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Stopping Smoking for 2009 thread


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  • Wow Allotmentlady, sounds like you are finding it easy, which is great.

    I notice from Bride's new 'signature' that she's being successful too.

    As for me - and the waggon - not only did I fall of, I pushed the b*gger down the hill! Had a weekend on the vino, not to excess, just a bottle a night (that's not excess for me ) and I have to say I feel like sh*t - fat, bloated and sluggish!

    The two weekends I didn't drink I felt great - shame I like it so much.

    Not drinking at all during the week now though, and I'm going to try to keep off it next weekend if I can.

    Why can't I be happy with just one glass?
    All the best - Glutton 4 Punishment
    Freelance shrub butcher and weed removal operative.


    • As it's getting near the end of January, I thought I'd update how I've got on and what's happening.

      The last packet of cigarettes I bought was on December 30th. I was a very heavy smoker, (in my opinion and my doctors too) smoking around 25 a day. Since then, I haven't bought 750 fags and I haven't let �168.75 go up in smoke. I'm really pleased with myself for that. However! I have cheated My friend left his tobacco and rolling stuff here and told me to help myself if I wanted to. I'm afraid the temptation was far too great and I have had some.

      I will continue to try though. Well done and a big GOLD STAR for all of you who have managed to kick the habit well and truly
      My girls found their way into my heart and now they nest there


      • (((Hugs))) for Auntie Mo. That friend of yours wants a good slap!! When my friend was quitting, I even went outside/away to smoke when she came to My house!! I wouldn't have dreamed of smoking in hers!!

        Anyway, don't beat yourself up, just keep on trying. Every fag that you don't smoke will help your health and your bank balance


        • Well done so far, Aunty Mo.

          Ask your friend not to be so kind again. When you're ready stop again, sometimes lapses happen, don't beat yourself up over it, don't make it tougher than it is.

          Keep trying, it took me three goes to finally give up, that was about 10 years ago now - I've missed smoking but I've NEVER regretted finally giving up.

          Good luck in your future attempts. As Sarzwix says don't allow smoking in your house, outside with the fags! (I stood on the doorstep smoking for years before I finally got the message - how stupid am I!!!?? )
          Last edited by smallblueplanet; 29-01-2009, 09:32 AM.
          To see a world in a grain of sand
          And a heaven in a wild flower


          • Originally posted by MaureenHall View Post
            As it's getting near the end of January, I thought I'd update how I've got on and what's happening.

            The last packet of cigarettes I bought was on December 30th. I was a very heavy smoker, (in my opinion and my doctors too) smoking around 25 a day. Since then, I haven't bought 750 fags and I haven't let �168.75 go up in smoke. I'm really pleased with myself for that. However! I have cheated My friend left his tobacco and rolling stuff here and told me to help myself if I wanted to. I'm afraid the temptation was far too great and I have had some.

            I will continue to try though. Well done and a big GOLD STAR for all of you who have managed to kick the habit well and truly
            �168.75 �168.75 - it's really scary when you add it up. I'm a little disappointed in your friend but having stopped smoking and lost weight I too have friends with the 'just one won't harm you' and 'one chocolate is OK' mind thing. My OH has just suggested I buy a small bottle of wine because a recipe I was planning needs one glass. The recipe will have to do without - I'm not that strong! About a month ago a smoking friend asked me to light one for her (can't remember why?) - have you ever tried to light one without inhaling!

            In a way you have 'kicked the habit' - you're just still working on the addiction. You'll get there I know.


            • Thats a lot of cash Aunty Mo, which has got to be the second best incentive to keep going, after the health benefits.
              Well done one and all who have stopped, you lot are nails. I couldnt stop doing the things I like doing, even if I wanted to.
              Bob Leponge
              Life's disappointments are so much harder to take if you don't know any swear words.


              • so how is everyone doing with their no smoking ?????


                • I haven't had one since the Cigar I smoked (was v v drunk) on New Year's Eve about eight years ago - but then I don't smoke lol!
                  All the best - Glutton 4 Punishment
                  Freelance shrub butcher and weed removal operative.


                  • I shouldn't be surfing at this hour, but I read this info on the BBC news website and I wondered how many of you had still given up? I also hoped it might help spur on any that had 'lapsed' or were thinking of trying to give up.

                    BBC NEWS | Health | Smoking ban heart gains 'massive'

                    Smoking bans cut the number of heart attacks in Europe and North America by up to a third, two studies report.

                    Heart attacks in the UK alone affect an estimated 275,000 people and kill 146,000 each year.

                    ...Earlier this month it was announced that heart attack rates fell by about 10% in England in the year after the ban on smoking in public places was introduced in July 2007 - which is more than originally anticipated.

                    But the latest work, based on the results of numerous different studies collectively involving millions of people, indicated that smoking bans have reduced heart attack rates by as much as 26% per year.

                    Second-hand smoke is thought to increase the chances of a heart attack by making the blood more prone to clotting, reducing levels of beneficial "good" cholesterol, and raising the risk of dangerous heart rhythms.

                    Dr James Lightwood, of the University of California at San Francisco, led the Circulation study that pooled together 13 separate analyses.

                    His team found that heart attack rates across Europe and North America started to drop immediately following implementation of anti-smoking laws, reaching 17% after one year, then continuing to decline over time, with a 36% drop three years after enacting the restrictions...
                    Last edited by smallblueplanet; 22-09-2009, 04:08 AM.
                    To see a world in a grain of sand
                    And a heaven in a wild flower


                    • I'm not reading this thread any more. I managed to quit 3 years ago and have a very strong urge to smoke one now !!!!!!


                      • Trying to quit ..........................again gone 9 weeks today without the weed.
                        The river Trent is lovely, I know because I have walked on it for 18 years.
                        Brian Clough


                        • 9 weeks is GREAT bw!

                          Well done you!


                          • Wot she said. Good effort BW, I'm sure its not easy, but you know it has to be worth it in so many ways.
                            Bob Leponge
                            Life's disappointments are so much harder to take if you don't know any swear words.


                            • My brother is currently on a work-up to be a kidney donor so his doctor has told him to lose some weight and quit smoking.
                              Problem being that his wife and our step-dad both smoke and he's moving house with his family at the moment they're staying at my mum and step-dad's.
                              So as a mark of solidarity they're all agreed to try and quit. Unfortunately for my mum, as the only non-smoker, she has to suffer all the grumpy mood-swings.

                              So I've bought them a full-sized, springy punch-bag!
                              Now whenever they get moody Ma can tell them to go and take it out on the punch-bag. I know my brother's going to get a lot of use out of it. (He'd use it even if he wasn't quitting)
                              Last edited by OllieMartin; 23-09-2009, 10:34 AM.
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                              • Well done BW, keep it up! i stopped a year past March, and still feel very pleased with myself - and a lot healthier! It's well worth the initial grumps and general ill feeling. The way I looked at it was I never want to go through that again, so that's why I'll never smoke again...


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