today, i decided to try the rabbit with the chooks, to see if she could live with them, so she can have a basically touch free life ........ and a nice big run .... unfortunately, the damned thing took a chunk out of my wrist whilst i was getting her out...... blood everywhere, think it probably should have stitches, but i can't be bothered to go to the hospital, so have a big pad and a bandage on it ..... i really hate her grrrr
anyway, the babies were all out in the polytunnel, so i took her in with them and figured there was nothing for it but to let her out and see what happens, knowing the chooks can fly out of the way, and run fast, i figured it should be ok ....... so i opened the cat basket, and psycho came out and sat for a second, then just went mental running round trying to eat them ..... she flew through the air, more than they did
they just got into a mad panic and ran round sqeaking, so i had to pin her in the corner and get her out ...... it's so frustrating, i can't build 2 runs so she can live outside, there just isn't the room, i can't keep her in the house, cos she's just not safe to have loose, so she's mostly confined to her cage and the hallway, which isn't what i wanted at all, i daren't even get another rabbit, cos i think she'd kill it ....... she just seems so miserable all the time
and she's making me miserable, cos she's no fun to have around.
hoping i can get her to the vets shortly to see if theres anything they can think of, but if i'm being honest, i think she may actually have to be put down, which also wasn't what i had in mind when i got her
i've been putting it off hoping she may suddenly come round, but i really don't think it's gonna happen now.
anyway, the babies were all out in the polytunnel, so i took her in with them and figured there was nothing for it but to let her out and see what happens, knowing the chooks can fly out of the way, and run fast, i figured it should be ok ....... so i opened the cat basket, and psycho came out and sat for a second, then just went mental running round trying to eat them ..... she flew through the air, more than they did

they just got into a mad panic and ran round sqeaking, so i had to pin her in the corner and get her out ...... it's so frustrating, i can't build 2 runs so she can live outside, there just isn't the room, i can't keep her in the house, cos she's just not safe to have loose, so she's mostly confined to her cage and the hallway, which isn't what i wanted at all, i daren't even get another rabbit, cos i think she'd kill it ....... she just seems so miserable all the time

hoping i can get her to the vets shortly to see if theres anything they can think of, but if i'm being honest, i think she may actually have to be put down, which also wasn't what i had in mind when i got her
