Some of you may remember I was held prisoner recently by a mouse lurking under my chair and not letting me put my feet down. Well, I finally caught it. Only I hadn't thought very hard about what I'd do with it if/when it was captured. My first duty was to tell the kids that NO, we were not getting it a cage and keeping it and NO, they couldn't take it out of the trap and play with it! My next job was to get rid of the bloddy thing. Once the kids were off to school, I heroically picked it up, trap and all and headed across two roads and a river to release it on the local common. It took me a while to be brave enough to open the trap but I eventually managed it and stood well back. The wretched thing wouldn't come out! We had a stand off for about ten minutes, then I started to worry that I was looking rather too much as though I was loitering with intent, so I took my life in my hands and tipped the trap up, then ran away. Only the Evil Mouse of Doom chased me!!! I can't remember when I last moved so fast. It was horrible!!! 
God knows what all the dog walkers thought of the crazy lady running around going 'ahhhhhh, wahhhhh, ooooooh, ahhhhhh!' and waving her arms about

I was feeling a bit guilty about banishing it from it's 'home' but after that, it can't get eaten soon enough, as far as I'm concerned

God knows what all the dog walkers thought of the crazy lady running around going 'ahhhhhh, wahhhhh, ooooooh, ahhhhhh!' and waving her arms about

I was feeling a bit guilty about banishing it from it's 'home' but after that, it can't get eaten soon enough, as far as I'm concerned
