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The strength of life


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  • #16
    Originally posted by andi&di View Post
    p.s....has he watched the whole video set yet??
    Blimey - that's it!! He is only on the second dvd of 14
    *cancels pub booking

    FiL if you are reading this anytime from wherever - remember you promised to come back and tell me what is on the other side


    • #17
      I shouldn't be smiling, probably, but I am. In a strange way, this is a lovely thread. Hope his passing is peaceful, Piskie. My Aunt was a stubborn old mule. She was sent home from the hospice to 'die over the weekend' and lasted another 6 months! I even had an insensitive girl at school say to me, 'Your Aunt's taking a long time to die, isn't she?'!! She managed to smoke right up until she died, too!


      • #18
        Don't know Piskie is all I can say. I've known patients who have just had enough and given up, some who have felt the time is right and gone with a faint smile, and I've seen one man fighting to stay, the look in his eyes will never leave me.
        This is hard time for you all. He sounds like the kind of chap who will know when the time is right.
        Kirsty b xx


        • #19
          Originally posted by SlugLobber View Post
          I shouldn't be smiling, probably, but I am. In a strange way, this is a lovely thread.
          You should and I want people to smile


          • #20
            Perhaps somebody just needs to say to him "It's ok, you can let go, we love you very much, but we'll see you on the other side" or something. Poor Pops had to do that with Ma, he said she seemed to be struggling, but he said something similar to her and she calmed down, then was gone half an hour later.
            And now I'm not smiiling anymore


            • #21
              Originally posted by SarzWix View Post
              ...And now I'm not smiiling anymore
              sorry babe


              • #22
                Originally posted by piskieinboots View Post
                sorry babe
                S'ok I'm pulling myself together...

                'Spect it's the DVDs makin him hang on - didn't you make him promise to watch 'em all?!
                I bought Ma her favourite Georgette Heyer novel on audio cassette, she used to drift off to sleep as soon as you put it on. Dad used to come in, moaning a bucket load "Not that ruddy thing again, she's not even listening to it", but as soon as he turned it off, she woke up


                • #23
                  Originally posted by SlugLobber View Post
                  I shouldn't be smiling, probably, but I am. In a strange way, this is a lovely thread.
                  I agree, this is a lovely thread Piskie.

                  Thoughts with you all for the time you have left with him.
                  My hopes are not always realized but I always hope (Ovid)




                  • #24
                    Maybe he's waiting to see who wins sleb Big Brother...
                    A simple dude trying to grow veg.

                    BLOG UPDATED! 30/01/2012

                    Practise makes us a little better, it doesn't make us perfect.

                    What would Vedder do?


                    • #25
                      Originally posted by HeyWayne View Post
                      Maybe he's waiting to see who wins sleb Big Brother...
                      is that back on - gawd help us!

                      He may be waiting to see if Sunderland get to the top of the league - it may take some time!!


                      • #26
                        My sister left my mum at 3pm in hospital and she was ok ish no where near the end tho but very Ill, not long after the hospital rang my sister and said you better contact the family and get here as soon as you can, they couldnt get hold of me cos I had changed my mobile no and they forgot to change it on their phones, I decided to visit anyway even tho I had my young daughter with me, cos I knew if I went home I wouldnt bother to go out again, my mum was very agitated and as each one of us arrived mum slowly calmed down, we sat by her bed talking she wouldnt close her eyes, we kept saying mum why dont you just have five minuets sleep, she looked around at each one of us slowly as if taking in what we looked like, then she was gone, it was 5.30 pm just 2 and a half hours after my sister left her. My mum had a stroke 5 years before this happened and she was 92 years old.
                        Piskie my best wishes to all the family at this very worrying time for all your sake I hope he doesnt suffer for too much longer as sad as it is it will be for the best.
                        Gardening ..... begins with daybreak
                        and ends with backache


                        • #27
                          Also when my sister was very ill, Her daughter was going to Austria on a school trip, one thing my sister didnt want was to die at home cos my niece would always be thinking mum died here, my sister had a fall on the sunday but was ok, my niece went away at midnight, I went to my sister's at 9am on Monday as usual and didnt like what I saw so called the doctor, my sister was sent by ambulance to the hospice we stayed with her and she was asleep most of the time only waking when prompted by the doctor but managed to answer any questions put to her, then she went to sleep and didnt wake again and died on the wednesday morning at 8.30am, we think she waited for her daughter to go away before dying so her final wish was granted.
                          Hugs to you all.
                          Gardening ..... begins with daybreak
                          and ends with backache


                          • #28
                            My Nanna who lived with us for 5 years before going into a home prayed loudly every night that her son would find himself a new woman & get married (his 1st wife died of cancer). As children we used to find this hilarious & giggled outside her door each evening when she started the praying (i know how awful that sounds now). My uncle did find himself a new lady & got married to her a number of years ago now. Nanna being not in the best health & living in a nursing home couldn't make it to the wedding but my uncle called her as soon as the wedding was over & they were about to go off on their honeymoon - she died within half an hour of him calling to say he was married.

                            The strength of willpower really is amazing.
                            keen but (slightly less) clueless


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