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Stopping Smoking for 2009 thread


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  • #76
    C'MONNN folks, hang on in there you're doing really well.

    *takes out gum shields, gives you a loving slap and rubs you all down with a towell.

    A garden is a lovesome thing, God wot! (Thomas Edward Brown)


    • #77
      sadly although my savings will be significant they will be way less, i only spend �5.50 a week on cigs

      Thats still �286 a year try and put it away where you cant get at it. it will soon mount up, Or treat yourself every now and then and be proud that you did. Keep it up you know we will support yo.
      Gardening ..... begins with daybreak
      and ends with backache


      • #78
        i am doing badly, i haven't given in at all, but i know have this 'thing' fixed in my head, the 24 hour ciggy, and how nice it would taste................ and how bloomin superior i am going to feel when i don't smoke it ( followed by gutted ten seconds later)

        i should have been a flippin catholic, this is self flagellation with knobs on!!!
        Vive Le Revolution!!!
        'Lets just stick it in, and see what happens?'
        Cigarette FREE since 07-01-09


        • #79
          and look at the health benefits to your body already

          Time since quitting
          Beneficial health changes that take place

          8 hours
          Nicotine and carbon monoxide levels in blood reduce by half, oxygen levels return to normal. Circulation improves.

          24 hours

          Carbon monoxide and nicotine eliminated from the body.

          48 hours
          The decline in lung function and excess risk of lung cancer halts.

          1 month
          Appearance improves � skin loses its grayish pallor and becomes less wrinkled

          3 - 9 months
          Coughs and wheezing declines

          1 year
          The excess risk of a heart attack reduces by half compared to that of a smoker.

          Keep up the good work guys, your doing brill



          • #80
            i KNOW, but my stupid body is screaming at me now saying 'just one'

            i have to picture it as my kids asking for more cola....say no for your sanity lol.
            Vive Le Revolution!!!
            'Lets just stick it in, and see what happens?'
            Cigarette FREE since 07-01-09


            • #81
              Just hang in there Bride, work on 12 hours at a time.

              I'm on Day18 and its definitely, definitely gets easier.



              • #82
                Originally posted by BrideXIII View Post
                i KNOW, but my stupid body is screaming at me now saying 'just one'

                i have to picture it as my kids asking for more cola....say no for your sanity lol.
                my friend has said thst if you empty an ashtray into a plastic box with a lid, whenever you feel like a ciggie, smell inside the box and you wont want one, the smell itself puts you off"

                Off for a cig now (sorry) lol..........
                Dont worry about tomorrow, live for today


                • #83
                  Originally posted by BrideXIII View Post
                  i KNOW, but my stupid body is screaming at me now saying 'just one'

                  i have to picture it as my kids asking for more cola....say no for your sanity lol.
                  I with you on this Bride, I want to scream too, just 1 puff! Can't have one though, none in the house, and no odd bits of fags in pockets, handbags, etc. Now that really is sick isn't it!!! But it's NORMAL for someone going through the withdrawal phase but I want it to go away
                  My girls found their way into my heart and now they nest there


                  • #84
                    It's very similar. In your brain you have lots of nicotine receptors screaming at you for nicotine right now because you are depriving them of their drug. With each day that goes by they will quieten down a bit until eventually there will be peace. I gave up two years ago although i used the lozenges to start with . When it's real bad have an early night an get some kip because you don't want a fag when your asleep, Tomorrow is a new day an you will be one day more ahead.

                    Well done you both.


                    • #85
                      Originally posted by allotmentlady View Post
                      my friend has said thst if you empty an ashtray into a plastic box with a lid, whenever you feel like a ciggie, smell inside the box and you wont want one, the smell itself puts you off"

                      Off for a cig now (sorry) lol..........
                      and its a good idea, right up to the point when i am fishing out the butts and drying them on the radiator so i can smokem !!!!

                      but hey, 2 hours i get my 24 badge!! YAY!!
                      Vive Le Revolution!!!
                      'Lets just stick it in, and see what happens?'
                      Cigarette FREE since 07-01-09


                      • #86
                        Originally posted by BrideXIII View Post
                        and its a good idea, right up to the point when i am fishing out the butts and drying them on the radiator so i can smokem !!!!
                        Or split them up and roll them up or stuff them in a pipe.
                        The river Trent is lovely, I know because I have walked on it for 18 years.
                        Brian Clough


                        • #87
                          Originally posted by bubblewrap View Post
                          Or split them up and roll them up or stuff them in a pipe.

                          oh oh i am so considering stuffing them somewhere, but saying where might get me banned for life

                          still not giving in.
                          Vive Le Revolution!!!
                          'Lets just stick it in, and see what happens?'
                          Cigarette FREE since 07-01-09


                          • #88
                            Originally posted by BrideXIII View Post
                            oh oh i am so considering stuffing them somewhere, but saying where might get me banned for life

                            still not giving in.
                            I also have one of these
                            Hookah - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
                            The river Trent is lovely, I know because I have walked on it for 18 years.
                            Brian Clough


                            • #89
                              I'm up to 30 hours now and I feel like ****!! No, I'm not going to apologise for swearing, I could say a lot worse. Yes, the demons have reared their ugly heads, making me itch, sweat, and wanting to scrape the eyes out of the next person who walks by my house. I'm not proud of feeling like this and I don't want to feel like this I WANT A CIGARETTE! I know though that if I did have one, then it wouldn't stop at 1 and this last 30 hours would have been wasted. Just don't tell me what's happening to my body and inside my head right now, I know because it's my body and my head!! Think I'll have yet another double double brandy with honey and hot water - it tastes nothing like nicotine but it does send me to sleep if I have enough of them
                              My girls found their way into my heart and now they nest there


                              • #90
                                Can i join please, not had a cig today. Had last one before i went to bed last night. I only smoke about 10 a day but need to pay for some more driving lessons and pass test in next 12 months. I had help from doctor though as am using patches that i wear 12 hours a day, smoke mainly in the evening when kids go to bed so am only noticing the craving more now. Had a couple of twinges of i want a ciggi earlier but noticed it was when i put coat on to go into garden to check on chickens, as i only usually smoke outside. Going to cut down on patches after first few days and see how i go on. I find the patches really help and the twinges aren't too bad, no climbing walls or getting nasty and moody. Good luck everyone else who is stopping especially those who are doing it cold turkey, i found Alan carrs stop smoking philosophy about not feeding the nicotine monster helps as i imagine the monster is the craving and won't give in to it. Sorry for long post.
                                You're closer to god in a garden than anywhere else on earth.


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