sound turnd down of course,must go now and see where i can find another would be santa,i see we have 1 suggestion already,open for any more suggestions,she walk of with a her usual glance at the tree,but this evening she paused to reflect on how well this event is going,and what a lovely shape tree was got from the forest,and how everything twinkled,a sudden bout of cosines swept over her,sigpicAnother nutter ,wife,mother, nan and nanan,love my growing places,seed collection and sharing,also one of these
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