Later on every joined in with the conga,even out into the evening air and back inside,when the band stop playing,Miz Spelling thanked the band and the disc jocky for a wonderfull evening,and MRS Go-4it said how glad she was that i had managed to arrange at such short notice ,the fire men line up,when all was quite again,she goes to her room,but not before her ritual with tree and it's wonderfull golden fairy,
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Gardeners Rest #19 (2024)
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Goodness knows when Mrs Go-4it sleeps but the wonderful smells of warm croissants, breads and even cakes were already seeping their way through the Gardeners Rest. She, and her team, had been working hard ready for the day ahead.
The breakfast buffet was already laid out for the early risers (yeh right!) along with, most unexpectedly a rather large, sumptuous chocolate Buche de Noel ( chocolate log) and a beautifully risen Panettone. For breakfast?…And why not indeed!
"Nicos, Queen of Gooooogle" and... GYO's own Miss Marple
Location....Normandy France
Miz Spelling was also up early,awakened by someones alarm going off,then she smelt the cooking,she wondered if any of the other guests realised how hard MRS Go-4it and her team worked, please do not worry about her,as she works these new so called ,flexee hours,as do i myself,she had the swig off coffe and went back to bed,and wondered if maybe she could drop of (to sleep silly)again,sigpicAnother nutter ,wife,mother, nan and nanan,love my growing places,seed collection and sharing,also one of these
Mrs Go-4it had indeed been been awake for half the night. She'd been curled up in large hoodie, drinking coffee, in the lounge at 4am, watching the robot vacuum cleaners zip around the floor.
Eventually, when she realised that sleep was completely eluding her she'd decided to bake.
Now, as the guests wandered downstairs, she decided to have forty winks. Her kitchen team were more than capable of cooking a few rashers of bacon, and eggs and lunch was all planned.
Snoop knew there was something up with the fairy. She'd seen Miz Spelling giving it knowing looks. And no way was she having a sniff of any smelling salts. She might end up fully montying herself if she did and that would not be a welcome sight at breakfast time.
Mrs Go-4it really had outdone herself with her breakfast baking. The choice was enormous and all of it looked so good. "A piece of chocolate log, please", she asked the waiter, who looked surprisingly like Fireman Sam. Nicos joined her at her table...
AS also did Miz spelling when she awoke after her second sleep,i love chocolata roll,even better with ganansh covering,she had indeed,done hereself proud again,i only hope every can leave via the front door,or it will have to be the big doors the draymen use for the beer kegs,she then address everyone to enquire,i hope your all feeling more relaxed after the last weeks goings on's,some new events are in the planning for after boxing day,so please keep checking the notice board,which i will be updating this afternoon,now MRS Go4it and her team are working hard in the kitchen cooking our lunch,please enjoy your relax after lunch,unless you prefer to take a walk instead,but do not disturb the 3 bares in the wood,i am really excited about hearing what new things you going to grow next year,i have 1 or 2 of my own seeds purchased from,grabit and see,sigpicAnother nutter ,wife,mother, nan and nanan,love my growing places,seed collection and sharing,also one of these
"Or Captain Morgan, Miss Smirnoff and a.n. other?", Snoop wondered. No she didn't, not really... Or so fleetingly it didn't register as a conscious thought. Honest.
A walk sounded nice, but she'd want to go with someone else if bears or perhaps even boar were about. Whose arm could she twist?
good afternoon all said Miz spelling,the guest'swere just finishing the coffee and biscoff biscuits,before retiring to the lounge,their respective rooms for a snoozzzzzzzz it off,or a guided walk in the woods,hte flora and thorna could be looked at and see what was happening ,also some binoculars are on hand at reception on the way out,you can thentake a closer look for the birds,as for the bears your, safe as they are part of our statue collection,plus we have decided to put out a little suuper for later on during the garden and seed discution,as am sure may will be a little famished,i look forwards to seeing you there,with your thoughts and ideas,now i must go and organize the Notice boardsigpicAnother nutter ,wife,mother, nan and nanan,love my growing places,seed collection and sharing,also one of these
Firstly is there any particular event you would like to happen if so,please use the pen and paper on the table below,and post it in the box,with your chosen activity writen down,the most voted for will be chosen,
Monday 23rd
morning,a tour of the old ruins in the grounds,these were descoverd when the foresters were doing a clean up operation,since over the summer months,some bodies had been and left rubbish,
afternoon,yet to be decided,MRS Go-4it will let you all know if the bake of is still going ahead,and catch up with news as if we have a winner,if so a ceramony will be held by the good lady herself,along with a celebrity,if not it will carry on as it has been,and next creation will be announced.
evening,a gathering of book enthusiast's will have a chance to come together,for a discusion,those not interest,remember you have our wonderfull NEW facilities to explore and enjoy,or sit and natter,if you have your knitting you could have knit and natter,
footnote to say,do not forget it is christmas eve tomorrow,with a special evening event,so please be available,
as she passed the tree she again noticed a body had been disturbing things,now wondering what the game is,unless it was from the roudies last night,she smiled at the fairy then went for her rest,Last edited by lottie dolly; 22-12-2024, 01:44 PM. Reason: one day i will get letters in orderhehehesigpicAnother nutter ,wife,mother, nan and nanan,love my growing places,seed collection and sharing,also one of these
"How about an aquagym session in the fancy new pool?" Snoop suggested, thinking that Nicos could run that as she's a frequent swimmer, forgetting that Nicos had already led the wreath-making event.
"And what about a jigsaw puzzle event?" Flo and Bramble are both good at those and could give us their tips on how to proceed. Start at the corners? In the middle? Random bits that go together?Last edited by Snoop Puss; 22-12-2024, 02:29 PM.
Thank you Snoop,excellent ideas,i also love a jigsaw,and used to go into a gym aqua class,the later,was 20+ years ago,but have you got your swim suit with you,as these are not provided,only the towels,shampoo ext
i hope that was not a rib at our Nicos,already done a class have you forgot the sour doughLast edited by lottie dolly; 22-12-2024, 02:48 PM.sigpicAnother nutter ,wife,mother, nan and nanan,love my growing places,seed collection and sharing,also one of these
Definitely not a dig at Nicos, no. Just recognition of her superior swimming skills. Well, superior to mine at any rate.
And yes, I do have my cozzie, surprisingly.Last edited by Snoop Puss; 22-12-2024, 04:07 PM.
no i did mean RIB,this time,it was not one off my wrongs,you could both help out,one the experienced,and the other the weak and seniors,sort it out between you both,but i have to remind you,have you got a certificate of necessary words documentation to show your qualified,sigpicAnother nutter ,wife,mother, nan and nanan,love my growing places,seed collection and sharing,also one of these
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