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  • #31
    Originally posted by SarzWix View Post
    Why oiky? I thought he came across as a nice bloke And at 26, not really a child - I'd been married 5 years and had 2 kids by that age
    BBC NEWS | Entertainment | Who on earth is Matt Smith?
    Oh, I'm sure he's very nice in real life, and no doubt I'll warm to him eventually I wasn't very impressed in the (two) things I've seen him in to date though.

    As for being a child, well, OK (although I am 46 so technically am old enough to be his mother ) - but I do think that the Doctor needs to be a bit older - he will be 905 by the time young Matt takes over the part, and although NO-ONE would want him to look like geeky goblin real-age Doctor from the end of Series 3, I do think he needs to be a bit older to be taken seriously - after all, there was a big fuss about Peter Davison and David Tennant being too young and they were both *much* older at 33 and 34 or whatever they were. We'll be having a teenage Doctor next! (Just showing my age here - are there any vacancies on Grumpy Old Women?)!


    • #32
      Peter Davison was only 29 when he signed up as the Dr.

      I guess only time will tell whether Matt Smith can pull it off, but the producers/writers said they knew as soon as he auditioned that he was the right one, although they carried on looking just to be sure. I'm prepared to trust to their judgement until/unless proved wrong


      • #33
        Hmmm. Big Dr Who fan here. Liked CE lots and LOVED DT. I think Matt has that quirky look thats needed (boy is he ever quirky looking) but he does seem very young. Will reserve judgement and in the meantime look forward to this years "specials".
        Do it! Life's too short


        • #34
          it's not Cap't Jack - I've lost interest now ....


          • #35
            Originally posted by FionaH View Post
            Umm does he look about 12 to anyone else or is it just me?
            I thought that to.
            I refuse to have a battle of wits with an unarmed person.


            • #36
              Personality is what makes a doctor and this guy does not seam to have any, CE and DT where both funny and had a bubbly personality.
              Age has in my view got nothing to do with the part as he's to old to be aged in the conventual way , plus been an alien he may get young as he gets older.
              Would have been nice to have a woman doctor for a change as it would have opened up the possibility of a new doctor born from a child to get over the point where the doctor can only re-generate so many times before he dies.
              Catherine tate would have made a fine doctor , so would have Richard hammond but they went for the new guy who i thought was willy from the choclate factory of channel 4 , what where they thinking off.
              ---) CARL (----
              NORTH DEVON

              a seed planted today makes a meal tomorrow!



              now in blog form ! UPDATED 15/4/09


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