A friend of mine came around the other day, he is on a small allotment in the village by the church and he told me he was coming off and offered me his allotment. He then told me what they had been charging him over the last year, �100 for a half plot + upwards of �60 for water (the site is metered). He thinks (and I believe him) that they are trying to drive them off so property developers can tear down the lovely old vacant church and build houses but to do this they need a road, and surprise surprise the only place a road can go is through the allotments.
I felt sorry for my friend, he's had that allotment for 36 years and is being driven off because he just can't afford the costs, who could? I work full time but I couldn't pay this for half a plot! I want to know if anyone else has had experience of this underhand way of getting rid of allotments?
It angers me that these fools will takeaway 16 allotments for the sake of a few houses that no one can afford in the present market. Is it me or are councils and property developers just f***ing idiots? (apologies for the swearing and the asterixes). It really does anger me.
I felt sorry for my friend, he's had that allotment for 36 years and is being driven off because he just can't afford the costs, who could? I work full time but I couldn't pay this for half a plot! I want to know if anyone else has had experience of this underhand way of getting rid of allotments?
It angers me that these fools will takeaway 16 allotments for the sake of a few houses that no one can afford in the present market. Is it me or are councils and property developers just f***ing idiots? (apologies for the swearing and the asterixes). It really does anger me.