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I feel for my Neighbours


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  • #16
    Having known a few parents who have had kids with various needs (being prem or disabled etc), are there no support groups in the area?

    Sometimes just knowing others are or have gone through similar can help.

    Parents who have been in the system can be a great source of advice

    I wish them all the best



    • #17
      Round here the midwives can only see to you or the baby for a month after the birth, then the HV's take over.

      I hope the baby gets better. maybe they don't know how to handle her properly if she was in hospital with tubes and they are afraid they will hurt her? I was all fingers and thumbs for ages with both of mine, and that was without all the medics looking on too.

      My friend came round just after I had c-section adn put out my washig for me, wasn't allowed to bend or stretch and that was heaven at least she hung it like I do and not like OH who puts it up in his own style!



      • #18
        They had visits for a while the baby is now 2 months old, the outcome looks to be ok for the baby they are very positive. I think when you are in hospital for so long with a young baby you are in the care of the hospital even when you come home and as this is an on going problem, they have to go back tomorrow. The problem didnt come to light until the baby was a few weeks old so the midwives etc came and thats when they found out she had a hole in the heart, she wasnt sleeping, feeding, not putting on weight etc, she was about a month early but that was more to do with the mum being Ill and having a c section. Mum still isnt very well but I think thats the stress of it all, when she was in her 30's she had ME and thats why they put off having children until she was a bit better. Not having your parents or someone to share this with is disstressing enough. His mum didnt visit when the baby was born and when she finally did three weeks later she gave her a poke and said ello you. No support there either, they only have their friends to rely on and they are a very odd couple, but nice.
        I will pop in and see what I can do today.
        Gardening ..... begins with daybreak
        and ends with backache


        • #19
          I can't really offer any practical advice on what you should do, but if your neighbour needs her milk to dry up and needs advice you should have a breastfeeding support worker (either contact through HV/GP or through the NCT) who will help.

          Otherwise, just carry on with what you're doing - offer support but don't be offended if they turn you down. Just knowing that you're there wil give them the strength to get through this. Hope it all goes well for them and you.


          • #20
            Oh Jackie what a lovely neighbour you are. I am sure they appreciate you very much, it would mean the world to me to have someone like you if I had no family nearby. I would make some soup and give it to them in a flask, it might help them to keep their strength up.


            • #21
              Jackie - your neighbours are very lucky having you as a neighbour and friend. All you can do is do what you are doing, and be there for them.
              Bernie aka DDL
              Bernie aka DDL

              Appreciate the little things in life because one day you will realise they are the big things


              • #22
                Update on neighbours baby. She is now 12 weeks old and weighs 8lb and is going to Bristol tomorrow and the consultant will decide about her heart operation. I think I am more worried than they are. I havent seen them for a while as the baby has been in hospital all the time. I dropped a card in today to say I am thinking of them.
                Gardening ..... begins with daybreak
                and ends with backache


                • #23
                  Poor little scrap JackieJ. I hope all goes well for the baby and her parents. it's a shame when what should be such a happy time is spoiled with problems.

                  From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs.


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