Would have joined in sooner, but I was in the bath!
Hot and lots of bubbles, and lots of top-ups. I stay in for hours with a book and a glass of wine or G&T (when I'm not on the waggon). OH often brings me a starter if I'm in there too long. Once, when I was landscaping and had been wet through and cold all day, I got in the bath and refused to get out when dinner was ready, so he brought me a bowl of Chilli - Fab!
I used to have one of those bath tidy things which held a glass and a book etc. Had to throw it when it went rusty.
BTW PW - too much information LOL

Hot and lots of bubbles, and lots of top-ups. I stay in for hours with a book and a glass of wine or G&T (when I'm not on the waggon). OH often brings me a starter if I'm in there too long. Once, when I was landscaping and had been wet through and cold all day, I got in the bath and refused to get out when dinner was ready, so he brought me a bowl of Chilli - Fab!

I used to have one of those bath tidy things which held a glass and a book etc. Had to throw it when it went rusty.

BTW PW - too much information LOL
