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whats your temperature tonight???


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  • #16
    Its -1.5 here, ive just driven home from work and had to pull over to defrost my windows after trying to clean them from all the grit on the the road and it froze immediately!!
    Life isnt about surviving the storm.....But learning to dance in the rain.


    • #17

      Dunno how cold, not going out to see. Met office claims -3 unti about 6am.


      Just checked no1 son. His covers had fallen off the bed and he had wrapped the single layer cotton cat cover over him and was asleep and curled up like a little ball. Covered him back up and now he looks all snug again. Don't want him waking me cos he's freezing cold in the eaely hours, lol


      • #18
        Despite the sun the roofs have stayed white all day. I though it has snowed first thing. I don't know the temp, I didn't want to open up the greenhouse to see, in case I let even more cold in, but the roof was iced up inside. Fingers crossed for the fleeced plants on the most sheltered side. At one stage I caught OH with the heating up to 25, it's down a bit now, but I do need to bear in mind his health probs, so it doesn't go below 18 at night anyway.
        I've planning all day, wishing the sun was 'real'.
        I could not live without a garden, it is my place to unwind and recover, to marvel at the power of all growing things, even weeds!
        Now a little Shrinking Violet.


        • #19
          we are currently at -2 which is odd cos at 4pm this afternoon we were -4 at 8pm we were -6, i assume we now have some cloud cover although i cant see it.

          we are supposed to hit -12 this week and i am NOT looking forward to that.
          Vive Le Revolution!!!
          'Lets just stick it in, and see what happens?'
          Cigarette FREE since 07-01-09


          • #20
            the weather man said it was going to be minus 4, hope you don't mind but having been out photographing in the cold and getting hacks all over my hands I am not going out to check again. Staying inside with tea and telly.


            • #21
              Haven't got a thermometer handy, but judging by the view outside I'd say about -3. Real thick frost out. Don't think it got much above freezing most of the day.
              Kirsty b xx


              • #22
                -4C here in deepest North Wales and the fog has descended also. I am working tonight and to releive some of my boredom I wrapped myself up and went for a walk around the plant, I didnt stay out long I tell you, it is cold and spooky, I am now back in my nice warm control room.


                • #23
                  -2c here in Leicester, I have just finished an emergency panel build for work and its a wee bit icy.


                  • #24
                    Mr Sheds came home telling me it would be minus 10! Not here, I says.
                    Yes, he says, the forecast said.
                    He doesn't get the whole inland frost pocket versus on the coast/salty air thing.

                    I've just taken the rubbish out, and it's about 2 degrees Celsius. No frost, no wind, which is nice.
                    All gardeners know better than other gardeners." -- Chinese Proverb.


                    • #25
                      -5C Here now


                      • #26
                        Was -3 in the garden during the night, it's gone up to -2.3 now . In the conservatory it's 0.8
                        My girls found their way into my heart and now they nest there


                        • #27
                          MSN is forecasting a low of -5 tonight. That should be fun for the three mile walk home from the New Year's Eve party


                          • #28
                            I dont care what the temperature outside is if I'm cold I put the heating on b***** the cost. I pay enough for it.
                            Gardening ..... begins with daybreak
                            and ends with backache


                            • #29
                              During the night went down to -8, currently -5. It's white with frost and has been white for the past few days. Heating is on


                              • #30
                                blimy I thought we were cold it was -3 at pm last night. Let me know what it is tonight


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