That's the title of a book I got from the library this morning. it's full of forgotten, unusual, and archaic winter words, so I shall give you a word a day to bamboozle, fascinate, and inform 

Two words today, to start it off:
Abliguration (noun) - I'm sure some of us will be guilty of this in the countdown to Christmas.
Moble (verb) - I expect some of us do this, too.
Have a guess at the meaning (but no googling!)
Definitions and a new word tomorrow.

Two words today, to start it off:
Abliguration (noun) - I'm sure some of us will be guilty of this in the countdown to Christmas.
Moble (verb) - I expect some of us do this, too.

Have a guess at the meaning (but no googling!)
Definitions and a new word tomorrow.