I went to the hospital 2 weeks ago for a check on my ankle. They took my cast off and fitted a walking boot thingy with a curved sole, and told me to gradually put more weight 'through' the ankle and to take the boot off at night, and for going in the bath. I was scared to do a lot of this to begin with but I've gradually built up so that I was nearly walking on it. I was getting quite hopeful that it was on the mend...
Well, I woke up this morning after sleeping bootless last night, and had some pain down the right of my foot. Hey ho, I thought, must just be because it's used to being held immobile all night. So I took some painkillers and got ready for my hospital appt., which was for Xrays, and hopefully to sort out physio etc...
I didn't even get sent for Xray... The doc asked if I had any pain, so I explained that it was hurting a bit down the right-hand side, so he pushed it a bit, waggled it a bit, felt it a bit, and said "The bone is still soft...you shouldn't be putting any weight on it while the bone is still soft because it could dislodge the pin holding the joint together"
WHAT???!! So why did they tell me I should be walking on it???!!! And what if I have dislodged it already?
I've been told I have to have ANOTHER 3 WEEKS non-weight-bearing, sitting/lying down as much as possible with my foot elevated, THEN an Xray, then IF it is healing I have to have ANOTHER op to remove the pin, then MORE recovery time before I can even start physio....
I am feeling properly sh*t right now. I really thought I was on the road to recovery, but this is back to square one, and with another couple of miles added on at the end
Am sooo bored of sitting on the sofa, fed up with being stuck in the house, desperate to get on with my life...
If anyone can put a positive spin on this; suggest what I can do with myself for another month or so; has any ideas of how to make bones heal faster or stop my muscles wasting away, feel free to jump right in...
Well, I woke up this morning after sleeping bootless last night, and had some pain down the right of my foot. Hey ho, I thought, must just be because it's used to being held immobile all night. So I took some painkillers and got ready for my hospital appt., which was for Xrays, and hopefully to sort out physio etc...
I didn't even get sent for Xray... The doc asked if I had any pain, so I explained that it was hurting a bit down the right-hand side, so he pushed it a bit, waggled it a bit, felt it a bit, and said "The bone is still soft...you shouldn't be putting any weight on it while the bone is still soft because it could dislodge the pin holding the joint together"
WHAT???!! So why did they tell me I should be walking on it???!!! And what if I have dislodged it already?
I've been told I have to have ANOTHER 3 WEEKS non-weight-bearing, sitting/lying down as much as possible with my foot elevated, THEN an Xray, then IF it is healing I have to have ANOTHER op to remove the pin, then MORE recovery time before I can even start physio....
I am feeling properly sh*t right now. I really thought I was on the road to recovery, but this is back to square one, and with another couple of miles added on at the end

If anyone can put a positive spin on this; suggest what I can do with myself for another month or so; has any ideas of how to make bones heal faster or stop my muscles wasting away, feel free to jump right in...