Our loacl sales werr rubbish and yet we still had LOADS of people rushing around. What were they rushing around for?! I always go and get my wrapping paper and next year's cards. Saved over 20 quid. Cards are such a rip-off so it was worth it. But as for the hype I read about mega-sales, it was a non-starter where we live.
I did drag OH into Woolies so he could see the pandemonium in there. It made him sad and we had to leave, but not before he joked about buying some fixed shelving - and guess what all the fixtures and fittings are for sale! Ask the management it said...
I did drag OH into Woolies so he could see the pandemonium in there. It made him sad and we had to leave, but not before he joked about buying some fixed shelving - and guess what all the fixtures and fittings are for sale! Ask the management it said...