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Catalogue information.


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  • #16
    I have been looking at lots of catalogues in the last few days whilst I have been living in my caravan in the sheep shed and I find them all very vague with things like crop yield high, disease resistance medium and things like that. It also amazes me that some companies classify products in the wrong grouping and some of it is just sales patter.
    I suppose things have to be generalised due to the fact that weather conditions can be so different throughout Britain as obviously the south should be earlier than the north and so on.
    I think a nice picture and description is what I look for first and then I read what they are good or bad for.
    Potato videos here.


    • #17
      Originally posted by tattieman View Post
      ....obviously the south should be earlier than the north and so on.....

      This is something which REALLY infuriates me, in catalogues, books, magazines, and TV programmes... Everything is geared to the South, because they want to make everything sound as early as possible, and then they just say something generalised like "but will be later in the North". Yeah, but, How Much Later?! Which part of The North?! Will it be later still in The North of The North? Where does The North start?!
      I wonder if we should introduce zones in this country, to make it all a bit clearer....


      • #18
        Now days I like to know about flavor ....... I would love to see a survey done resulting in a complete directory of all veg, herbs and fruit, giving flavor ratings!
        Storage is another thing I now look for.
        and..... a 'bug/disease resistance rating given

        Dont want much do I? ........


        • #19
          Originally posted by Headfry View Post
          Now days I like to know about flavor .......
          Dont want much do I? ........
          No! Just think of all the different replies we get on here when someone askes what is the best spud for flavour. We all taste things differently and it's just not measurable.
          Whoever plants a garden believes in the future.

 Updated March 9th - Spring


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