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local 'recycling' centre is a joke


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  • local 'recycling' centre is a joke

    Dad took a load of plastic bags to the local recycling centre.

    He asked where to put them, and was told to just throw them in the general waste!

    And like a muppet.... he did.

    Honestly. I don't know why he didn't take them to tescos when he went shopping.

  • #2
    Our Local council is very good.
    Charnwood Borough Council - Recycling & Waste
    The river Trent is lovely, I know because I have walked on it for 18 years.
    Brian Clough


    • #3
      asda also offer recycling of carrier bags

      janeyo men are muppets
      Dont worry about tomorrow, live for today


      • #4
        Makes you wonder doesn't it? Our council have just done up our centre so there are more bins and places to sort out things. We are also going to have bi weekly collections from April which will mean that we have an extra wheelie bin for all our plastic, card, glass and tins and that the black bin is only emptied every other week. To ensure that food isn't sitting in a bin for two weeks they have asked people put that in the green bin to be composted. I think it might work though it is very dependent on people sorting their rubbish out properly. I also volunteer at our re use shop which is at the tip, this is run by Help the Aged and when people come down the tip they can donate good condition things so they can be sold and re used which is the best sort of recycling and this in turn raises money for old folks and some really wicked stuff gets donated. We use donated carrier bags in there to put things in.
        Last edited by miffy; 17-01-2009, 06:59 PM.
        When weeding, the best way to make sure you are removing a weed and not a valuable plant is to pull on it. If it comes out of the ground easily, it is a valuable plant. ~Author Unknown


        • #5
          Nearest asda is about 15 miles, nearest tescos about a mile,nearest recycling centre is about 4 miles, and he went there as he had other stuff to take and 'dump'.

          I think I might need to email the local coucil to find out if they have plans to make the recycling centre able to take things we actually want ro recycle!


          • #6
            Originally posted by miffy View Post
            Makes you wonder doesn't it? Our council have just done up our centre so there are more bins and places to sort out things. We are also going to have bi weekly collections from April which will mean that we have an extra wheelie bin for all our plastic, card, glass and tins and that the black bin is only emptied every other week. To ensure that food isn't sitting in a bin for two weeks they have asked people put that in the green bin to be composted. I think it might work though it is very dependent on people sorting their rubbish out properly.
            Our councill have been doing this for a couple of years. Black bin plastic rubbish non composting, Green bin card, food,Green and black boxes, tin in one and glass and plastic bottles in the other, we also have a kitchen caddy for food waste and I have a second one that I put uncooked food ( veg peelings etc ) and take to my big bin at the lottie. We also put paer etc out for them to collect but this has to be kept dry.
            We have places to put these bins but if you live in a small place no garden its very hard. At my sons flat they have really big bins for everyone and he was sorting out other peoples rubbish cos they couldnt be bothered and eventually the landlord sent letters out.
            Gardening ..... begins with daybreak
            and ends with backache


            • #7
              I live in a small village in the countryside...we have communal ordinary, two recycling for the cluster of houses down our end of the village - emptied every week - more often in summer - the recycling takes virtually everything that you would expect except metals, glass etc - there are two glass recyling bins in the village - metal, batteries etc you have to take to the dechetterie - about 6 miles away - you can take your composting stuff to the communal village compost bin - but i obviously have my own.....
              there is no excuse to not recycle - also the supermarket in town has a box for batteries at the door.
              i'm well impressed...........only downside is there are no charity shops (except for Emmaus and i havent found it yet) so nowhere to take old clothes, shoes etc - so am working on how to use them -
              Does everyone do what I do? which is
              a. Buy new item - where as best for perhaps a year
              c. Relegate item to second best - wear for shopping etc- perhaps another year.
              d. Relegate item further to third best - wear in house only - another year.
              e. Relegate item even further to wearing in the garden - until it falls apart.....


              • #8
                Originally posted by Jardiniere View Post
                I live in a small village in the countryside...we have communal ordinary, two recycling for the cluster of houses down our end of the village - emptied every week - more often in summer - the recycling takes virtually everything that you would expect except metals, glass etc - there are two glass recyling bins in the village - metal, batteries etc you have to take to the dechetterie - about 6 miles away - you can take your composting stuff to the communal village compost bin - but i obviously have my own.....
                there is no excuse to not recycle - also the supermarket in town has a box for batteries at the door.
                i'm well impressed...........only downside is there are no charity shops (except for Emmaus and i havent found it yet) so nowhere to take old clothes, shoes etc - so am working on how to use them -
                Does everyone do what I do? which is
                a. Buy new item - where as best for perhaps a year
                c. Relegate item to second best - wear for shopping etc- perhaps another year.
                d. Relegate item further to third best - wear in house only - another year.
                e. Relegate item even further to wearing in the garden - until it falls apart.....
                sellthem on ebay and buy yourself something nice
                Dont worry about tomorrow, live for today


                • #9
                  I had to give at least 5 binbags of clothes to the charity shop last year as I lost 3 stone and NOTHING fitted lol. I now have the prob of not wanting to wear 'good' clothes for the garden. I kept clothes to wear for dirty jobs but they rub, fall down etc so had to get rid of those too!


                  • #10
                    There really is no point in putting out stuff for recycling at the mo. Councils are stockpiling it because no-one wants to buy it now. Paper used to be worth loads per ton and now just a few �s. Councils don't have the facilities to actually recycle themselves, they sell it on to china etc (what do you think that does for your carbon footprint??!).


                    • #11
                      Cant use french e bay - different culture - different way of doing things- difficult language -
                      and have discovered i'm not recycling that much currently - started saving the plastic trays/loo rolls for the spring and loads is going on the fire to help keep us warm....also I WAS WRONG about how long clothes last - Ive got best clothes i bought over 10 years ago - Monsoon chinese style silk suit - how do you wear that to muck out the chickens?


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by tootles View Post

                        There really is no point in putting out stuff for recycling at the mo. Councils are stockpiling it because no-one wants to buy it now. Paper used to be worth loads per ton and now just a few �s. Councils don't have the facilities to actually recycle themselves, they sell it on to china etc (what do you think that does for your carbon footprint??!).
                        China sends large tankers full of goods that we buy, rather than sail back empty, they take the recyclable rubbish to China.
                        We dont need it because many more things or made in China.

                        At least thats the theory.



                        • #13
                          Our local council (Harbourgh) is good for recycling garden waste and cardboard.
                          We have 2 green wheelie bins that are collected once a fourtnight. We put garden waste, christmas trees and cardboard in it. They take it to the depot and turn it into compost in 16 weeks. We can then buy the compost off them.
                          I refuse to have a battle of wits with an unarmed person.


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